


are for kids. Silly rabbit.

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PrologueKeskiviikko 07.04.2010 23:55

This one's for you friend if you
like the moon,
good tunes and old cartoons.
All good for you.
And even after a night at the bar,
you watch the stinging stars,
piercing you right in the heart.
And you realize this may not
last for long
'till the ding dong.
So you best go strong, sing songs,
wear thongs 'till the others live on
and you're born again in Hong Kong
where you'll like ping pong,
your friends, reading and the sound
of a gong.
Well anyway,
we all look for one thing and one thing only,
and that's not to feel lonely, so hold me.

I'll do my best
to deserve your love.

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