


If you could buy dreams, what would you buy?

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.01.2016 22:59

"Sillä inhimillinen olemassaolo on animaalista;
se mikä ei ole animaalista on naamiota: temppua, väistöliikettä, veruketta, narrin yritystä sopeutua yhteiskuntaan joka on kone ja jauhaa rikki ihmisen joka ei ole kuuliainen:
ei heitä ajattelun pelisääntöä menemään ja suostu koneen remmiksi tai rattaaksi."

Damage Inside.Tiistai 15.12.2015 18:54

The bell tolls on as the rain comes down
On my face, the drops, they sound
I slowly melt into grey abyss
Depression and her endless kiss
I hope to feel the life again
End the numbness, living in
I sit in silence, deaf to all

And I canÂ’t look you in the eye
I donÂ’t want you to see the damage inside
IÂ’ve been gone for so long

My demons pull me into the hole
To dance with leaches that drink my soul
The violins play the endless song
From hearts broken everlong

And I canÂ’t look you in the eye
I donÂ’t want you to see the damage inside
IÂ’ve been gone for so long

Framtidsutsiker - ProspectsSunnuntai 01.11.2015 20:13

Long live the misery
My beacon, my everything
You joy-giving friend
In a world otherwise bland and cold

Can you take me to the ocean, other world oceans
To the place just we two know
Where we thrives in silence
Without others, without us, without all

Like a middle age crisis in the early age of twenty
It is now clear to me that the answers they found in my blood
The liquid to be emptied out of the housing
As trying to keep my innocent body

And when death grasps me,
caress me, and so carefully rock me to sleep
I see the world reborn
deserted, torn and brown-gray

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.10.2015 01:28

Ystävii, ei oo eikä tuu. Luota muhun sä oot yksinäs.
Tääl ei oo ystävii, ei oo eikä tuu.
Luota muhun, sä oot yksinäs tääl ei oo ystävii.

Into the black lightTorstai 08.10.2015 23:42

Surrounded by leaders
We are the dregs of life
Do not panic, leave no trace
Pretend to not care
Do you ever dream about making a difference
Do you ever dream about making a difference

I have waited all my life
For someone to get me out of here
I never knew the view from the edge
Of the world would look like this

Our thoughts beaten senseless
Collecting compassionate stares
Blind to the world in front of us
Deaf to your own will
Surrounded by deceivers
Come reap the harvest with me
Break hearts just to feed the anger
The anger that used to be love

I have waited all my life
For someone to get me out of here
I never knew the view from the edge
Of the world would look like this

I have waited all my life
For someone to get me out of here
I never knew the view from the edge
Of the world would look like this

From the shadows - Into the black light

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 01.09.2015 20:32

Kun rakkaus hullu on

Siihen ei auta lobotomia

Vaan se pitää tappaa ennen kuin

Se alkaa meidät omia

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 17.08.2015 19:02

Capricorn —

Good god, youÂ’re so tired. Life has worn you down to the marrow of your bones, took everything from you until you were bare-handed; and yet.

And yet youÂ’re still here, standing before me, your spine hardened to titanium, a delicate thing that can withstand even the most apocalyptic of sieges; you still find it in you to smile, bitter-bloody-all-teeth and still happy, somehow.

Know that I am proud of you; of your bravery, of your resilience,
of how youÂ’ve clung to life by the skin of your teeth. I am proud of you.

(And know that you deserve happiness – you may feel like you don’t, you may feel that it is above the likes of you, but you deserve it; you have earned it.
Know that one of these days, the sun will shine down on your lane, too.)
"If you feel too much, thereÂ’s still a place for you here.

If you feel too much, donÂ’t go.

If this world is too painful, stop and rest.

ItÂ’s okay to stop and rest.

If you need a break, itÂ’s okay to say you need a break.

This life – it’s not a contest, not a race, not a performance, not a thing that you win.

ItÂ’s okay to slow down.

You are here for more than grades, more than a job, more than a promotion, more than keeping up, more than getting by.

This life is not about status or opinion or appearance.

You donÂ’t have to fake it.

You do not have to fake it.

Other people feel this way too.

If your heart is broken, itÂ’s okay to say your heart is broken.

If you feel stuck, itÂ’s okay to say you feel stuck.

If you canÂ’t let go, itÂ’s okay to say you canÂ’t let go.

You are not alone in these places.

Other people feel how you feel.

You are more than just your pain. You are more than wounds, more than drugs, more than death and silence.

There is still some time to be surprised.

There is still some time to ask for help.

There is still some time to start again.

There is still some time for love to find you.

ItÂ’s not too late.

YouÂ’re not alone.

It’s okay – whatever you need and however long it takes – it’s okay.

ItÂ’s okay.

If you feel too much, thereÂ’s still a place for you here.

If you feel too much, donÂ’t go.

There is still some time."

- TWLOHA - Jamie

:)Maanantai 13.07.2015 14:27

S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit
Let's hear it
S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit
Let's hear it
Let's go

I've had enough
There's a voice in my head
Says I'm better off dead

But if I sing along a little fucking louder
To a happy song, I'll be alright

You want to give up
Gave it all that you've got
And it still doesn't cut

But if you sing along a little fucking louder
To a happy song
You'll be just fine cause

Every now and again we get the feeling
And the great big void inside us opens up
And I really wish that you could help
But my head is like a carousel and
I'm going round in circles, going round in circles

S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit
Let's hear it
S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit
Let's hear it

We are possessed
We're all fucked in the head
Alone and depressed

But if we sing along a little fucking louder
To a happy song
Maybe we'll forget cause

Every now and again we get the feeling
And the great big void inside us opens up
And I really wish that you could help
But my head is like a carousel and
I'm going round in circles, going round in circles

Don't wake us up
WeÂ’d rather just keep dreaming
Cause the nightmares in our heads are bad enough
And I really wish that you could help
But my head is like a carousel
And I'm going round in circles, I'm going round in circles

The world has coalesced
Into one giant mess of hate and unrest
So let's sing along a little goddamn louder
To a happy song and pretend it's all okay

Let's go

Sing along
Let's sing along
A little fucking louder
A little fucking louder
Well don't you feel so much better

S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit
Let's hear it
(Well that's the spirit)
S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit
Let's hear it
(Yeah, that's the spirit)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 09.07.2015 22:00


Plz, This cat.