


I Like My Beats Fast And My Bass Down Low

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Lauantai 25.06.2011 16:45

"There was a time
There was a place
But there was fear inside
A witty line to save my face
The parachute of pride

To cross a line, takes a tiny step
But will this spark, cause the bridge to burn
My fear entwined with my regret
A beated path of safe return

ThereÂ’s a thing called love
That we all forget
And itÂ’s a wasted love
That we all regret
You live your life just once
So donÂ’t forget about a thing called love
DonÂ’t forget, forget about a thing called love

So here we are, all just the same
And you will never know
My secret plan, how close we came
To share another road

Have I lost my only chance
To tell you how I feel inside
Is it just me, IÂ’d like to know?
Or are we all just a little blind?

Cause thereÂ’s a thing called love
That we all forget
And itÂ’s a wasted love
That we all regret
You live your life just once
So donÂ’t forget about a thing called love
DonÂ’t forget, forget about a thing called love"

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