
ramones <3Perjantai 10.11.2006 22:17

Hey Ho, Lets Go
Hey Ho, Lets Go
Hey Ho, Lets Go
Hey Ho, Lets Go

They're forming in a straight line
They're goin through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
Blitzkreig Bop
They're piling in the backseat
They're generation steam heat
Pulsating to the back seat
Blitzkreig Bop
Hey Ho Lets Go
Shoot em' in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go

They're forming in a straight line
They're goin through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
Blitzkreig Bop
They're piling in the backseat
They're generation steam heat
Pulsating to the back seat
Blitzkreig Bop
Hey Ho Lets Go
Shoot em' in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go

They're forming in a straight line
They're goin through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
Blitzkreig Bop
They're piling in the backseat
They're generation steam heat
Pulsating to the back seat
Blitzkreig Bop
Hey Ho Lets Go
Shoot em' in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go

Hey Ho, Lets Go
Hey Ho, Lets Go
Hey Ho, Lets Go
Hey Ho, Lets Go
Lyrics to My Chemical Romance Welcome To The Black Parade

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said,
"Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"
He said
"Will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?"
Because one day I leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join the black parade."

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said,
"Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"

Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go. Through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
When you're gone we want you all to know We'll Carry on,
We'll Carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
Carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I cant contain it
The anthem wont explain it.

And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all
So paint it black and take it back
Lets shout it loud and clear
Do you fight it to the end
We hear the call to
[ these lyrics found on ]
To carry on
We'll carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated You're weary widow marches on

And on we carry through the fears
Ooh oh ohhhh
Disappointed faces of your peers Ooh oh ohhhh
Take a look at me cause
I could not care at all Do or die
You'll never make me
Cause the world, will never take my heart
You can try, you'll never break me
Want it all,
I'm gonna play this part
Wont explain or say i'm sorry
I'm not ashamed,
I'm gonna show my scar
You're the chair, for all the broken Listen here, because it's only..
I'm just a man,
I'm not a hero
Just a boy, who's meant to sing this song
Just a man,
I'm not a hero
I -- don't -- care
Carry on
We'll carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated You're weary widow marches on
We'll carry on
We'll carry on
We'll carry on
We'll carry
We'll carry on
It was long ago, seems like a dream
the day i sucked the air from a bottle of whiped cream
and i got real high, and things got real slow
(slow) and i started talking like this (slow)

What's goin on i don't know
and then i sold my car for Greatfull Dead ticket
and my dad yeld at me and he grounded me
and he said i was a d! ck it was the worst day of my life
and i'll never forget,

but the very next day i was doing bong hits
in the back of my brand new Chevette
so don't tell me, we're winning the war on drugs

cus drugs are like a big old can of raid
and you're all little bugs
and don't tell me, to not get high

cus i'm as low as i can get without kissing your @$$
and blowing you at the same time

man don't tell me about love and peace
when one of the johnses has a hand gun pointed at me
don't tell me to just say no
I'm an adict, i say no to letting it go

what ever happen to sex durgs and rock n roll
now we just have aids, crack and techno

so they busted me, so i say F*ck them mother F*ckers
for selling dope
and i went to jail and i wasn't forgiven
like that little F*cker who shot the pope
and they said i had the right to remain silent
but they couldn't explain

and i didn't resist and i wasn't violent
cus all i ever wanted was the right to remain
and they questioned me yah the asked me...
and i said...

i don't think i should be shot for selling pot
it's just my little way of saying high
now my records all F*cked up and i'm not allowd to vote

and two times a week they make me piss in a cup
when what i want to do is piss down there throut

man don't tell me about love and peace
when one of the johnses has a hand gun pointed at me
don't tell me to just say no
I'm an adict, i say no to letting it go

what ever happen to sex durgs and rock n roll
now we just have aids, crack and techno

ok here's the sensitive part

and they told me that times have changed
cus our parents have Hendrix, Jennis and Jim
but what about RiverFeonix and Kirt Korain

and they told me, to prias the lord
but i've been waiting so long for him to call me back
i think i'm going to go prey at Betty Ford

and they told me, that life is fair
but i can't smoke a plant that was maid by God
but i can k! ll my wife if i'm a football player
and they told me, yah they told me
to just ignore

but i'd rather smoke crack out of Nancy Ragen's skull
while getting a blow job from Tiffer Goarn

man don't tell me about love and peace
when one of the johnses has a hand gun pointed at me
don't tell me to just say no
I'm an adict, i say no to letting it go

what ever happen to sex durgs and rock n roll
now we just have aids, crack and techno

Japanin opinnot XDTorstai 05.10.2006 18:57

konnichiwa! hajimemashita, o-genki desu ka? doozo yoroshiku!

:DPerjantai 22.09.2006 21:07

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Tylsää Tiistai 19.09.2006 23:06


Zen Cafe - Todella kaunisTiistai 12.09.2006 23:10

ZEN CAFE: "Todella Kaunis" Lyrics

Me kohtaisimme aina silloin kun on tärkeää
se ettei kukaan häiritse tai pääse käskemään.
Me antaisimme toisillemme hiljaisuuteen syyn.
Niin sinä ostat aikaa siis ja minä sitä myyn.

Olet todella kaunis, elät vain yhden kerran
Olet todella viisas, elät vain hetken verran

Me kestäisimme toisiltamme mitä tahansa.
Se mitä saisin sinulta, se voisi korvata
ne levottomat illat sekä unettomat yöt,
ajat, turhan hapuilun ja mitättömät työt

Olet todella kaunisÂ…

Minä tarttuisin sinuun kysymättä
Minä pelkäisi sinussa en olla (5x)

Olet todella kaunisÂ…

Todella kaunis, elät vain yhden kerran
Todella viisas, elät vain hetken verran
Todella kaunis, elät vain yhden kerran
Todella viisas

Me pystyisimme toisillemme ihmeen tekemään,
jos sinä pystyt niin kuin minä pystyn näkemään

Ripsipiirakka - Teille vai meillePerjantai 01.09.2006 16:32

Mä istun diskohelvetissä
Tyttöi vilisee mun silmissä
Kun ympärille kattelee
Tuntuu että koskis taivaaseen
Toi brunette on kunnon kissa
Pitäis yrittää mut ei uskalla
Jos nyt kuitenkin jotain sanon
"Miten ois, beibi c´moon"

Teille vai meille
Mulle käy vaik WC
Tehdään se kaikissa
Kaikissa asennoissa

Iskun kiitokseksi saa
Ei ollut se mitään uutta
En osaa ketään valloittaa
Tarvin lisää taikajuomaa
Oisin ollut sun supersankari
Ja sä mun kaunottareni
Jos vaan oisit sanonu "joo"
Kun kuiskasin "beibi c´moon"

Teille vai meille
Mulle käy vaik WC
Tehdään se kaikissa
Kaikissa asennoissa

Teille vai meille
Mulle käy vaik WC
Tehdään se kaikissa
Kaikissa asennoissa

Teille vai meille
Mulle käy vaik WC
Tehdään se kaikissa
Kaikissa asennoissa

Sätöö :DPerjantai 01.09.2006 14:56

Kerron mitkä viisi tavaraa (ei asiat,eikä ihmiset) minulle on tärkeimpiä kun saan tämän haasteen. Tämän jälkeen valitsen seuraavat viisi ihmistä, jotka haastan tekemään saman perästä. Heidän tulee myös kirjoittaa nämä säännöt merkintäänsä. Ilmoitan ne viisi henkilöä haasteen lopuksi ja käyn ilmoittamassa haasteesta heidän kommenttilaatikkoihinsa.

1.Skeittilauta <3
3.Pinkki Käsi Homma :D
5.Sänky :D

Ripsipiirakka - Rafaelin enkeliTorstai 31.08.2006 17:22

Halki tuhannen savuisen salongin,
neiti tanssii gasellin askelin.
Mulla yllä on harmaa jumpperi
sain sen jouluna vaimolta lahjaksi.
Tämä neonsade silmää kirvelee,
diesel lemahtaa yö kun yskäisee.
Anna minulle armahduksesi,
ole minulle Rafaelin enkeli.

Huorat kuiskivat porttikongeissaan,
ujo poika ei sinne katsokkaan.
Ne sirosti niskojaan niksauttaa,
äiti neuvoi että tuijottaa ei saa.
Kurkku kipeänä aamuun ankeaan,
kuka käski mennä alasti nukkumaan.
Anna minulle armahduksesi,
ole minulle Rafaelin enkeli.

Lapset hinaavat kohmeisin sormin lippuja salkoihin,
kuka laittais niille edes kengät pieniin jalkoihin.
viime yö veti routaan tämän maan ja se maa on käärmeitä mustanaan.

Hermokaasuja olohuoneisiin,
krokotiilejä New Yorkin viemäriin.
Kuvia vielä kuvien jälkeenkin,
videotykillä suolaa haavoihin.
kuka sanoi, että askel painaa jo,
olen kevyt kuin sudenkorento.
Anna minulle armahduksesi ,
ole minulle Rafaelin enkeli.

Uutispuuroa aamupöydässä,
mies tarvitsee kunnon evästä.
Kumpi voittaa Karhu vai leijona,
kysyy minulta töissä johtaja.
Mikä minä olen sille vastaamaan,
multa luvut jäi kesken aikanaan.
Anna minulle armahduksesi,
ole minulle Rafaelin enkeli.

Lapset hinaavat kohmeisin sormin lippuja salkoihin,
kuka laittais niille edes kengät pieniin jalkoihin.
viime yö veti routaan tämän maan ja se maa on käärmeitä mustanaan.

Anna minulle armahduksesi,
ole minulle Rafaelin enkeli