Tämä on tuotosta viime yönä kun odotin Tiamatia, nukahdin ja säpsähdin hereillä ja tämä tuli mieleen... Harvemmin sitä runoja tulee kirjoitettua mutta poikkeus vahvistaa säännön xP
I feel lonely
(I have many friends
At school
At theater
Some are nearer
Some are farer
Some are Â’bout 1km from me
Some are Â’bout 77km from me
I have most lovely man ever
I have two most lovely friends in the world
I have mum with me and dad farer
I have sister and her children with me and brother farer
I have schoolmates at school
I have very odd imaginary
I have life which is the best life I have
What I donÂ’t have is
Long walks at night with my best friends
Long talks at night with my best friends
Long talks with my mother
Long talks with my fater
Long talks with my sister or her children
Long talks with my brother
Long talks with my darling
Long talks with my imaginary people
Long sessions with my imaginary
Or a dog
Why I feel lonely?
Aika kiva vaikka itse sen sanonkin ^^
(turha vineä enkusta jos siellä on virheitä. Kirjoitin sen joskus 2 aikaan yöllä enkä jaksa alkaa korjaamaan jne.)