


Wannabe Daywalker

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So... Why male models?Lauantai 04.08.2007 00:22

so far it's been really nice here... mom left to the woods (ie the cottage) today and i'm alone with Butterfly Ears... it's wonderful to be with the little creature, i haven't seen her for so long time and she looks more beautiful every time i look at her.

i found myself a nice large cup to drink tea from (i've become a teaholic) and since mom visited the city at morning, i now have my yukata fabric. i've got good books to read and i managed to find nrj station from the radio. right now i'm hearin' 30 seconds to mars's from yesterday, goody~.

only couple of thing bother me; first, the tv only shows channel 2, mtv3 and nelonen (well eurosport too but i won't count it) so i'm not able to watch simpsons. second, even though i found a headphone to the computer, the machine won't show me any anime from net. it was the same with my sister's computer, so apparently i'm only allowed to watch anime at home (maybe it's better that way). and third, the walls around here aren't that thick and people walk outside all the time so i can't sing aloud, although Butterfly Ears is probably happy about that.

even so, these aren't big deals and generally i'm enjoying my time, though i feel much more cousy at home. but the big sofa's here, Butterfly Ears is here and the big soft bed is here so nothing really to complain.

now i'll head to the sewing machine and get the light pink yukata on its way... cheers.

"On a mountain he sits, not a gold but of sin."

i believe we are losing focus...Perjantai 03.08.2007 01:02

heyy, i'm here at mom's place now! the computer's pretty sucky compared to my laptop lover, but it gets me to net and stuff.

we visited the city before but all the fabric stores were closed already so i didn't get my yukata fabric yet *horror*. but we'll get it tomorrow if mom dares to enter the city (it's the neste rally thingy this weekend here) or at least by monday... that would mean i'm in a bit of hurry cause i'll come back home tuesday... it's not like i wouldn't be able to do the whole thing myself (my imagination knows no bounds when it comes to stuff like this) but i don't own a sewing machine so i would have to do it by hands. not impossible, but slow.

so, what else? a half-anniversary... but i feel pretty much nothing when it comes to that. or annoyance at best.

oh yeah, we dyed my hair just now. it's supposed to be mahogany but with my hair, i won't promise anything.

Jakotsu: Two of us have passed away already... From seven, that leaves us with only four.

Renkotsu: *annoyed* Seven minus two is FIVE.

Jakotsu: Huh?! Wait... *counts with his fingers*

yeahiknowobsessed. but sheesh, i can't help laughing at that scene... okay i'll just go now before i get too carried away with this subject...

You're hardly in any position to be laughing!Keskiviikko 01.08.2007 20:52

had so much fun with my honeys, Cheeta and Lestat... thanks again babes<3 we watched a lot of vhs-movies and talked about important things, such as the anatomy of a condom wrapper. i also managed to do some black magic with a black wig in order to make it a Jakotsu-wig. i say it again, his hair is humanly impossible to exist. but i'll do my best...

then after they left i cruised around in a... well, i have no clue what it would be in english... kirpputori. i found black and bright red nail polish, only two euros a bottle. yay! i also got a paperback copy of Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception (in finnish tho') for a ridiculous price of one euro.

then i bought a positively horrible purple gollege shirt for two euros. the woman who sold it to me gave me a little suspicious look, but i hope she doesn't think i'm actually gonna wear such a terrible piece of crap. no, it's purely material for my Jakotsu outfit... more specifically for the hand thingy (i don't even know how to call it in finnish) if something's left after that, we'll see... i'm gonna wash the shirt before cutting it to pieces. it smells horrible, like all the clothes bought from such places, and how can i know what kinda pervert owned it before me?

i guess my Jakotsu obsession is getting a bit oveload; more specifically, i'm losing my soul to him. sooner or later i'm even gonna get Cheeta and Lestat beg for me to shut up about him... o_O i apologize in advance, sweethearts. i just cannot help myself, it makes me so happy to obsess over him ^^ i have the power to make my obsessions grow into something really serious, that's the way it's always been.

i could always blame Ropecon for it getting more serious lately, cuz if i'm gonna dress as Jakotsu, i obviously need to know every little thing about him, right? but i wouldn't be so sure it's gonna slow down even after the weekend. truly, the school is gonna start soon so i won't be having the lazy days used only to lie on couch and look at anime, but whaddaya think i'm gonna do when it's finally time to relax? haa haa.

the point is, even if no one cares, that i just feel so much better when i have something to think about, someone to admire and something to bring beauty into my life (he _is_ beautiful, and the story). i haven't been angsty at all since who knows how long. yes, it might also be because of the summer. but this is getting way off the line, so i rest my case.

oh yeah, i'm gonna go to mom's place tomorrow for the weekend. there's a computer and stuff but i'm mostly gonna make my yukata so i won't be hanging around here all the time. peace out.

"Shut up and fight, freak."Tiistai 31.07.2007 15:07

(Inuyasha is being impolite... Jakotsu ain't a freak, he's just a misunderstood weirdo ^^ no, i don't have obsessions. you're imagining it.)

*cough* so in the end i went to sleep at five am... at that point my head was starting to hurt a bit, but hey, i had a great night! i guess i could tell you what i was doing the whole time but you would start that nonsense babbling about obsessions again... shame on you.

i also don't have obsession over the word "obsession".

haa haa. but hey, in mere... hour and a half i'm gonna see my dear Jakotsu-faces ^^ we're gonna have fun, lessee if they can stay awake for a bit longer this time :D i don't really have problem with staying up all night if there's something to do... there's plenty of time to sleep when school begans again *rebel laugh*

i remember another interesting conversation we had, it was back when we were watching... what's the english name? Queen of the Damned, i think. good one. anyways, the sexy vampire Lestat was on the screen and we found ourselves strongly agreeing about his looks.

K: Se on hot...

S: Se ON hot...

M: Se muuten ON hot!

x) yeah, it was in finnish. boo hoo.

there's one obsession i'm willing to admit to great audience: the way i start to drool every time i see a good-looking guy with long dark hair... it's a bit scary, i guess, the hair thing... i kinda melted on the floor the first time i saw from yesterday-video by 30 seconds to mars, with Jared Leto and his dark hair... mmmm *drool*

also the dark-haired guy in HP and Oo/tP movie... the one who only had one line xD and the young Snape... Loony was perfect in the movie, by the way.

this isn't making any sense anymore. i'll just go now.


Well look who's a demon again.Tiistai 31.07.2007 06:14

yay, my internet works! i feel so joyful and sadistic i'm gonna do another week of english only-mode in here! there's lots of things to be joyful for now, like the fact i'm gonna meet Gang Jakotsu-faces again tomorrow, my internet works, i'm gonna see miss Butterfly Ears this weekend, my internet works, next weekend i'm gonna dress as Jakotsu for Ropecon, my internet works, and i found inuyasha vol. 28 from library this morning and drooled over it all the way home.<3

life's good at times like this! i spend 85 fucking euros for a stupid black box that doesn't cooperate with me and i'm still so happy i keep smiling even though i'm all alone and it's the middle of night.

i guess i'm just plain fool. but a happy fool, and that's what matters. ^^

so long suckersPerjantai 27.07.2007 18:03

heh. joo häivyn kotiin taas, nettiin pääsen seuraavan kerran tarkemmin määrittelemättönänä ajankohtana, kun nettiyhteys alkaa himassa toimia. tai sitten kun menen käymään äidin luona. toivon ensimmäisen tapahtuvan pikemmin.

siihen saakka kuitenkin, peace out ja muuta scheissee.

värisokeudesta puheenollen...Keskiviikko 25.07.2007 23:03

Mirva: Okei se Jakotsun yukata on vähän ongelmallinen... Ensinnäkin se väri. Virallisesti se on ilmeisesti suunnilleen vaaleenpinkki... Mut mä oon aina nähny sen pikemminki vaaleen VIOLETTINA.

Sari: *hämmästyneenä* Eikse ookkaan valkonen?

Krisse: Mun mielestä se on sellanen vaaleen persikanvärinen...

Mirva: *reps* Just niin.

tämä keskustelu käytiin jo muutama viikko sitten mutta satuinpahan muistamaan sen nyt xD ilmeisesti ihmiset siis tosiaan näkevät värit eri tavalla :D (itse näen edelleen vain vaaleenvioletin ja vain silmiä siristämällä se muistuttaa pinkkiä...)

who's a good pig?Maanantai 23.07.2007 21:25

hehei, täällä taas. ketään varmaan kiinnostakaan xD puhun siis itsekseni jälleen. scheisset siitä.


xD kiitos jälleen ihanasta leffaillasta Jakotsut <3

ögh. olen ihan jäässä. ihan varmaan mulla oli mielessä jotain kirjotettavaa mutta hukkasin sen. heh.

Ropecon elokuussa... yay! siitä tulee hauskaa *sormien naksauttelua ja pirullinen hymy* mwahahahaa.

"Eat this! Ruyyraisen!"Torstai 19.07.2007 13:07

joten, tänään täältä himaan iltapäivällä, ja luultavasti ilman nettiyhteyttä, heh heh. joten ilmestyn tänne seuraavan kerran taas sunnuntaina tai luultavammin maanantaina...

siitä huolimatta ihana päästä välillä hiljaisuuteen... ja toivon mukaan kohdata Jakotsunaamaiset toverini leffan ja pöllöilyn merkeissä ^^ joka tapauksessa on rentouttava ajatus päästä ensi yöksi omaan hiljaiseen kämppään, tutulle... no ei sängylle mutta vuodesohvalle. ja ennen kaikkea, säästyn Eetun kaverisynttäreiltä. ei valmisteluissa mitään vikaa mutta en tosiaankaan ole siinä mielentilassa että kestäisin kuutta räkänokkaista huligaania hajottamassa taloa silkalla volumella...

joten pako on tarpeen, vaikka se virallisesti tapahtuukin huomisaamuisen siedätyksen vuoksi xD

olkaa ihmisiksi myös kirjakauppojen jonoissa. au revoir for now!

Biisi: Abarero!! (Jakotsu and Bankotsu image song)
kyllä, olen edelleen töissä. miksen saisi välillä ottaa tietsikkataukoa, kun lapset leikkii kiltisti?

Julia: Mulla vuotaa verta nenästä.
Minä: Tuo se tänne...

olen myös onnistunut sivistämään kolmikon vanhimmaista, Eetua 9v, mangan ja animen hienouksista. eläköön henkevät keskustelut, joita käymme illalla kun vanhemmat ja pikkusiskot ovat nukkumassa. poika tosin on enemmän kiinnostunut Pirates of the Caribbeanista, jonka sai viime viikolla katsoa ensi kertaa eläessään (arvatkaa kenen pidellessä kädestä kiinni jännissä kohdissa). seuraavana iltana leffa oli tietysti katsottava uusiksi, ja koska käsistäpitelijä keskittyi Marie Antoinetteen, poika katsoi filkan yksin omassa huoneessa. seuraukset:

Eetu: *hiipii omasta huoneestaan* Mua ei pelota, mutta voisko joku tulla kattomaan tota leffaa mun kanssa?

se siitä. noh, torstaina jälleen pyörähdän himassa, toivoen että nettiyhteys pelaa.