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Fiat iustitia, Pereat Mundus

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Written to the WallTorstai 16.07.2015 15:15

There was a time when my heart was open wide
Back then I had nothing that I wanted to hide
I remember happiness, how beautiful was life
But one day, shadows finaly reached my mind

Since then I've been hiding, locking the door
No one could see what I've been writing to the wall
White color been replaced with black and red
How I wrote that my old self is gone, it was dead

Love was proven to be wrong, it was only lies
How I wish that I could have been more wise
Heart doesn't produce heat to keep me warm
Shattered to pieces again, broken, torn

My life has now finaly faden away
No one was here with me to stay
Writings on the wall lost to shades
Now it's only me, with remaining pain

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

RegretSunnuntai 07.09.2014 15:42

I feel how happiness is fading
Once again it's raining
Every song will come to the end
I greet sorrow, my old friend..

Drown in the sea of regret
Remember what I did forget
It was hope that I did lost
Love is not in me ..it never was

I'm like a painting unfinished
Missing all the colors, uncomplite
No one had what it takes to fill
Those empty lines, remains still

So many I wanted to keep close
But hatred is what I felt most
Always gave something that's mine
Just to see how it withers, and dies

You had the very best of me
Something I always wanted to be
But old wounds I had in my heart
Reopened, torn me apart

Now that I lost myself again
All I did was all in vain
Tale is over and sun has set
Forever alone I'll regret

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

Poet & FlowerTorstai 08.05.2014 00:33

Lonely boy sits on roof top of his home
Like he does every night when he's alone
But tonight under the meteor shower
He writes about a poet and his flower

Lifetime ago, at least it feels so
There was a boy, boy that did glow
Heart unbroken, full of wishes, free to dream
There was nothing that anyone could redeem

So many golden days of happiness
Days when boy felt he's whole
It was long before the emptiness
That one day would fill his soul

Why did all those days fade away?
She always knew what to say;

"Your heart is like a flower
Take care of it, protect it
One day it'll be your power
Whatever happens, never submit"

"It'll never grow to be a tree
But I hope the flower blooms for me
So please, my love, keep it safe
If it withers, it can't be replaced"

Boy always remembered her words
How everything can be so frail
He saw all those passing birds
And he knew once it'd be his day

On roof top boy was waiting
Slowly days turned to years
And when it was raining
It covered all his tears

"Do not believe that your story is done
That you have lost, and they did won
This is where your life did begun
You've gained a bright new sun"

Roof top is empty and the boy is gone
Only the wind still whispers his song
So now hidden by everyone's glower
Poet can now live for his flower

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

MaailmaTiistai 22.04.2014 16:56

Talven kylmät tuulet ovat jälleen takana
Kevät tuo lupauksen lämmöstä, rakkaudesta
Ja vaikka valo vielä hetken nukkuu kaukana
Levollisin mielin minä haaveilen sinusta

Ennen minä tunsin olevani eksyksissä
En ollut kukaan, en menossa mihinkään
Tiesin että voimani olivat jo vähissä
Pystyisinkö minä enää koskaan elämään

Mutta kun tulit luokseni, tunsin taas iloa
Sisälläni ollut ei enää surua, eikä kipua
Aivan kuin uusi polku olisi avautunut eteeni
Niin päätin rakentaa uuden maailman rakkaalleni

Ja sille maailmalle mikään ei vedä vertoja
Aurinkona onnellisuus, rakkaudella ei rajoja
Koskaan emme voi joutua toisistamme erilleen
Jokaisen päivän saa elää omalle rakkaalleen

Mietin, se hetki alkaa olla jo lähellä
Omaa rakastani saan sylissäni pidellä
Enää emme joudu elämään toisiamme ilman
Yhdessä jaamme tämän uuden maailman

c. Joni "Nonno" K

My Little FriendSunnuntai 30.03.2014 21:31

My little friend, you always were there for me
I never thought that one day you would flee
All those days when we had so fun
Who can now replace my broken sun

Do you remember how the grass was so green
All those things that we have seen
I never thought that it would end
I'd always have my little friend

Now that you're far from this life
This was our final twilight
These memories I'll defend
Memories of my little friend

Your brother misses you and so do I
I keep asking that why did you die
To me you always were priceless
Now all there is left is silence

Remember that you were my sun
I can't believe the story is done
All the golden days we have spent
So sleep now my little friend

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

RunosydänKeskiviikko 12.03.2014 22:17

Lupaukset ovat muuttuneet valheeksi
Kauneus ja kaipuu hiljaa kaunaksi
Runosydän herää talven horroksesta
Kertomaan ihmisen menetyksen tuskasta

Aina kaikkensa tehnyt on toisen takia
Jokaisen tähden taivaalta luvannut hakia
Rakastaan sylissä pitänyt kylmin illoin
Ja runosydän aina sykkinyt on silloin

Se kestänyt on paljon ja saanut kärsiä
Pystynyt ei kukaan runosydäntä särkeä
Mutta nyt sen voima alkanut on hiipua
Ja niin sen oli aika pois nukkua

Runosydän kädelläni kuljen metsätietä pitkin
Tiesin minne olin menossa ja silloin minä itkin
Tänne minä sille kaivanut olen haudan
Laskiessani toivon sen löytäneen rauhan

En tiedä mitä minä olen ilman sinua
Niin kauan olet ollut osana minua
Mutta sen aina mielessäni pidän
Rinnassani sykkinyt on runosydän

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

New DawnPerjantai 07.03.2014 17:24

Silent songs of winter are behind
Spring promises warmth and new life
As I am standing alone in the rain
I feel it washes away all the pain

Loneliness has been with me for so long
Always reminding me what I did wrong
But somehow I know this is different time
Told myself that now it'll be all right

I'm still not sure if I'm able to love
It is like happiness is far as stars
Then happened something I couldn't believe
I met someone who is like me

She told me how hard things are
I knew she carries these same scars
As I were holding her hand in mine
I felt that I am once again alive

She took all my sadness away
And I hope she's here to stay
I promise we will never depart
And for you I give my heart

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

PathsTorstai 30.01.2014 19:31

Once long ago I had everything I needed
But then I was broke to small pieces
Like last notes that escapes from guitar
Love can be gone fast as shooting star

I gave my everything that I can survive
But there was nothing I could revive
All I ever cared was about to die
And for all that I sacrificed my life

Been wondering here and there since then
Was so sure I'd never find myself again
But suddenly I felt something that was new
...and that was the day when I met you

My heart that was lost in the dark
Came alive when you gave it a spark
Even that I am still here all alone
It lights path for me and you to home

Counting the days when I can be with you
All dreams we have can finaly become true
Everything else I had is left in to the be past
Cause I am yours from this moment to my last

You are the only thing I need
You make me feel
I'm finaly complete

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

TyhjyysTorstai 23.01.2014 23:39

Istun yksin ja kuuntelen tuulen laulua
Se hiljaa kuiskaa mieleeni synkkään
Sinun sisälläsi ole muuta kuin raivoa
Koskaan merkinnyt kenellekkään yhtään

Ja niin minä yritin kovasti muuttua
Sanoin en enää antaisi itseni vajota
Mutta sisältäni alkoi asioita puuttua
Hitaasti aloin minä täältä kadota

Sieluni on kuin särkynyt kaupunki
Ei kuollut laulu enää syki elämää
Mutta joskus päättyä pitää sadunki
Tarinalla annettavaa ole ei enempää

Ehkä olen tuntenut aina vain pelkoa
Itselleni luvannut huomenna on toisin
Vaan ikinä itsestäni saanut en selkoa
Ikään kuin tuhoutuneesta uutta loisin

Sen näen kun itseäni katson peilistä
Minun sisälläni tuntuu vain kylmyys
Enkä enää pysty muistamaan eilistä
Kaikki mitä jäänyt on vain tyhjyys

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

StormSunnuntai 05.01.2014 07:09

During these years I've lived with pain
No matter what, it was only me to blame
When I had something that I could enjoy
My heart was always used as a toy

Sometimes it feels like I've lost my world
Everything I ever build has been burned
But I stayed, thinking what I've learned
I felt that this is what I deserved

Yet I kept believing in true love
That is all my life was about of
Only me alone knows how much I suffer
Pondering if I can ever fully recover

Too many lonely nights I had to last
Still I dream things about in my past
Some wounds will never heal in time
But this is where I draw the line

So I left without saying any goodbyes
Sick of it how everyone always despised
And from now on, I'll not take it anymore
This time I'll be far away from the storm

c. Joni "Nonno" K.