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Total BlissLauantai 19.01.2013 00:26

Heia heia!Maanantai 14.01.2013 16:14

Rakkaus ei ole mitään puoliksiSunnuntai 13.01.2013 22:16

Rakkaus on KAIKKI kokonaan

Kiitollinen mieli on avain paratiisiinPerjantai 11.01.2013 02:21

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.01.2013 02:48

Easy test, say Yes.Perjantai 04.01.2013 22:28

Native SpiritPerjantai 04.01.2013 22:15

UpeaaLauantai 29.12.2012 05:11

Heaven letterPerjantai 28.12.2012 17:56

Constant reflection and meditation on the Self until your last breath will liberate you from the samsara forever. After liberation, you will have the firm conviction that the "I am", the personal self, is an illusion and that the samsara is also an illusion. All is your own projection, a trick of the mind. You will remain quiet in your eternal, blissful Self and you will never return to the samsara again. Self is here and now. Have this firm conviction at all times: "I am eternal Self, I am eternal Reality." Your long journey back home ends here, in satsang, in association with Truth, beauty, love and existence. Fall in love with the unchanging, permanent nectar of Self. Do it now and today!

~ Sri H. W. L. Poonja (Papaji)