
The walk back home.Sunnuntai 01.06.2008 08:49

So the night began and i was pulled into the night. 2 of my heroes we're in joy. As the night started to take over one of my heroes fell into the arms of a fiend. The battle for her life was brutal. (mostly filled with camshots and hard grins) The battle seamed lost until my guiding star appeared. I Spinned her round the floor 'till the time was right to strike back. And my hero was saved.

My star didn't fade away nor burn out but left me wondering what more is there? Could my star truly be a star that i was looking for all these nights? After hydrating my star it was some more spins on the floor, leading to a corner of the world i was in.

The night passed until it was time for my star to dissappear in front of the day, leaving me a series of numbers and moist spot on my cheek. The departure was sad though exciting.

Will my star come back one of these nights? After the long quest to make my way back to my lair, i realized that not only is the star coming back to guide me it is going glow hotter and brighter than the night before. This night only drained my stamina and the skins on my feet. The night was epic and victorious for the star and me. No i can go cry myself to sleep.

Tears of joy, tears of joy.

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