


Born as balance guardian.

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The child of pain.Tiistai 12.09.2006 03:23

Through my black eyes
See the empty void
Made by so many lies
Framed in a polaroid

To stand here in hope
Is the fatal mistake
It´s cutting the lifesrope
To drown in a lake

What if a child of pain
Could bring salvation
Cease the pouring rain
Here in my nation

Never do wait for such
It´s a feral dog of war
Wreaking havoc so much
Always craving for more

I wear this chaos well
But for a terrible cost
I lie undiscovered in hell
Until another day is lost.
1. Millainen fiilis sinulla on tällä hetkellä? Blutengel - Chidren Of The Night (edit)

2. Mitä haluaisit tehdä? Pain Confessor - Life Keeps Bleeding

3. Mistä näit unta viime yönä? Blutengel - Vampire Romance (part 1)

4. Millaisena pidät itseäsi? Carpathian Forest - Defending The Throne Of Evil

5. Mitä ajattelet juuri nyt? Psyclon Nine - The Unfortunate

6. Mitä haluaisit sanoa ystävillesi? Nickelback - Throw yourself Away

7. Mikä saa sinut iloiseksi? Dame - Pony

8. Mitä teet huomenna? Disco Ensemble - This Is My Head Exploding

9. Mitä teet/ajattelet kun olet vihainen? Swallow The Sun - Through Her Silvery Body

10. Mitä rakastat/mistä pidät? VNV Nation - Darkangel

11. Miten osoitat tunteesi? Poets Of The Fall - Locking Up The Sun

12. Mitä teet viikonloppuisin? Psyclon Nine - As You Sleep

13. Missä olet? Before The Dawn - Disappear

14. Mitä haluaisit sanoa sisaruksillesi/vanhemmillesi? Hocico - Bizarre Words

15. Mitä näet? Turmion Kätilöt - Verta Ja Lihaa

16. Elämäsi tavoite? Numeralia - Seasoned

17. Mitä pelkäät? Keen - Sleeping Beauty

18. Mitä haluaisit sanoa vihamiehellesi? Disco Ensemble - Sleep On The Wheel

19. Minne mielesi tekee mennä? VNV Nation - Cold

20. Mikä on hienoa? Nickelback - Photograph

21. Mitä sanoisit rakastamallesi ihmiselle? Blutengel - Die With You

22. Mitä haluat tehdä itsellesi? Swallow The Sun - The Morning Never Came

23. Mikä mielestäsi tekee ihmisestä raivostuttavan? Poets Of The Fall - Someone Special

24. Syy siihen, mitä tunnet nyt? Klaus Badelt - Fog Bound

25. Mikä saa sinut ärtymään? Noumena - All Veiled

26. Elämäntilanteesi? Blutengel - Angels Of The Dark (remixed by lost area)

27. Mitä kehottaisit muiden tekevän? Hans Zimmer - Hello Beastie

28. Missä asut? Pain Confessor - Ruin

29. Missä haluaisit olla? Hans Zimmer - He´s A Pirate (Tiesto remix)

30. Mitä odotat huomiselta? Extol - Gloriana

31. Mitä näet kun katsot peiliin? Suicide Commando - Hellraiser (VNV Nation Remix)

32. Mitä ajattelet ihmisistä? Disco Ensemble - Masquerade

33. Mistä haaveilet? Noumena - The Great Anonymous Doom

34. Mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta? Before The Dawn - Blackdawn

35. Mitä haluaisit muiden ajattelevan sinusta? VNV Nation - Saviour

36. Mikä on tapasi rohkaista ihmisiä? In Strict Confidence - Industrial Love

37. Mikä on tärkeää? Blutengel - A Little Love

38. Mitä ajattelit viimeksi? Verjnuarmu - Kurjuuvven Valssi

39. Mistä sinut muistetaan? Psyclon Nine - Nothing Left

40. Mitä teet tämän jälkeen? Ruoska - Järvet Jäihin Jää

Vampirism is overrated.Perjantai 01.09.2006 15:24

People tend to romanticize vampirism everywhere. It´s really not that fancy. To drink blood all day and not eat anything else. Trust me, it doesn´t feel too nice when after a night of feasting you wake up your stomach full of blood and your mouth is filled with old blood that varies in color from red to brown and black. The taste isn´t very appealing. At least it´s not to my liking. And I really don´t feel all that vigorous afterwards....

Inspiration from a song.Perjantai 18.08.2006 04:10

Look around yourself. What do you see? My educated guess is that you see a full set of four walls, a floor and a ceiling. Perhaps a window, and whatever items you might have scattered around in the sorry room you sit in. What you don´t see is that the walls are closing in on you everytime you look away. Slowly they move to tighten your space. Inch by inch. Sometimes making a small sound, that gives you a chance to guess what´s happening. Then you finally realise that the walls have moved. You have to run in the darkness to escape. Don´t pointlessly look out your window in search of a light to guide your sorry way. Or something to fill your hollow soul. If you seek God to stand above you, wrapping healing arms around you, you´ll find a different deity in my walls. Not your God. Not a god of love, care, hope or words. Only a god of pain, suffering and tears. I look at you, amused by your prayers, and tie my hallowed bonds around your hands.

See the door. Run. Learn the truth and deny the lies. See the world through your own eyes and don´t stare through someone else´s.

Or let the walls come unto you and give yourself to your god. Sacrifice yourself again.

And ask yourself : What have you gotten to yourself? What have you given away?

The anomalyMaanantai 07.08.2006 02:44

I´ve seen some lights
During my time in rows
But with or without fights
They´ve all turned to crows

They go for my eyes
Alone or in great packs
Until the leader dies
It´s bones gone in cracks

From a small opening
In the dark stained clouds
A light leaves the ring
Comes through the shrouds

By the frozen lifegiver
It was made curled
The light is quicksilver
The fastest in the world.

Siis meitähän EI väsyttänyt :'DDKeskiviikko 02.08.2006 04:08

MiNa says:

MiNa says:
musta tuntuu...

Krios says:

MiNa says:

MiNa says:
mua pissattaa. ;'(

Krios says:

Krios says:
Voi lasta.... ;8

Krios says:
*pat pat hali*

MiNa says:
niiiii ;'(

MiNa says:

MiNa says:
miten tästä eteenpäin.. ;'(

Krios says:
en tiedä jonkun täytyy tuoda sulle kulhe siihen :S

Krios says:

MiNa says:
niin pitää.. muttaku kukaan ei kuitenkaa tuo ja päästän kohta alleni ;'(

MiNa says:

MiNa says:

Krios says:
Lähen ajaa samntien :O

Krios says:
veskiin ??? ;O;O

MiNa says:
voi kiitos <3 <3

MiNa says:

MiNa says:
en keksi muuta vaihtoehtoa..minun..täytyy..

Krios says:
Voi sit sun kai täytyy :S:S

MiNa says:
sanomme tässä kohtaa; hyvästi.. ;'(

MiNa says:
meen vessaan...

Krios says:
ehkä tapaamme vielä ;'(

MiNa says:
ehkä vielä kun aika on oikea.. ;'(

Krios says:
Jos toivut joskus.... ;'(

MiNa says:
niiin.. se vie varmasti aikansa.. ;'(

Krios says:
Koita kestää, pyydä tukea kun tarviit ... ;'(

MiNa says:
minä pyydän....mutta nyt.. täytyy mennä...palaan..ehkä... ;'(

Krios says:
Toivon kovasti... onnea matkaan lapsi.... ;'(

MiNa says:
kiitos...isä.. ;'(

Krios says:
Uskon sinuun tyttöni... ;'(

MiNa says:
tein sen... tein sen sinun vuoksesi... kaikki se tuska..vain sinun vuoksesi... mutta selvisin..entistä vahvempana, voit olla minusta ylpeä isä!

MiNa says:
ja arvaa mitä...

MiNa says:

MiNa says:
mansikkatuutin ^___^

Everytime I close my eyes....Maanantai 24.07.2006 03:27

When I was a small boy at the age ten or so.... perhaps slightly more, my mind was screaming. Whenever I tried to go to sleep and closed my eyes, someone or someones started to scream in terror inside my head. This could go on for hours before I got any sleep. Thus, my sleep amounts were nowhere near what I would´ve needed. I can no longer remember when the screams stopped, but soon afterwards I started to see disturbing dreams. Of blood and death. Suicides, murders and violent spontaneus deaths. I still see them. And now the screams are returning. I don´t hear them often yet.... but I fear it won´t stay that way.

Stare into me through the windows my eyes create and see a world built only on agony, pain and suffering. And It´s trying break out of the prison of my mind.

In My Sick DreamsTorstai 13.07.2006 14:32

Once again I saw very disturbing dream. I was walking in a desolate concrete landscape. There were no hills or elevation anywhere .The world was flat. I looked around seeing only emptiness over a concrete world. Then I saw something. Grey human figures that withered in the wind. They were standing still. But always when I looked the other way, they came closer. Fast. When I was close enough to see their facial figures, I could see that they were indeed ghosts. They looked injured and dead. When I got close to one, its soul started to scream. It sounded like six dying females screaming for their lives at the same time. I couldn´t bear it. All went black.

When I re-opened my eyes, two of my friends from work were in front of me. We were in place similiar to the one I work in, but with some differences. It was like the area was built in the same style as the place I work in. For the record, I work outdoors in place with a lot of concrete and asphalt. And here everything was again made out of concrete.

Then I saw the ghosts again. They started to move closer. I grabbed the hand of one of my friends and walked him toward the ghost. He couldn´t see it. We came very close to it and the screams started again. He couldn´t hear them. He walked right through the ghost. He turned completely blue and all his bones shone right through his skin. There was an expression of horror on his face. Then he fell down. He was dead.

Then I woke up.

To seek out light.Tiistai 11.07.2006 00:30

To seek out light. It is the most basic purpose of all life. Just place a flashlight next to a worm and it will make its way toward it. Now. Take the light away from it. It will remain still until it finds a new light to go toward. How is this different from humans? Let me illuminate the obvious distortion here. Humans sometimes refuse to go on. They stop living and stab themselves. As a figure of speech.

Why does this occur?

Why does every single animal and insect alike in this universe always seek a new reason to go on after losing the last one?

Because they are not as intelligent as humans. Now we can start wondering if intelligence actually is a good thing. I believe it´s not. The less you have brains, the less worries you have. If humans were just a tiny bit more stupid in general, they would just go seek light. And be happy. All depression would be gone. It would vanish into thin air.

Then. We move on to the point. Of course one point already is that humans are too intelligent for their own good. But this is not my actual point.

In my time I´ve seen lights go out.... been extinguished. For some time I´ve been searching for a new light. I have found an equivalent for a light suprisingly often. Too often. As my lights have a way of going out. I don´t mean they´re dead. They simply go away from me. And I´m tired of it. Sometimes I wish I had the brain capacity of a worm. Or that of a pig. As apparently 99,976873% of men and boys alike are pigs. To keep a good humour, I don´t say here what word defines the other gender, females, but they don´t reach much higher... I´m not sure if they even reach the same level.

Tuska Open Air Metal Festival 2006Sunnuntai 02.07.2006 23:54

Fucking marvellous. To hear music with such terrible sound quality that it is hardly even recognizable as music. To fill your lungs with sand and get a catacylismic headache. To smell urine in disgust. To look at drunken people while being sober yourself. To be still alone after all this. Fucking marvellous.