


The simple lack of her is more to me than others' presence. ~Edward Thomas

Yeah..Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 16:20

If it keeps on downloading like that, I'll have Maurice ready by tonight and I can watch it after choir and dinner. Cool

Maybe I should try doing something today, like work etc. haven't been doing much of anything yet this week ;P

Arrrr...Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 16:11

Heh, kuinka paljon huvia voikaan repia yksinkertaisesti vaihtamalla naamakirjan kieleks piraattienglannin.. se on jotain niin hienoa, ei siella tarvi edes tehda mitaan, katselee vaan juttuja ja miten ne on siella ilmoitettu, saapahan hihitella itsekseen makeasti ^^

Pirate name
The name that be given ye by yer wench of a mother..


A surprise actually...Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 03:16

I just watched a movie. The Brideshead Revisited.
I expected it to be more like the stories of Bronte's or Austen's. Well, in different time but fundamentally alike. They're nothing alike.
In the beginning it's all happy and There doesn't seem to be too much social pressure from other people regarding Sebastians behaviour and his obvious feelings towards Charles. And that doesn't really fit the picture in that time. In the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
Then in the picture comes Julia. And how Charles, the innocent and gullible little lamb is so smitten by her. And of course the disapproving family. What a setting for a cruel love triangle. So much hurt and guilt and neverending longing. So much hurtfull feelings and it is not made better by the rest of the affluent family in Brideshead. So judging.
And in the end the lion has been wearing the costume of a lamb, and those thought to be in control were actually the prey.
At the end of it all, the lion stands alone. Having wanted too much ended up losing everything.

I'll probably end up buying this one. So good. And I'll have to watch the older one as well.

He sure writes such jolly stories...Sunnuntai 17.01.2010 21:52


A few years back all the animals went away.
We woke up one morning, and they just werenÂ’t there anymore. They didnÂ’t even leave us a note, or say goodbye. We never figured out quite where theyÂ’d gone
We missed them.
Some of us thought that the world had ended, but it hadnÂ’t. There just werenÂ’t any more animals. No cats of rabbits, no dogs or whales, no fish in the seas, no birds in the skies.
We were all alone.
We didnÂ’t know what to do.
We wandered around lost, for a time, and then someone pointed out that just because we didnÂ’t have animals anymore, that was no reason to change out lives. No reason to change our diets or to cease testing products that might cause us harm.
After all, there were still babies.
Babies canÂ’t talk. They can hardly move. A baby is not a rational, thinking creature.
We made babies.
And we used them
Some of them we ate. Baby flesh is tender and succulent.
We flayed their skin and decorated ourselves in it. Baby leather is soft and comfortable.
Some of them we tested.
We taped open their eyes, dripped detergents and shampoos in, a drop at a time.
We scarred them and scalded them. We burnt them. We clamped them and planted electrodes into their brains. We grafted, and we froze, and we irradiated.
The babies breathed our smoke, and the babiesÂ’ veins flowed with our medicines and drugs, until they stopped breathing or until their blood ceased to flow.
It was hard, of course, but it was necessary.
No one could deny that.
With the animals gone, what else could we do?
Some people complained, of course. But then, they always do.
And everything went back to normal.
Yesterday, all the babies were gone.
We donÂ’t know where they went. We didnÂ’t even see them go.
We donÂ’t know what weÂ’re going to do without them.
But weÂ’ll think of something. Humans are smart. ItÂ’s what makes us superior to the animals and the babies.
WeÂ’ll figure something out.

-© to all their respective copyright owners

Lift - Poets of the FallLauantai 16.01.2010 17:34

Times when I just can't
Bring myself to say it loud
'Fraid that what I'll say comes out somehow awry

That is when it seems
We move in circles day to day
Twist the drama of the play to get us by

And it feels like fear
Like I'll disappear
Gets so hard to steer
Yet I go on
Do we need debate
When it seems too late
Like I bleed but wait
Like nothing's wrong

You lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly,
Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mine
You lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly,
Where all new wonders will appear

Like the other day
I thought you won't be coming back
I came to realize my lackluster dreams

And among the schemes
And all the tricks we try to play
Only dreams will hold their sway and defy

When it feels like fear...
Like I'll disappear
Gets so hard to steer
Yet I go on
Do we need debate
When it seems too late
Like I bleed but wait
Like nothing's wrong

You lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly,
Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mine
You lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly,
Where all new wonders will appear, oooohhhh

You lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly,
Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mine
You lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly,
Where all new wonders will appear

Take me high
Make me fly

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 16.01.2010 17:23

Hmm, I think I had something to write about... well my mind's a bit blank at the moment, not sure why *krohom*
Well, I found a nice new series. Being Human. It's a BBC comedy-drama-supernatural -thingy. It's pretty cool. There's a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost living in the same house together trying to fit in to the human society.
I also watched Torchwood Children of Earth not too many days ago. It was the third (mini)series. It only had five one hour episodes. It was like a one long episode. They make the endings of the series too sad. The second series ended with Owen and Tosh dying and now Ianto died and Jack left Earth because he couldn't take it any more... But there should be a fourth series on the way, I just don't know when...
And I'm also downloading the fourth series of Supernatural right now. I might have enough time to watch it before the fifth series starts airing here. Which is quite soon. I've been hearing talk that the fifth series would be the last one. Too bad if it's true. It's a very good series.
Oh, and have you seen the eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who? I'm not saying that he might not be a good actor or anything like that, but he's got the best Doctor ever to replace. I want David Tennant back, he's a dream. And apparently I'm not the only one thinking like that. He's the most popular and most liked Doctor ever. And there has been nine Doctors before him, so that must mean something, right? By the way, did you know the series actually started airing in 1963? That's a hell of a long time.

Okey, I think I've been ranting long enough now. I'm surprised if someone even reads this. It's not like I had anything to say really ;P

Nicholas was...Tiistai 15.12.2009 16:17

Older that sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.
The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensihle rituals, when thet were not actually working in the factories.
Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves' invisible gifts by its bedside.
The children slept, frozen into time.
He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher.

Merry Christmas to you all ^^

Joulu on kohta täälläkinPerjantai 04.12.2009 03:07

Meil on ny joulukuusi jo sisällä. On meinaa aika iso pirulainen. Kesti varmaan ainakin tunnin raahata se sisälle ja pystyttää. Mutta jo sen tuoksu oli sen homman arvoista. Melkein tulee joulunen fiilis vaikkei täällä oo lumesta kuultukaan.
Voiskohan jsotain tilata lumisen joulun Suomeen. Olis kiva nähdä muutama kinos kun tuun kotiin.

RadicalTorstai 03.12.2009 16:14

I could punch your face
When you say I´m good
I could dress in lace and paint my face
And go out on a cruise
In the neighbourhood
Become a prostitute
Or become a priest
I could fuck anyone
Every girl, every boy
At least one in every town
That´s to say the least
Wouldn´t that be radical?
Wouldn´t that be radical?


The most radical thing to do
Is to love someone who loves you
Even when the world is
Seemingly telling you not to
I don´t know what´s wrong or right,
But I know what´s worth a fight
The most radical thing is to do what
Your heart tells you to
´Cause I do assure you
That I do adore you

I could cut myself
And take it to the streets
I could dress like a freak,
Leave my blankets in a heap,
Stop brushing my teeth
for ninety weeks

Throw down the government,
Become the president
I could try every drug
Or give everyone a hug
Set every prisoner free
And claim I´m Jesus´ son

Wouldn´t that be radical?
Yes all of that would be radical all right
But the most radical thing to do
Is to love someone who loves you
Even when the world is
Seemingly telling you not to
I don´t know what´s wrong or right,
But I know what´s worth a fight
The most radical thing is to do what
Your heart tells you to
´Cause I do assure you
That I do adore you

I wish that I could be that radical,
that radical
I wish that I could be that radical,
that radical

*Perjantai 30.10.2009 00:32

Heh, have to admid it but sometimes I read (aaand maybe think also) some really fucked up things. But hey, whatever gives you the satisfaction, eh?
And who ever said that I wasn't a bit twisted inside.
And I really think that the more time I spend alone in here the more it escalates. I might jump some innocent bystander one of these days. Though, it's not like there's anyone here I would want so I think the citizens here are quite safe... for now at least. Though I have seen some almost nice people also. Hmm...
Oh well, maybe I'll survive... without causing too much trouble for anyone ;P