
tosiaa asiasta toisee..Sunnuntai 01.06.2008 15:26

ei kyllä tuntuu siltä että on vaan aina tylsempää ja tylsempää toi hilluminen tuolla kaupungissa.. taitaa enemmän toi kupin otto porukalla johnain terassilla olla rennompaa.. koska siis :) ?

Salsalla uusi biisiLauantai 31.05.2008 01:45 sieltä biisi: vale toinen.. kuunnelkaa ja antakaa ny salsalle ihmees mielipidettä asiasta ;) NIIN JA HUOMENNA KEIKKA CLUBILLA KLO 19.30 noin mutta be THERE 19.00

by the way taasLauantai 31.05.2008 00:57


by the wayLauantai 31.05.2008 00:54

meitsin lettiki kammattii pitkästä aikaa, kun jotkut ihmettelee " kampaaks hiuksias koskaa tai muuta vastaavaa.. " vastaan aina " ei helpoo kun kampaki menee melki rikki " eikä muute kaukana ollu että kampaki ois menny rikki..

ain't that easy

x to the zKeskiviikko 28.05.2008 04:10

[Xzibit] Yo, listen, huh

I just wanna thank you, for bein around
And patiently waitin and holdin me down
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me
I just wanna thank you, for bein a fan
And watchin me grow from a boy to a man
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me

You 'bout to hear some words, that you ain't probably heard
With all of these rappers pullin triggers and flippin birds
I know it sound absurd, cause they don't tell the truth
They prostitutes, fuckin contaminate the youth
But yet I'm guilty of, the things I said above
No matter my faults still continue to show me love
Naw I ain't perfect mayne, but yet I stay the same
I play chess not checkers but this is not a game
And this is not a song, and this is not a verse
It's not conceived, or simulated or been rehearsed
Spent the first half of my life, thinkin that I was cursed
Could have been hit with a hollow, follow behind my hearse
That wasn't meant for me, I spent a decade
Makin it what it's 'sposed to be, hopefully brought you close to me
All these people approachin me, don't even know the half
I could be facin life but X is signin autographs, damn

I just wanna thank you, for bein around
And patiently waitin and holdin me down
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me
I just wanna thank you, for bein a fan
And watchin me grow from a boy to a man
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me

My son's 11 now, I got to see him grow
Makin his free throws, the way he laughin at the show
Yo he remind me of me, when I was ridin bikes
He gon' be taller than me, he got my mother's height
But yo you know the difference, between me and them others
They say you buggin when I call you my sisters and brothers
I coulda missed it all, I coulda dropped the ball
Mind of Metallica, motherfuck 'em and "Kill 'Em All"
I used to hustle raw, I used to run the streets
I used to hustle heats, I grinded all my beef
Most of my homies is gone, restin in peace
Some'll never see release from custody of police, but me
But nah my little dude get to go to private school
And I can do the things my father couldn't afford to do
That's what it's 'sposed to do, this is from me to you
Support from you and yours, thank you for gettin me through, true

I just wanna thank you, for bein around
And patiently waitin and holdin me down
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me
I just wanna thank you, for bein a fan
And watchin me grow from a boy to a man
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me

We buried Proof today, it really broke me up
To see my brother in that casket, maaan what the fuck?
Media made me angry, I had to soak it up
The future is fragile never promised to none of us
Hittin so close to home, but what I focused on
Is how he lived, the lives he touched, the cornerstone
We never walk alone, although sometime it seems
That nightmares go hand in hand with livin out dreams
So let me take this time, from my struggle my grind
To let you know that I appreciate you by my side
It's been a long ride, a lot of long nights
A lot of long flights, worth every sacrifice
A soldier of fortune fearless fightin the good fight
I never had a plan B, I never lost sight
That's why I hit the stage, that's why I kill the mic
It's for my fans that's ridin with Xzibit for life, RIGHT!

I just wanna thank you, for bein around
And patiently waitin and holdin me down
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me
I just wanna thank you, for bein a fan
And watchin me grow from a boy to a man
It's easy to see, for Mr. X to the Z
That without no you, there could be no me

CITY KARHU!!!Perjantai 23.05.2008 12:50

Kyllä meillä vaasassa on karhutki viisaita.. mitä sitä ny mettäs asustaa ku kaupungillekki voi tulla asumaan :) Tais karhu nauttia hienosta ilmasta ja ihmisten katseista.. Mutta sääli että se katselee meitä nyt ylhäältä.. CITY KARHU <33
Jenni sanoo:
jenni 6 pist
Jenni sanoo:
nibula nebula 0 pist
[(*)] N I B U L A [(*)] ( A.k.A nILSO ) sanoo:
siis mitä vittua [:D] jaaah soot laskenu lukio matikalla vissii
[(*)] N I B U L A [(*)] ( A.k.A nILSO ) sanoo:
eli aikasemmat pistees plus mun omat niin 101-6 iha jees alottelijalta [:D]
Jenni sanoo:
jep sentään sillä. amis matikalla et osaa laskea edes omia sormias..

eikä tossa ees kaikki :DDD
ELIKKÄ kaikki katttoon dacoa ja salsaa 31.5 klo 19.00 ilta on pitkä ja sen jälkeen vaikka rantaan..

Siellä saattaa olla "puhalla 0:t ja ilmatteeks sisään" MUTTA KUTEN SANOIN ilta on pitkä ja sen jälkeen sitte heti porukalla rantaa tai johki jos ei muuta....

JOO tiiän laitoin ajoissa mutta parempi ajois ku ei milloinkaa tai jotai.,,,,

LISÄ infoa salsalta ja dacolta ;)

jooo-oMaanantai 28.04.2008 02:20

Tosiaa v-loppu meni jo.. mukavaa oli kiitos jennille siitä ja kaikkille muille jotka olivat paikalla....

Nooh iha jees olo ja kaikki, mutta mikä parasta pia on vappu.. vähä kaikkea hauskaa tekeen ja sitte BEACHILLE.. miettikääs sitä.. luvattu 15-20 astetta lämmintä ja hieman vettä... nooh ei se menoa haittaaa..

Mutta jos ette tiiä mitä teette vappuna niin koodailkaa ja kattellaa pelimestoilla sitte ;))

PIA ON VAPPuuu.. sitä odotellessa <3