
Matafakas, mä kyl tilasin Nasun!Sunnuntai 04.01.2009 02:37

If the sun shuts down and decided not to shine no more
I would still have you, baby
If we see the last day and they say we gotta go to war
I’ll be fighting with you, baby
Cuz I know if I’m falling, you won’t let me hit the ground
If the boat is sinking, I know you won’t let me drown

No matter what anyone could say
This is the only place for me
And no one could ever take that away
Nothing could come between us

Nothing’s stronger now than you and I
Cuz your love is all I got
And this ain’t never gon’ stop
No, whoa
There’s no distance here when we’re apart
Come on in from the cold
Lay your head on my shoulder
Ride like a soldier
I’ma stay right here

miss you <3 :(

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