


cupid carries a gun
The Catacombs of New York - December 1905.

I have been putting off this final goodbye for so long. For many hundreds of years, at least. But now, as I walk the long stone passageway to where they are waiting. I know this is the right moment.

I am stronger today than I have ever been, and now it's time to show that strength. Not through violence; I learned long ago that violence merely begets more violence. No, today I have to show another kind of strength. And if we all have to die, so be it. Let us at least try to put aside our differences, and die together.
After all, we were friends - once.

But as soon as I enter the chamber where I left them, I see how things have changed. They are ragged now, driven insane, having spent so many centuries left alone chained to the wall with just one another for company and their own fears. With madness burning in their eyes, and their sane minds long gone, they moan and strain at their chains to reach me. They have degenerated far more than I could ever have expected. All they want now is to gain retribution, for they recognise me as their tormentor.

They reach out to grab me, but I know where to stand. Not like the last time...

I try to talk to them. I try to break through their madness, to tell them that the war is over, and that we are the only ones left. I tell them that our species has over-streched its limits, that we have committed horrible atrocities against one another, and against the humans, all in the name of a peace that never came. We have abused our power for our own gain. And we have become monsters. I tell them that we all have to die now, and that I have chosen to die with them. I tell them that this world no longer has a place for vampires. Our time has passed. Truth be told, it passed a long time ago.

One of them laughs. Unlike the others, he has just enough sanity left to call me a fool. He tells me I can't kill any of them. It's impossible. He laughs like a man who knows he's damned. He warns me that any attempt to destroy the species will merely result in my own destruction. He swears that he will one day feast off my flesh, ripping it piece by piece from my bones.

To him, I say nothing. I simply hold out my left hand and slowly unclench my fist. He smiles at first, but when he sees what I have, he screams, and the others start to scream too. But that's okay. It's what I expected; to die with them screaming all around me. Eventually we all have to go back to where we belong.

The light in my hand grows until it fills the room.

The war is over. We all died.

The End.




Ryan Matthew Dunn
June 11, 1977 – June 20, 2011


"I’ve accomplished everything I wanted out of life, like way beyond my wildest dreams. Anything from here on is just icing. Seriously, if you find out that I died tomorrow, I’m fine. Don’t be sad for me, because I’m not sad. I died with a smile on my face." -Ryan Dunn

This has such a powerful meaning to it. Because sometimes, it is too late to save someone, once you realize how much they’ve needed help, they’re already gone. When you realize you shouldn’t have said those last words to that person, that you could change those words. I often hear “oh they were such a wonderful person, they didn’t need to go this way”, here’s an idea, tell them these things while they’re still alive. It can make a difference, even a simple smile. Watch what you say to people, because you never know, that could be their last day on Earth.

HAVE I SAID ALL I CAN SAY?Torstai 07.06.2012 15:32


society: Everyone's beautiful.
society: Don't eat though, you don't want to get fat.
society: You don't eat? Anorexic freak!
society: You're a size 4? You're supposed to be a size 0!
society: You're an A cup? What are you, 8?
society: You're a C cup? That's my mums size.
society: You had sex?! Slut!
society: You haven't had sex? Hah, you're frigid!
society: You don't think you're pretty? Attention seeker!
society: You think you're pretty? Conceited much?
society: You believe in gay rights? Homo!
society: You don't believe in gay rights? Homophobic dickhead!
society: You're depressed? Attention seeker!
society: You cut yourself? Still attention seeking!
society: You can't go on? How much attention do you want?!
-someone kills themself-
society: Oh, they were so beautiful! Society sucks!

FULL OF BROKEN THOUGHTSLauantai 12.05.2012 04:48

If loneliness meant world acclaim,
Everyone would know my name
I'd be a legend in my time.

I never thought I needed help before;
Thought that I could get by - by myself.
But now I know I just can't take it any more.
And with a humble heart, on bended knee,
I'm beggin' You please for help.

I don't know where we went wrong,
But the feeling's gone
And I just can't get it back.
"Oi, Terry. Yeah, they know. Everyone knows now.
I'm on me own now. I can't go back...being that other person,
because that other person is dead.
Remember you said that?
Anyway, sorry I let you down.
Thank you for trying, Terry.
I love you."

"Chris, it's Jack. It was always Jack.
I wanted to tell you the truth, mate.
I really, really did. But just because I couldn't
don't mean I lied to you.
I hope you can understand that.
And I hope that you know, just how much you did for me.
So I'm just gonna say goodbye now.
You remember that girl?
Remember we saved that girl, mate?
You remember that?"