Thursday, 21.8.2008
My ever interested diary...
The cure acts in a strange way. As I've said, it developes itself just in few days, and spreads like a butter on a hot pan. Hmmm... Gotta make some toasts after this. Anyways, if you've seen the movie Evolution, this is something like that, except fire doesn't make it grow or it doesn't come to life as fast as in the movie. Ok, the movie was just few hours long, so they had to keep the pace fast, it's not like there will be lizards popping out from the microscope suddenly. Back on the tracks, I keep phasing off from the topic, mind is just too full of opportunities. I can already see Nobel prize gathering dust in my basement. I'm gonna put a sample on cancer tumor, we'll see what happens in few days.
I've been a project manager for days now, and still I don't know the names of my co-workers. At some point we'll have to spend some time in this corporation's worker's entertainment days, where we're obliged to have some good time and to get knowing each others from outside the work. At that point I can't call people "skinny bald creep" or "hot red head". Wonder what's my name... The Silent Guy? Project Bitch? The-Who-Always-Puts-Whipped-Cream-Topping-On-Every-Dessert? Whatever, since I run the whole show, and things get too nifty, I might as well name this project Operation Backstabber.