


Nihil Aliud Scit Necessitas Quam Vincere


- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 20.09.2008 13:28

What is it that we´re struggling for?
I don´t quite see it anymore
Life kicks us in the teeth
Yet something makes us crawl back for more...

Blood and tears upon the altars of our lives we shed
Blood and tears until the sweet release we share in death
Hours like days, weeks feel like years
Decades of Tears
Yet somehow...

We´ll lose the things we´re fighted for
Each rise is followed by a fall
We´ll lose the ones we love, the ones we most adore
Yet go on...We go on

Blood and tears upon the altars of our lives we shed
Blood and tears until the sweet release we share in death
Hours like days, weeks feel like years
Decades of Tears
Yet somehow everything seems so worthwhile
For a moment...for a moment...

What is it that we´re waiting for?
Looking forward to, preparing for?
Like kicks us in the teeth
Yet something makes us crawl back for more...

Blood and tears upon the altars of our lives we shed
Blood and tears until the sweet release we share in death
Hours like days, weeks feel like years
Decades of Tears
Yet somehow
Blood and tears upon the altars of our lives we shed
Blood and tears until the sweet release we share in death
Hours like days, weeks feel like years
Decades of Tears
Yet somehow everything seems so worthwhile
For a moment everything seems so worthwhile
For a moment...for a moment...

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.09.2008 11:03

The bells again...someone has died
The bells of the end toll to remind
that life´s but a race against time

At your back you´ll always hear
The Chariot of Time hurrying near
The faster you run the closer it comes
A pursuer you can not outrun

Hear these words I say:
- Make the most out of your day
For brief is the light on our way
On this momentary trail

Hear these words, awake:
- Make the most out of your day
For brief is the time, so brief is the time
that we´re allowed to stay

The bells again...whose turn this time?
To reach the end, yours or mine?
Each funeral just makes us realize
that life´s but a series of goodbyes

Hear these words I say:
- Make the most out of your day
For brief is the light on our way
On this momentary trail

(too late)

Hear these words I say:
- Make the most out of your day
For brief is the light on our way
On this momentary trail

Hear these words, awake:
- Make the most out of your day
For brief is the time, so brief is the time
that we´re allowed to stay

Life passes by, melts away like snow in the spring
We all are blind to the running of time

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.09.2008 10:59

The accusations and the blame
True or false, they seem the same
Filthy fingers, rising rose
And out of shit a flower grows
I'm amazed how damn low
People can go only by being themselves

Those with hearts of Ever-frost
Always know we never lost
Flames rose high...
Not enough to melt the ice
Tiny minds and virtuous whores
Bunch of morons with a cause
"Jesus saves?" - We will piss upon your graves

Three wise men came to the north
On they donkeys they rode forth
Whining I'd committed sins
Moaning I'm to everything
Still amazed how our whole trio on link
Can have only two brain cells

Those with hearts of Ever-frost
Always knowing ever lost
Acid rain, urine on your flames
Urine on your flames

Those with hearts of Ever-frost
Always know we never lost
Flames rose high...
Not enough to melt the ice
Tiny minds and virtuous whores
Bunch of morons with a cause
"Jesus saves?" - We will piss upon your graves

Placid rain, urine on your graves

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.09.2008 10:54

This path that I've chosen's a rocky one
Long, hard and frozen it has become
Each turn that I've taken on the way
has only led me back to Hell
I am dying down growing weaker now
It could seem that I'm doing fine
but I'm broken to little pieces deep inside

Why did I ever choose to go this way
The question I keep asking myself all the time
I guess it was my instinct for self-destruction
that pointed me down this way

The fire in my eyes is dying
and the dream I had is gone

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.09.2008 10:53

She was no longer precious to me
I guess my hate grew much stronger than my love for her ever did
(I was) so tired of chasing that person who made me feel loved
and as we were embracing I cut and spilt the dearest blood

I'm praying for her soul as this blood on my hands stains me whole

You were my life, from you I fed of
And now parted by knife - the suicide of our love
So callous and frigid was that stillborn soul
yet no other half could ever make me whole

You promised: "'til death do us part", and then you made a stone of my heart
And with the last rays of the setting sun the loveless pulse fades away
No more beating as one, no longer burns the flame

This truly happened.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.09.2008 23:10

The Norwegian of rank
In the court of The Prince
I was convinced

Your welcoming smile
Made all worthwhile
The sweat and the pain

Bathing in gold
Endless rooftops unfold
The sun sets for a while just to rise again

Great halls
Great halls
Greatest of all, Miklagard

The Heart of TurisasTorstai 11.09.2008 22:57

At the tables of the North
Man is used to blizzards and storms
Their arms are tempered by the work of their swords
Gallantness and faith fills their hearts

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of honour, with a hammer of blood
The four winds pounded

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of courage, with a hammer of sweat
The four winds pounded

Over vast steppes
Horsemen ride for day and night
With honour and glory in their minds
The Eastmen ride

Under the sun
The soldiers of the South sing their songs
Endless scorching deserts
Have trained these men

Take this sign into Your heart and be brave
Let it lead You to Your glory or Your grave

Hear Me, My warriors
Soldiers from all the edges of the world
Let us join Our forces
To an army, united

The four winds guide Us
The heart of Turisas leads Our way
Our drums echo: Forward march
Our horns cry for victory

Beyond the ocean
The warriors of the West bend their bows
In the name of the Eagle
These brave men fight

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of glory, with a hammer of tears
The four winds pounded

Mie en kaipaa muita.Keskiviikko 10.09.2008 00:39

Mie en välitä mitä mieltä miusta ootte.En niin paskaakaan.Mie en tarvi teitä.Te että tarvi miua.Mie tarvin vaan itteni.Ja mettää ja luontoa.Ja rauhaa.Mukavinta, mitä miulle on tapahtunu oli se, ku sain olla yksin viikon mökilla.Koiran kanssa siis.Oli niin rauhallista, ei ääntäkään sielä mettässä.Ei ääntäkkään.

Sauna.Sitä mie tartten myös.Sauna, Mökki ja luonto.Kaukana kaikesta.Keskellä ei-mittään.Ja sivussa siitäki.

Ei telkkaria.Ei tietokonetta.Ei nettiä.Ei postia.Ei laskuja.


remppa on masokisteilleKeskiviikko 23.07.2008 17:30

ei mee mullakaan hyvin.kämpän rempassa rikoin loisteputkii että ne sopis roskasäkkiin, ja eiköhän sitä jauhetta menny silimiin ja henkeen. myrkytyskeskukseen mars. ja sitte, viikon päästä koolattiin kattoa ja sahattiin koolausrimat oikeen mittasiks siel katonrajassa. mie seisoin siinä alla ja tottahan se saha putos. terä suoraan vasempaan olkapäähän.43 haavaa.hauska tulehdus.sitte, koolatessa kans. olin taas auttamassa ja annoin semmosia palikoita. yks ei oikeen sopinu ja pakkohan sitä piti sohia, sehän ment melkeen läpi mun käsivarresta.4 tikkiä.sähköhommissa sain 340 volttia irtonaisesta johdosta.irrottivat miut lyömällä lankulla olkapäähän.poltin selän uimassa ja kädet kuumaliimalla.tipahin mökin katolta ja mursin nimettömän vasemmasta kädestä.äiti raahas mut kaikkiin rovaniemen sisustusliikkeisiin että mikä lattia.kaappi kaatui päälleni ja meni roska äsken silimään.

on mulla kivaaki ollu.kävin tulva aikaan palelluttamassa jalat koivusaaressa.

näättekö? ei musta vaan pääse eroon.

ainii...sammuin iskänluona ja aamulla olin niin jurrissa että nukuin ja oksensin koko päivän.
jes. oli kiva kesä.

ei luottoa kellekkään...Maanantai 09.06.2008 10:05

kai teistäkin sitten jotain hyötyä on...
älkää ottako tätä kehuna, sillä suurin osa teistä on sen verran haitaksi, että olisin mieluiten ajattelematta olemassaoloanne.osa teistä on vaaraksi vapaalle tahdolle(esim. äiti)toiset, taas(huokaus)ovat miltei pidettäviä,mutta voi, jos menet tuon kirotun sanan poistamaan pidetyn edestä, pidetty muuttuu pian vihatuksi(näin siis oman kokemuksen pohjalta)joskus taas pidetty on samaa mieltä sinusta(harvdmmin tavattu, ei aiempaa kokemusta) niin sittenhän on juhlat pystyssä, kunnes huomaat, että pidetty henkilö on ruma tai muuten epäkelpo, alkaapi koko ruljanssi alusta.niinhän siinä aina käy.ei niihin voi koskaan luottaa.alahampaita niille näyttäkää.
- Vanhemmat »