


"Sä varmaan tiiät, et mul on vitun sama tietääkö se tehneensä väärin."

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Keskiviikko 15.07.2009 12:21

Fly, sway, go all the way
I'm in the same fate with you
I feel your beat all around
Wandering in the everlasting way

Tears fall, vanish into the night
If I'm a sinner...
Chivalry, show me the way to go

Rise, high, just feel alive
Say a prayer for you today
I still believe in your love
Trace the shadow of truth into the dark

Tears fall, vanish into the night
If I'm a sinner...
Chivalry, show me the way to go

Wandering my crying soul
Only you can wipe away my tears

Tears fall, vanish into the light...

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