


Tahdoin rakkautta, onnea ja oman kullan.

My feelings...Sunnuntai 19.07.2009 17:19

I don´t know what I feel anymore.
I don´t know what I should do anymore.
I don´t know where should I go now.

nelluska- pyynnöstä siinä sulle.Perjantai 17.07.2009 17:17

This is not what I saw.
Coming on my life.
This ain´t the only way.
Even I understand that.
So can you tell me this.
I just want to know.

So fucking what!
I don´t care.
What you think of me now!
So fucking what!
I might even care.
Why you hate me now!

This is what I saw.
Coming on my life.
This is the only way.
I don´t understand.
Why you tell me this.
I only wonder that.

So fucking what!
I do care.
Why you did those things.
So fucking what!
I don´t care anymore.
This is what I think.

This is my life.
What I saw.
This ain´t the way I took.
And I only think this.

So fucking what!
This was my life.
What they did to it!
So fucking what!
I don´t care.
About anything anymore.

(c) Mr-Headless

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.07.2009 07:44

Jos vain jaksan niin jatkan matkaani.
Jos en jaksa niin en sit jatka.
Kato kato ku sit pysähytää ja jatketaa ku jaksetaa :D
Laten logiikka on kyl aivan mahtavaa. ;D;D;D;D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.07.2009 05:32

I´m walking alone in the streets of the tomorrow.
I´m searching for the one I wanted to see again.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.07.2009 18:40

Searching in the darkness.
Searching for something.
Something that I lost.
Something that i can´t find.

Love aint for me.
Love isnt near me.
Love is something pretty.
Something that I can´t find.

Even now I think of you.
Even now you are in my dreams.
Even thought I wanted to go.
Wanted to go with you...

Love aint for me.
Love isnt near me.
Love is something pretty.
Something that I can´t find.

Ja taas uutta rakkaus paskaa :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.06.2009 02:50

As the days pass by me I just can´t find anything that would satisfy me.
I keep wandering around searching for the things I can´t find.
The things like love.
That feeling I replace with my friends.
If the girls just see me as friend I will take it.
Better to have friends than nothing.
I don´t even know why am I writing this common diary note in english but.
Only my true friends will understand what these things mean

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.06.2009 01:57

Voi helvetti taas tätä paskaa ihqboxugaltsua!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 18:55

I´m your past not your future.
I´m just a fading shadow.
I can´t change your love.

So here in the darkness I´m waiting for light.
Here in the darkness hoping someone looks for me.
Here in this moment I feel like somebody is looking for me.

I don´t feel love.
I don´t feel pain.
I don´t feel anything anymore.

So here in the darkness I´m waiting for light.
Here in the darkness hoping someone looks for me.
Here in this moment I feel like somebody is looking for me.

Pimeässä huoneessa seilaan.
Etsien jo kauan sitten hukattua.
Etsien sydämeni ääntä.
Etsien rakkauttani sieltä.
Vain sinut minä haluan.
Vain sinut minä tunsin.
Missä olet kun sinua tarvitsen.

Jos jaksaisin etsisin lisää näitä "runoja" mutta no en vain jaksa.
Jos joku musikaalinen ihmishirviö eksyy koskaan näille päiväkirjani sivuille ja löytä näitä lyriikoitani.
Kysykää lyriikoitani jos kiinnostaa. Älkää suoraan kopioiko koska rikotte silloin tekijänoikeuslakia.

Ei sillä et joku random nää löytäs vaan ihan niinkun näille kaikille vitun hyville soittaja muusikko ystävilleni joiden keikat on aika must nähtävää tavaraa!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.06.2009 02:48

Viikko jussiin voi saatana :D