


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 51Lauantai 20.12.2008 14:03

Saturday, 20.12.2008

My achy diary,

I woke up in a terrible ache in my head today and Chris told I hit my head while we were chased by that monstrous thing. All I can remember that we ran and ran, met a gang of dead subway travelers, the bazooka hit the ceiling and then I felt something hitting my head. Looks like I've been out from the action for several days. But the nightmare continues, as we're stuck between rubbles like in the dream. What a strange dream I had, something about a big metallic suit and Bruce Lee... Darn, it was just a dream, I was about to be so tough.

Umbrella Diaries 50Perjantai 19.12.2008 14:57

???????, ??.??.????

My solid diary,

I was running away from these things in a subway tunnel, when the whole thing collapsed and I was stuck in the solid darkness alone with ooze and muck. Chris managed to dive away from the rubbles into the ooze and muck, but I was trapped with these blood hungry solid monsters in ooze and muck. Couldn't escape anywhere because the concrete junk was so solid. Had to fight for my solid survival and did all strange and solid kung fu moves I never imagined I could ever perform in the ooze and muck. I guess the solid vitamin pills did their job. Now all I got left is to build myself a solid robot suit in which I escape this solid and dreadful city of ooze and muck, I mean, if Tony could do it, why can't I? Keep your solid thumbs up.

Umbrella Diaries 49Torstai 18.12.2008 04:32


Umbrella Diaries 48Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 13:26


Umbrella Diaries 47Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 01:16


Umbrella Diaries 46Maanantai 15.12.2008 12:59

Monday, 15.12.2008

My panicked diary,

What was that!?! What in the name of God was THAT!?! There's a huge thing chasing us with a bazooka!!! Am I in a game or something!?! This is ridiculous!!! What next!?! Plants that can set people on fire or people having tentacles instead of their heads!!!

Ok, I'm calm now. I really have no idea what is that thing chasing us, or what it wants with us. All I can hear him repeating is "stores". Or did he say "storks"? I'm glad we got rid of him, for now. I don't think our bullets are no match for him. We need bombs. Lots of bombs.

Umbrella Diaries 45Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 10:26

Sunday, 14.12.2008

My sore diary,

It hurts. It hurts so much. That's why I'm not an athlete, these legs were made to walk from test tube to another, not away from zombie humans and dogs. They're freakingly fast for dead bodies. The virus must've been keeping the cells in shape by mutation. They must also be eating everything they can since they've survived that long.

We decided to move towards in a subway tunnel. I was afraid that public transportations would keep lots of these guys inside, but seems like they've wondered away. But as my pessimism-sense starts tingling, I can already imagine that the tunnel is festering with these things, and they'll jump on me just when I take a small break from walking. Some holiday season. Ho ho ho.

Umbrella Diaries 44Lauantai 13.12.2008 14:29

Saturday, 13.12.2008

My flaming diary,

Today I made my first molotov cocktail. It was horrid. We were forced to act on our first conflict, after all that careful sneaking in this city. The shooting and explosions must've attracted the others to our way and we must make a haste. Chris also said next time I might have to learn how to use a gun. Only burning carcasses, blood on pure white snow and footprints are left from that scene. For the first time in my life, I ran so hard that I barely could breath for ten minutes after that. My legs are going to be sore tomorrow.

Umbrella Diaries 43Perjantai 12.12.2008 10:00

Friday, 12.12.2004

My hungry diary,

As we passed through the shopping district, there were so many Korean, Vietnamese and Taiwanese restaurants that I must've drooled so much, that the walking corpses would ignore me and look me as one of them. But as could be guessed, everything would've been spoiled and we didn't even bother to stop and check out. We did stop at a small independent radio station, but it was presumably abandoned. Oh, it was barricaded quite well, but since we didn't hear any reply to calls, we moved on to find anything that could work as a communication tool. Are we near the suburbs yet? How big is this city anyways?

Umbrella Diaries 42Torstai 11.12.2008 16:25

Thursday, 11.12.2008

My childish diary,

We passed the big shopping street full of Thanksgiving and Christmas sales. It just comes earlier every year. This Christmas won't be so cheery though, if we even survive it. Then again, all that I could've done is wonder the streets and shopping centers, wishing for family or loved one with whom I'd spend my Christmas with. Then I'd just end up playing games with my friend and ordering many "Christmas" pizzas. But for this Christmas Santa, I wish I will survive. Nothing else. I've been a good boy.