


-sano vaan, jos uskallat-

syksy tulee......Torstai 14.08.2008 17:00

I don't want to need you
I don't want to feel this pain inside me
I have had enough of desperation and the anger
'cos it always makes me cry
I want you to leave my mind alone
isn't that enough you got my heart broke
I should have known our love was gonna die
but still you made me dead inside

I'm searching some kind of light
into my so called life
It doesn't excist
but it did
it was before you
You did that all to me
you made me feel that I'm nobody
You wripped the heart out of my chest
and laughed when you saw it was crying

But I needed you
and did I love you
I don't excist anymore
'cos you killed me

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