
:DDDDDDDDDddddPerjantai 27.03.2009 00:52

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.03.2009 19:28

I only want to have you, right now! <3.. love you Diego.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 22.03.2009 23:55

I was made for loving you baby, you were made for pleasuring me sexually every way possible.
Long time ago, before the iceage, people lived in
Perfect harmony with the nature in a system that didn't
Give possibility for overpopulation
As the aksel of the planet (plan-et) was in it's right
Position, straight, all the planet was under stable
Tropical elimat. So was also Odenmaa at the northpole
There lived the Asers who held the highest knowledge
On earth with the ROT (root) -language. Outside
Odenmaa lived the vaers in their ringlands.
Everybody paid respect to Per who due to the
Breeding-system was the allfather of all mankind
(everyone is a PER-SON)
Over 50 milj. 10000 years ago the aksel of the planet
Shifted and caused the iceage when the ringlands
Outside were covered by ice, a perioid called
As the Gulfstream came to heat south-Finland,
Odenmaa remained clear of ice and the Asers learned
A new way of life
Agriculture and new animal species were created for
Staying alive for 50 milj. years surrounded by huge
As the ice startd to mel and drown Odenmaa the
Very few of them left took pairs of the animals with
Them and sailed through a passage way melted by the
Stream to Bockland an island outside of Sweden,
Later named Goatland (Gotland).
After staying there for a thousand years the Asers
Headed back to Odenmaa except SVEN and DAN who went to
Sweden and Denmark to rehabite the ringlands.
During ALTLANDIS the Vaners develloped into ten
Different races, mythologies and languages outside
The icebergs
The asers lived in Odenmaa again till the year 1050
When the crusader army sent by the Pope
Destructed Odenmaa and created a new information
System based on the written word not spoken as it
Used to be.
This is a tine part of a story that takes 20 years to tell
Two hours a day brought to us as familytradition by
The last Aser since 1984, according to the saga
10 000 years after the end of the iceage.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 19.03.2009 22:57

The word is the game and the game is the word
The word is the sword to make the worlds law
The s in the word makes the word a sword
And the S in the sword makes the word fall
The word with the s makes the wordsorder
To use the wordsword in the s-order
The L in the word makes the worldsorder
Cause the L is the law from the wordholder
The law of the s makes the word a sword
The sword without the s makes the worldwar

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 18.03.2009 22:16

Pitäskö huolestua jos mun aivot toimii paremmin väsyneenä?
ei kyl ehkä iha rationaalisesti mut toi luovuus puoli korostuu :3 hintansa kaikella. I won't live for long if this is what it costs.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 16.03.2009 17:59

Minäkin tahtoisin hiukset :3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.03.2009 20:12

Ilmanen says (18:06):
Maigo! says (18:07):
Ilmanen says (18:09):
Muistan ko oli luvattu pakkast koko viikoks nii Diego sanos et "Man... You will be cold forever. The only warm moment you had in your life was me holding you at that bus stop."

:DDDDD exaggerated reality

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 10.03.2009 22:19

Tasan tuhat päivää abiks ;D niin, toivottavasti.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 08.03.2009 21:30

Aiii Diego on niiiiiiiiin ihana !! ei vittuuuuuuuuuuu <3