//Pientä selitystä ensiksi..
Karlivin kans tehtiin 2vs2 areenaa ja karliv oli kuollu ja vastustajista toinen kuollu ja rogue jossain stealthissa odottamassa healthia :< //
[Party][Nore]: amg
[Party][Nore]: feck!
[Party][Nore]: meh!
[Party][Nore]: :l
[Party][Karliv]: take that
[Party][Karliv]: take gem
[Party][Nore]: :o
[Party][Nore]: what gem o.o
//N: löytää roguen mutta se karkas//
[Party][Nore]: feeck!
[Party][Nore]: coward!
[Party][Karliv]: omg noob
[Party][Karliv]: yell on her that karliv tell you you are fucking noob loose or win quick!
[Party][Nore]: xD
[Party][Karliv]: omg if i can tell it
[Party][Karliv]: do it
[Party][Karliv]: frosman sucks
[Party][Nore]: xD
[Party][Karliv]: tell it comon
[Party][Nore]: probally waiting for health
[Party][Karliv]: i have 120K hp from that time
[Party][Karliv]: yell on her that she is fucking nab
[Party][Nore]: omg..
[Party][Nore]: "!!!
[Party][Nore]: omg!
[Party][Karliv]: yeah babe!
[Party][Nore]: it was so damn close!!
[Party][Nore]: !!
[Party][Nore]: WHOOOO
[Party][Karliv]: you was awsome
[Party][Nore]: im glad that i dueled those rogues today xD
[Party][Karliv]: omg now i love you realy!
[Party][Nore]: phew..
[Party][Nore]: xD
[Party][Nore]: im damn shaky!! XD
[Party][Karliv]: omg you was good!!
[Party][Nore]: sorry.. i have to take a break for 2 mins xD im shaking too much
[Party][Karliv]: lol
[Party][Karliv]: combat rogue!
[Party][Karliv]: you pwn her!
[Party][Nore]: really.. i was like "noooooo!!" when i was on low on health xD
[Party][Nore]: :'D
[Party][Karliv]: now you have my respect!
[Party][Nore]: i feel so uber now xD
[Party][Nore]: :>
[Party][Karliv]: when i saw it i cant belive it
[Party][Nore]: :'D
[Party][Karliv]: i was like omg she is good!
[Party][Karliv]: she is super!
[Party][Nore]: :'>
[Party][Karliv]: that was skilled PvP duel
//N: ei yleensä voita rogueita joilla on hyvät kamat :'>//