


~"Look in my eyes and tell me, what do you see.."

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.07.2011 14:22

"When it comes to home and family, we never keep either as close as we should. Who ever stops to think that this time could be the last." ~ Vanille

"It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do." ~ Lightning

"Sometimes everything you know in the world turns out to be a lie. But at the end of the day the lie isn't what matter, it's what you do after you tell it. If you work hard enough you can make it true." ~ Hope

"Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal."

"The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them."

"Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views."
"Memories are nice, but that's all they are.” ~ Rikku

A 'Man'Lauantai 02.07.2011 02:14

"In a snowy forest,
Walks a 'man'.
Without compass,
Without map.

Still he knows where he's going,
'Cause his senses leads the way.
Leaving only horror of his stay

He's wearing a black robe,
And he can't eat even a soup.
And he won't give you any hope
If you want to know who am I talking about.

He's not King or a Street sweepper,
Because, Hes
The Grim Reaper

"Death"Perjantai 01.07.2011 02:07

"Life is but a passing dream. The death that follows, is eternal"

"You can be a king or a street sweeper,
but everyon dances with the Grim Reaper."
~Robert Alton Harris

"No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow."

I knew a man who once said, "Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back."

"Love"Torstai 30.06.2011 18:57

"The only thing that no one can understand is love, it just comes and it goes. leaving nothing but misery."

"They say that, time heals broken heart. It might be true. After the time has torn it apart"

"Without love, there are only war. Without Hope, there are only grief. Without Happines, there are only misery. Without Dreams, there are only nigthmare. Without positive persons, there would be only war, grief, misery and nightmares."


"Hope"Torstai 30.06.2011 18:43

"Without hope, we can't belive. If we can't belive, we don't have imagination. Without Imagination we are just like other people which lives in world colored in grayscale"

"If you hold on of something, you might get it. But if you don't even hope of anything, you will get nothing"

"Dreams"Keskiviikko 29.06.2011 14:08

"Dreams are nice, funny, beatiful, and happy so we can escape in them from cruel world"

"In Dreams everyting is possible, if you have anough imagination, if you don't have enough, it'll be same as real world or even"

"Dream and Nightmare are not so different, they are just different view of same thing, The Real world."

"Rain"Keskiviikko 29.06.2011 05:16

"I only cry when it's raining, cause then no one see me crying"

"When it rains, the sky is crying"

"It was raining back then, wasn't it?"

"Stars"Keskiviikko 29.06.2011 05:03

"There wouldn't be a sky full of stars
If we were all meant to wish on the same one."
~ Frances Clark

"Star light, star bright.
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may.
I wish I might.
Have the wish I wish tonight.." 6788-cosmo-universe-wallpaper.jpg

Nauran auringolla..Perjantai 06.05.2011 14:20

Minä nauran auringolla,
Miten kaunis ilta ois.
Jos meren mainingleilla,
Sen joskus nähdä vois.

Mutta en nähdä istä koskaan saa,
Sillä kaukana on elävien maa.
Kun vuosia sitten jätin sen,
Maan niin kauniin ja kultaisen.

Jos takaisin mä pääsisin,
Eläisin elämäni paremmin.
Niin että illan näkisin,
Ja maailman onnellisin olisin

"Gray scale"Perjantai 06.05.2011 14:16

Elämäni ois.
Ilman sua,
Värejä ei ois..

Kun lähdit pois,
Etkä palaa.
Ajattelitko mua,
En voi ketään enään halaa.

Mutta kun luokseni palaat.
Niin maailmaani värit palaa,
Ja mua taas kerran halaat..