


ajatus virtaa lima kalvoilla

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Ajatuksia päivään.Torstai 26.05.2011 08:45

"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid." ~Albert Einstein

“If you are not conscious of all of the different parts of yourself, the part of yourself that is the strongest will win out over the other parts. Its intention will be the one that the personality uses to create its reality.” ~ Gary Zukav, Seat of the Soul

"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way." ~ Wayne Dyer

"Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it." ~ Steven Pressfield

"The world of spirit is the source of all power. There never was and never will be any other source of power. What the world calls power is really fear that leads to manipulation and control of others, which in turn leads to violence and suffering.

Real power is the power to create, the power to transform, the power to love, the power to heal, and the power to be free. Real power comes from our connection to our deepest self, to what is real." ~ Deepak Chopra

"You must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being.
This true essence is beyond the ego.
It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery and enchantment." ~ Deepak Chopra

"Ever since happiness heard your name it has been running through the streets trying to find you." ~ Hafiz

"Dance is hidden language of the soul" ~ Martha Graham

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." ~ Lao Tzu

"A relationship won't make you happy - YOU make you happy and it is reflected back to you." ~ Bashar

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." ~ Nietzsche

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.05.2011 06:23

Olen mahtava.

Metsääään!Lauantai 21.05.2011 17:33

Tullaan takas jos tullaan.

Loistava päivä.Torstai 19.05.2011 03:14

Haettiin mulle arvauskeskuksesta kepit ja aika huomiselle. Harrastettiin rehellistä paskan jauhantaa, älyllistä keskustelua(harvinaista täällä päin.) sekä tutustutimme toisiamme uusiin musiikkeihin. Taisivat olla neljännet tai viidennet treffimme. Ihanaa, olisin korviani myöten pihkassa jos olisin heikko.

Kuha. - Opi tuntemaan sienet

Aamun avaus.Sunnuntai 15.05.2011 14:35

Siinä kyllä mies pitelee kitaraa intohimoisemmin kuin kukaan toinen naista ennen.

What the fuck.Perjantai 13.05.2011 04:34

Dancing mania (also known as dancing plague, choreomania, St John's Dance and historically St. Vitus' Dance) was a social phenomenon that occurred primarily in mainland Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It involved groups of people, sometimes thousands at a time, who danced uncontrollably and bizarrely. They would also scream, shout, and sing, and claim to have visions or hallucinations. The mania affected men, women, and children, who danced until they collapsed from exhaustion. One of the first major outbreaks was in Aachen, Germany, in 1374, and it quickly spread throughout Europe; one particularly notable outbreak occurred in Strasbourg in 1518.

Affecting thousands of people across several centuries, dancing mania was not a one-off event, and was well documented in contemporary reports. It was nevertheless little understood, and remedies were based on guesswork. Generally, musicians accompanied dancers, to help ward off the mania, but this tactic sometimes backfired by encouraging more to join in. There is no consensus among modern-day scholars as to the cause of dancing mania. The several theories proposed range from religious cults being behind the processions, to people dancing to relieve themselves of stress and put the poverty of the period out of their minds. Some believe that dancing mania lives on today, in forms such as all-night raves, laughing epidemics, and other episodes of mass hysteria.

Eli siis, porukka soitti musiikkia, oli onnellisia ja tanssi vapautuneesti, ja se oli niin sairasta että sitä piti koittaa hoitaa? Mitä vittua kumpihan on oikeesti sitä sairasta?

Taidan lähtee huomenna vittuillakseni kylälle tanssiin. Enkä tarvi edes musiikkia.

Rakkautta ilmassa.Perjantai 13.05.2011 01:22

@Sove on hieno mies, olemme käyneet jo monesti treffeillä. Tänään katselimme luonnon mahtavuutta, harrastimme rehellistä paskanjauhantaa, sekä älyllistä keskustelua lähes kaikesta. Se on harvinaista herkkua kun asuu apinoiden planeetalla.

The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image.

niin paljon hilloa!!Perjantai 13.05.2011 00:14

And the world is made of energy
and the world is electricity
and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.

And the world is made of energy
and the world is synchronicity
and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.

ItÂ’s gonna be all right
ItÂ’s gonna be all right uh huh yeah.
WeÂ’re gonna see the sunlight
WeÂ’re gonna see the sunlight uh huh yeah.

And the world is made of energy
and the world is possibility
and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.



Mahtavaa huomenta!Torstai 12.05.2011 13:44

Ihan hemmetin mahtavaa huomenta koko valtakunnalle!
Kuka voi olla pahalla tuulella kun heti aamusta kuulet tommosen kappaleen?

I wanna feel that,
I wanna feel that, that my future's still comin'.
I walk into the night, and from the city lights,
But my mind is still runnin'.
I could see your face again,
I could see my old friends, in my sweet imagination. (sweet imagination)
I walk into the street, and from the city beat,
But my mind is still racin'.

The dance floor isn't there no more,
But my body's still movin'.
Tell me, do you know,
Where are we to go, when our world is so confusing?

Ooh, I wanna go there,
Temptations fill the air in my sweet recollection. (sweet recollection)
Ooh, I see a "For Sale" sign,
Where we made up our minds to be more than just good friends.

The dance floor isn't there no more,
But my body's still movin'. (my body's still movin')
Tell me, do you know,
Where are we to go, when our world is so confusing? (my world is so confusing)

You know the dance floor isn't there no more,
But my body's still movin'. (my body's still movin')
Tell me, do you know,
Where are we to go, when our world is so confusing? (my world is so confusing)

You know the dance floor (dance floor, dance floor)
Isn't there no more. (there no more, there no more)
You know the dance floor (dance floor, dance floor)
Isn't there no more. (there no more, there no more)

When our world is so confusing... [8x]

I walk into the night, and from the city lights,
But my mind is still runnin'. (mind is still runnin')
I wanna feel that,
I wanna feel that, that my future's still comin'.

The dance floor isn't there no more,
But my body's still movin'. (my body's still movin')
Tell me, do you know,
Where are we to go, when our world is so confusing? (my world is so confusing)

You know, the dance floor (dance floor) isn't there no more, (there no more)
But my body's still movin'. (my body's still movin')
Tell me, do you know,
Where are we to go, when our world is so confusing? (my world is so confusing)

You know, the dance floor (dance floor, dance floor)
Isn't there no more. (there no more, there no more)
You know, the dance floor (dance floor, dance floor)
Isn't there no more. (there no more, there no more)

You know, the dance floor,
'Cause they're in trouble,
Isn't there no more. (there no more, there no more)

You know, the dance floor,
They're in trouble,
Isn't there no more.