
vittufailPerjantai 01.01.2010 05:36

absolutismi goodbye

uusvuos 2k10Perjantai 01.01.2010 02:10

hyvää uuttavuotta. jeejee.
tehdäänpäs tästä parempi vuos, siihen kun ei paljoa vaadita.

Case closed.Torstai 31.12.2009 14:16


21-->15Keskiviikko 23.12.2009 19:08


tjoo.Maanantai 21.12.2009 08:43


PortfolioMaanantai 21.12.2009 05:56

Jepulis jee, eli tein tommosen "kuinka kulutin viimeiset 6 vuotta -kansion".
Jokaisessa piilee oma tarinansa ja muistonsa, ja jokaisella on oma, minulle tärkeä merkityksensä.
Kysykää toki jos jonkun kuvan tarina kiinnostaa.
Kuvasarjan ideana on myös vähän muistutella viimeisistä vuosista.
Asiat ovat menneet vähän päin vittua viime aikoina, ja nuo kuvat ovat tavallaan muistutuksena itselleni siitä mitä elämäni on pitäny sisällään.
Samanaikaisesti menneiden murehtimista ja niiden taakse jättämistä.

kuolenMaanantai 21.12.2009 03:00

All these wounds only heal when I'm homePerjantai 11.12.2009 15:04

11111 11111 11111
11111 11111 XX111
11XX1 1111X X1111 1

Nowalife - MelicaLauantai 05.12.2009 03:36

Your shell is unbreakable, so I'm told
But I see inside you is a heart of gold
I see things in you others can't see
You're an angel pure-hearted to me

They tell me bad and terrible things
But all I see is a halo and perfect wings
I see things in you others can't see
Melica, you are perfect to me

Let's step into reality and let the past go
Oh, Melica, how I miss you so

Stars blinking out, sun setting down
Forever cursed to remain unknown
Alone wandering child without a name
Forever cursed to live in her own shame

Whatever you do or say it's always wrong
Oh, that way you're not living so long

They say you're the night but all I see is the day
Oh, Melica, what more can I say?

You decided to live without your wings
Your pureness traded to deadly stings
So long you've been unable to fly
Sadly, you're often flying quite high

This is not the life you wanted to live
Yet it was your decision into darkness to dive
In your own mess you are so deep
Don't worry, you're still perfect to me

This way of life you have learned to obey
Oh, Melica, it's not the only way

Stars blinking out, sun setting down
Forever cursed to remain unknown
Alone wandering child without a name
Forever cursed to live in her own shame

Whatever you do or say it's always wrong
Oh, that way you're not living so long

Take a look at your open, bloody wrists
At your tightended, aggressive fists
If you have the strength to do such thing
The supernatural is not protecting

Take my hand, it's not too late
You still have a chance to change your fate
Take the change, regain your wings, and then
Claim your own little piece of heaven

Let's step into nowalife and let the past go
Oh, Melica, how I miss you so

Stars blinking out, sun setting down
Forever cursed to remain unknown
Alone wandering child without a name
Forever cursed to live in her own shame

This way of life you have learned to obey
Oh, Melica, it's not the only way

no mitä vittuaTiistai 06.10.2009 23:11

täähän on aivan perseestä!