Sain tälläisen sähköpostin:
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Lähettäjä: Dr.Louis Jones <>
Lähetetty: 9. syyskuuta 2006 0:44:58
Vastaanottaja: undisclosed-recipients:
Aihe: Reply Back investors wanted
| | | Saapuneet
Greetings to you,my name is Dr. Louis Jones, I am the financial controller to the former Liberian president, Mr.Charles Taylor, who is to be tried in Den Haag, the Netherlands for accusations including involvement in war crimes in Liberia and other neighbouring countries like Sierra Leone.
Before Mr Taylor was apprehended by the United Nation's Security Council, he instructed me to look for a capable investor for his stashed US$120m for a period of 5 years. As a result, I seek someone with reputable business acumen, in return for a 3% (non-negotiable) of the total sum for his/her time and a 10% stake (of the remaining 97%) in the business investment.
The contract can be renewed after five years if the business is viable. If you are prepared to undertake this business for Mr. Taylor, contact me. Otherwise, kindly disregard this proposal and accept my earnest apology.
Please note that for a fair judgement to be passed on Mr Taylor, this transaction must be kept strictly confidential.
Dr.Louis Jones
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