
Oma maa mansikkaMaanantai 19.10.2009 17:23

I had the most awful airport experience of my life in Budapest.. There were many problems but the worst was with a broken check in-machine. The officers couldn`t help me when the machines didn`t work and Icouldn`t get my boarding pass. Aagh, unbelievable :D The line to the desk was too long but luckily there were nice passengers who knew what to do. Thanks<3 I finally made it to Helsinki although I almost missed the flight.

Hungary was beautiful. My head is full of new culture, but in a good way.

Finnish coffee is still better ^__^

Partytime!Sunnuntai 11.10.2009 06:05

...Täst tulee varmaan myös väsyttävin loma ikinä :s

Wohoo!Lauantai 10.10.2009 00:22

Täst tulee joku paras loma ikinä :DDDDD Täältä tullaan, Budapest!

näkyy viikon parin kuluttua :)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.10.2009 05:58

Vielkään en oo leffaa nähny, mut Pulp fictionin soundtrack kyl on yksi kivoimmista levyistä päällä maan.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.09.2009 20:16

6 koetta jäljellä vielä enkä tee elettäkään lukeakseni. Mistä voisi ostaa motivaatiota? :p

Ahh, Kingdom hearts<33

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.09.2009 18:18

Siin vaihees ku vastaantulija kysyy "Mitäs muumio?" vois jo harkita nukkumista :D Sulais nää kahen kilon silmäpussit.

Mut hassunhauskaa oli keikalla kyllä!

Hyvää yötä

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 24.09.2009 20:11

Huh, voikohan ihminen viel stressaantuneempi olla :D vaik koulujuttui piisaa ei enskan keikkaa voi jättää väliin ^____^

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 20.09.2009 09:02

Nightwish - Live To Tell The Tale

A single grain can tip the scale
Amidst the burden the scale will prevail
Showing what`s worth being here
Storyteller by a hearth of stone
A white little creature purring me
My childhood kingdom gone in time
The islands filling my mind with blue
The one in speacial, heaven's court

All the joy unforgiven by this task

An errant soul, homeless and foul
All gone but the will to
Live to tell the tale

The days are filled with anxiety
Frustration, one right note a day
Where to find a perfect tune
Just do the work and take a step back

All the joy unforgiven by this task

An errant soul, homeless and foul
All gone but the will to
Live to tell the tale

Dark chambers of my mind
Locked around the neck of my love
None of you understand
And it doesn't matter
To a broken marionette like me

An errant soul, homeless and foul

An errant soul, homeless and foul
All gone but the will to
Live to tell the tale

Oh how I hate mykind
Have it all
Yet wish to die

Not mykind but the kind as you are
Saints in Cain's mask
I love you
I just did

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 20.09.2009 09:01

Nightwish ja Apocalyptica<3 :)) hienoa ja mahtavaa oli ja kaikkee semmosta..

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 04.09.2009 05:30

Ainiih tämmönenki paikka ku galleeria oli olemassa. Feissarissa on kivempaa niih ^^