


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 30Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 09:42

Wednesday, 3.9.2008

My analyzing diary,

Judging from the news, seems like the police and the army can't seem to get any hold of the situation. The targets won't even go down from the bullets or grenades, unless they're totally filled with lead, or get capitated. What is my analysis?

The virus allegedly operates similarly to most other viruses, but also has the abilities to animate dead tissue, to substantially mutate its host, and to infect nearly any tissue in any type of host. It animates dead tissue by killing and replacing any mitochondria in infected cells, and then combining with these cells to produce enough energy for motor and lower brain functions. By doing this, most of the body's systems, such as the circulatory or respiratory systems, are made redundant. However, this process has the drawback of severe necrosis in the host, and produces the distinctive rotted appearance of most hosts. The mutations are produced when the virus incorporates itself into the host's RNA and considerably alters it. Creatures with genetic structures different than humans generally show less severe mutations, and usually only increase in size. As a side effect of the virus' consumption of its host, specifically its digestion of the host's frontal lobes, all hosts suffer from greatly increased aggression. The virus also damages the hypothalamus, which results in a flood of neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones which induce a psychopathic rage and hunger in the host. I believe that the hunger for flesh is nothing more than a craving, and infected hosts do not require it for sustenance.

But what do I know? That's only a hypotesis made inside a barricaded room by a hungry and panicking scientist. I don't believe in zombies, and I greatly disbelieve that I'm responsible of creating these things. Still haven't dared to go outside, I believe I can manage one more day without food. But then again, it'd lower my performance later if I'd have to run away from these things at some point. Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow, today I'll just watch sitcoms with very very low volume.

Umbrella Diaries 29Tiistai 02.09.2008 07:10

Tuesday, 2.9.2008

My fellowship of the diary,

I've barricaded myself in my room and been very very quiet. Drank all the sodas for hunger already, didn't touch the alcohols yet, they might turn out to be nice molotov cocktails. Still no word from the police, and the news are telling that they're sending army people in here soon. What the hell is going on in there? I'll wait for one more day, and then I'll try to sneak through the cafeteria, and out of this damn building.

Umbrella Diaries 28Maanantai 01.09.2008 03:54

Monday, 1.9.2008

My tired diary... (mobile phone actually)

No! I stayed up all night and woke up late! I can't believe I slept for whole morning and noon! Stupid rat! Stupid Fox! Stupid noodles! Wait a minute, cancel those two latter ones. Stupid rat! I had to rush to the lab while buttoning my white jacket, then I had to rush to the sector G, because I forgot sector T was closed! What a way to start a day, quoting Garfield: I hate mondays!

But when I finally arrived to the lab, it was silent. Dead silent. Oh, by the way, everybody was dead. I've seen so many R-rated movies that you would've thought that nothing would shock me, but looks like seeing the real stuff made me bit dizzy. Or it could've been that I didn't have any breakfast, and lacked of oxygene from all the running. Also, I almost threw up, not from the sight, but from the smell, intestines and dead people smell a lot, A LOT, worse than you could think. I woke up to the reality when I heard some noises and saw something moving. It was that bald guy who was half dead and walking towards me, moaning, punishing me from being late probably (or digesting me, didn't stay to ask). So, I retreated to my quarters and wondered what the hell was going on.

I called the police and heard that they've been informed long time ago. They told me keep calm and yada yada yaa, follow instructions, wait for the police, give them more information what really happened around there, and if I've seen any suspects. Seems like they've never heard of an incident I described, and I wondered if I'd tell what's really happening or just say there's a maniac roaming inside the building. I decided to go with the maniac and tell them he's infected with diseases since he managed to trash the lab full of samples. That should catch their attention. I hate waiting. All I can do is watch from TV how this building has been surrounded for hours and people are being evacuated from the building. What about me!?! I also regret I didn't pick up more food from the cafeteria, all I had was a lousy corn dog, and I ate it because I was so shocked and nervous. Let this be a dream, please. Please?

Umbrella Diaries 27Maanantai 01.09.2008 02:37

Sunday, 31.8.2008

My mobile diary,

I woke up in the middle of the night, since that Family Guy came from Fox so late, not good for my sleeping rhythm. Nothing to eat in the fridge anymore, snacked everything during those sitcoms and cartoons, so I have to head to the late night cafeteria. Why on earth they show Iron Man so late?

While walking to the cafeteria, you can't believe who I met in the halls. The trainee. Where on earth he has been? He said that he was looking for the rat since it was his responsibility, and lost the track of time, and then the sleeping rhythm. Since we didn't have anything to do, we decided grab something from the cafeteria and go for a rodent hunt. We tried to get the night shift guard with us, but he was too busy with his Playboy. Or was it Playgirl? I swear it was... Anyways, two guys with flashlights wandering around corporate building looking for a rodent in middle of a night. Yes, sounds like a B-class horror material to me. This is why I haven't gotten myself a pet yet.

Umbrella Diaries 26Sunnuntai 31.08.2008 01:32

Saturday, 30.8.2008

Dear substituting diary,

Since I've been working on this project tonight, instead of being home doing something nice like the others, I'm not allowed to leave this building because of the rat incident. So, I'll stay in the facilities of this building, which look like five star hotel rooms. I should release rats more often. Also, since I can't come and write in your last pages, I'll have to write everything in my phone's memo and update you later. Or, I could try to do the voice record, but I'm too lazy for that, already gotten used to this dictionary function from sending messages to Terry. Speaking of missing people, haven't seen that trainee today. Either they fed him to the rats, made him an experiment for the project, or he got lost in this gigantic building. Gotta go now, will have to worry later, have some wrestling to watch, and hundreds of channels of more entertainment.

Umbrella Diaries 25Perjantai 29.08.2008 22:29

Friday, 29.8.2008

My dear ratbusting diary...

A grey dull routine day. People go to work every morning, work eight hours or more, go home and get ready for next day, they repeat this at least five times a week, during weekends or their day offs they do the stuff they didn't have time to do during their work days. This happens day after day, for years, with no time to live. You're born, you have your childhood and time to have fun. But it ends when you gotta go to school, so that you get education. With education, you get a job. With a job, you get to pay your rent and have food on the table. Until you're over sixty, and have time for your life. Except, it's too late by then. You're too old for all the stuffs you wanted to do when you were young. That's the summary of human's life.

But today things will be bit different for the workers, one small rodent managed to bring colour to this company. Some of the employees are sent back to their home, some of us are transferred to other sectors to work while there's a big hassle in sector T. I'm going all the way to sector G. This building is massive. Of course, the trainee is sent here too, free labor is always welcome. They afford to throw such a big celebration, and still want to save money with trainees. Or they're planning to use him as an experiment some day, looking for nolives who nobody misses when they're gone.

I'm still worried about the rat. It's so small that it can sneak inside the ventilation and other small spaces that everybody can miss. I gotta get this vaccine working as soon as possible. No lunch breaks for me today. I could really use a small nap though, I've been hunting that rat for whole night with a flashlight. Later, later.

Umbrella Diaries 24Torstai 28.08.2008 06:31

Thursday, 28.9.2008

My secret agent's diary...

Looks like this is starting to be a habit, sneaking into the lab in middle of the night. Well, sneaking and sneaking, I could count it as overwork. The night guard doesn't seem to worry about the whole thing, as he has seen me working quite late past my shift. Besides, since he doesn't have the clearance to know what's happening in the lab, all we can tell him that the information he's looking for is classified, hah! So, here I am, wondering around the labs and paranoidly checking if everything's ok, considering that the trainee might've missed something, and what do I encounter? One of the rat cages has been left open. I feel like jumping on a chair screaming like ladies in those old black and white movies. Hey, if you'd know what that rat's carrying, you'd too. I go back to night guard and inform that we have a situation, and to secure the area. We don't want that rodent to get out from this building roaming around in the gigantic city. And so far I don't even know what will happen to that rat, as we've disposed of them after few days of giving them an ebola virus, then the cure. All I know that some of the subjects start to act like miniature wolverines. No, not the guy with a cigar and that bad attitude...

Which reminds me, during our ten course dinner in the over fancy restaurant, I managed to figure out who's Mr. T... I better start to look for a different nickname or start carrying bling bling, because I "pity the fool" who's gonna get bitten by that rat. We all do.

Umbrella Diaries 23Keskiviikko 27.08.2008 19:54

Wednesday, 27.8.2008

My gastronomic diary...

Nobody asked me about my extra shipments, either they're monitoring me subtly, they missed something, or they really trust their project leader. And so far the trainee hasn't done anything wrong or mistakes. I wish I could have more time to keep an eye on him. At least he could stop moshing inside the lab.

Tonight the company is celebrating something, discovery of something or company's birthday, I didn't pay attention, my mind is dwelling too much on this crazy project. Every big boss is dining in this fancy restaurant, including those who are working on major projects. This includes our T-sector, even the trainee. There's a dress code in the restaurant, and the trainee looked like he was from some 90s death metal band. Guess if the company is big enough, anybody can get in. I'll try to enjoy the food.

What was the name of that one guy who was in the top floors of the building? Whiskers or something...

Umbrella Diaries 22Tiistai 26.08.2008 21:02

Tuesday, 26.8.2008

Diary 101,

Today we encountered a bad omen. We have a new guy, a trainee, and I'm sure he will fullfill the prophecy of extreme catastrophe. The end of the world. Or that people give him assignments, he doesn't know how to do them right, and we have to redo the task he had, thus doubling our work. The company is huge, and in cafeteria you can barely recognice anyone from the white jackets, but this guy... Black hair, piercings, mascara... I'm not sure, but I swear he had contact lenses.

About the "cure", some people might notice that I've requested extra material for my research, considering that I'm working on the vaccine also. Someone might get interested. Someone might wanna ask me questions. Or use their brains and figure out that if I'm working on something this dangerous, I should also be working out counter measures. But hey, I wasn't informed, I'm working on a cure, why would I need somekind of antidote for it? I bet we're replacables since things are cordinated this poorly. It doesn't matter if they throw us huge pile of money, we're gonna be dead anyways. Which leads to a paranoid thought: Do they dispose us once the project is done?


...I'll check if there was a deadline for this...

Umbrella Diaries 21Maanantai 25.08.2008 07:48

Monday, 25.8.2008

Good morning diary...

Looks like I fell asleep while being on computer. My face had those marks from keyboard when I went to brush my teeth. Seems like I slept the whole day. Just few hours and I have to go back to work. I'll grab something from the fridge, clean up places a little, take out the trash, do little chores that I normally don't have time to do, and head to work without any rush... Bah, screw that, I'll head straight to work, grab a coffee from the cafeteria, and start working on the project soon as I get there. Nobody can stop Mr. T.