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1Tym part 2Tiistai 22.12.2009 02:40

Can't let U go
Englannin kielinen käännös

I let out a sigh into this cold midnight air
My eyes are about to close, my figure is thin
When you were here, I was always searching for something
Without you, all IÂ’m feeling is pain in the dark
There isnÂ’t a trace of warmth
After you abandoned me, you turned your back
These nights, I canÂ’t fall asleep without tears
I lost my senses when I said those selfish words
I wasnÂ’t trying to send you away
You know me better than anyone else
And you know I didn't mean that
After giving up the world and everything else
You know I just can't let you go

I just can't let you go
I canÂ’t break away from you
I just can't let you leave
I donÂ’t have the courage to stand alone
I just can't let you go
Without you, I donÂ’t have a reason to live
This canÂ’t be true, this canÂ’t be the end
Please donÂ’t go

Everything used to be so perfect
I believed youÂ’d always be by my side
When you left me each night, IÂ’d wander around
YouÂ’d call me crying, and I missed them all
I made you follow me from behind
Then your eyes met with another
I believed my friendÂ’s foolish words, guys will always be okay
I lost you

IÂ’m not the same person after you left
I want to change everything back to itÂ’s place
Heaven, please send this message to her
I know I should but can't let you go

I just can't let you go
I canÂ’t break away from you
I just can't let you leave
I donÂ’t have the courage to stand alone
I just can't let you go
Without you, I donÂ’t have a reason to live
This canÂ’t be true, this canÂ’t be the end
Please donÂ’t go

I run fast, to try and stop you
So I can feel all of you in my arms
I want to wipe the tears from both eyes
So I can make your sadness dry up

I just can't let you go
I canÂ’t break away from you
I just can't let you leave
I donÂ’t have the courage to stand alone
I just can't let you go
Without you, I donÂ’t have a reason to live
This canÂ’t be true, this canÂ’t be the end
Please donÂ’t go

I just can't let you go
I just can't let you leave
I just can't let you go
ThereÂ’s no reason to live
This canÂ’t be true, this canÂ’t be the end
Please donÂ’t go

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