
Oh snacky babe, don't let it happen <|3Maanantai 25.10.2010 18:12

Oh I know, that I will die for you
Can't you see my deep emotions
Tears may go but I'm lonely too
My love is just like the ocean
Oh please come back to me
'Cause I won't dying for nothing
Oh you're not blind to see
Oh I won't dying for nothing

Oh my babe, don't let it happen
Oh please come back to me

<3 S <3 I'll be missing U allready <|3Maanantai 25.10.2010 18:07

Deep in my heart, there's a fire - that's a burning heart
Deep in my heart, there's desire for a start
I'm dying in emotion
It's my world in fantasy
I'm living in my, living in my dreams

You're my heart, you're my soul
I keep it shining everywhere U go
You're my heart, you're my soul
I'll be holding you forever, stay with you together

You're my heart, you're my soul
Yeah, a feeling that our love will grow
You're my heart, you're my soul
That's the only thing I really know

Let's close the door and believe my burning heart
Feeling allright, come on, open up your heart
I'll keep the candles burning
Let your body melt in mine
I'm living in my, living in my dreams

YEEAAHH !!Keskiviikko 20.10.2010 21:40

Partyy to day ! ;) Jotkut tietää mitä se ilta tuo tullessaan mulle :P:P ;) Harmi kun Janni ei voi juoda :( Mutta lupautui katsomaan sitten meidän perään :DDD Hardy partyyy ;P agaiiinnn :'DD join jo tossa viikon ja nyt taas :P
1. Mistä luulet heteroseksuaalisuutesi johtuvan?
2. Milloin ensimmäisen kerran huomasit, että saatat olla hetero?
3. Oletko kertonut tästä vanhemmillesi? Mitä he siitä ajattelevat?
4. Johtuuko heteroseksuaalisuutesi siitä, että sinulla on riittämätön isä- tai äitihahmo?
5. Voisiko oikeasti olla niin, että heteroseksuaalisuus on vain ohimenevä vaihe?
6. Pelkäätkö oman sukupuolesi edustajia?
7. Voisiko olla mahdollista, että tarvitset vain hyvän lesbo/homo-rakastajan?
8. Vaikka yhteiskunta antaa kohtuullisen paljon tukea avioliittoinstituutiolle, avioerojen määrä on kasvussa. Miksi heteroilla on niin vähän vakaita ihmissuhteita?
9. Heterot tuntuvat olevan kovin onnettomia. Oletko sinä harkinnut terapiaa?
10. Miksi yrität väkisin vietellä muita heteroseksuaalisuuteen?
11. Miksi teet asiasta niin suuren numeron? Etkö voi pitää seksuaalisuuttasi omana tietonasi?
12. Yli 90% lapsiin sekaantujista on heteroseksuaaleja. Eikö sinusta tunnu pahalta antaa lapsesi koulutus hetero-opettajan käsiin?
13. Yhdyntä seksissä on yleisintä heteroilla. Etkö pelkää AIDSia?

Down, Down, Down, DownLauantai 25.09.2010 19:49

Sick of crying, tired of trying, yeah IÂ’m smiling but inside IÂ’m dying.
"Hyvin suuri on äidin huoli
Douppiin ainua poika kuoli
Ikkunassa musta keinutuoli
Ja siinä istuu mielipuoli"

You, my sister <3Tiistai 21.09.2010 01:16

It makes my eyes cry
When I think what we had before
And how we are now on friendly terms
Always took less than the hard
Always when we fight over, and
Reconciliation was not
Now is a good, even when I have a sister
Whom I can talk to, who listens to
Even if I play at night
As if once
Eyes Wetted now
When I think what you are to me
I am grateful to you
You're out there
But, please
Do not get angry allways
And I cry now..
I've felt that I'd be losing my mother
The case was adjusted
Now I feel like I've lost my brother
Case can not be corrected
Why it's me who tries to keep together the interim?
Why does not anyone help me?
My brother makes me really sad
Just as I would have no other worries sponsor
Still, no one is listening
Nobody cares
I'm all alone
Nothing seems to Nothing
I'll try to fix välimme
But if it does not change anything
I can not do more
I do not, then too tired to try anymore
A broken heart is not much of an issue to help
But, my dear brother, you'd be involved in

One real love...Tiistai 21.09.2010 00:07

One day I wake up
Gone without a trace
I refuse to give up
I refuse to give in (now)
You're my everything
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give in
Late at night I'm still wide awake
Feeling this is one more than I can take

If u come back..Tiistai 21.09.2010 00:03

For all this time
I've been loving you boy
Oh yes I have
And ever since the day you left me here alone
I've been trying to find
Oh the reason why
And I swear
If you come back in my life
I'll be there till the end of time
And I swear
I'll keep you right by my side
Cause baby you're the one I want
I watched you go
You've taken my heart with you
Oh yes you did
Every time I tried to reach you on the phone
Baby you're never there
Girl you're never home
Maybe I didn't know
How to show it
And maybe I didn't know
What to say