


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 57Perjantai 26.12.2008 19:02

Friday, 26.12.2008

My resisting diary,

I've given myself small doses of vaccine to slow down the process, but I can't use them all if I still wish to have a sample to work on when we reach down some kind of a laboratory. I've become more cranky and almost everything seems to annoy me, even pushing these stupid CELL PHONE BUTTONS IN THIS COLD AND THEY DON'T WORK FOR CRYING OUT LOUD WHY THE BUTTONS HAVE TO BE SO SMALL MY FINGERS ARE FREEZI

I'm ok.

Umbrella Diaries 56Torstai 25.12.2008 19:19

Thursday, 25.12.2008

My action pumped diary,

I was on fire today! I threw a molotov cocktail at a zombie, but it bounced from it and dropped right in front of me. Never could've guessed that. Usually in the movies and games they shatter at their feet or when hitting the body. So anyways, we were both partially on fire, mostly our feet, and I got this bullet time thing again, and I went totally Spartan, took out three with my axe. Had a great adrenalin rush, but Chris didn't look that happy. He had that gun pointed at me after that, can't blame him. I do realize what I'm becoming. Might as well take all the profit I can get while still being conscious of myself.

Umbrella Diaries 55Keskiviikko 24.12.2008 13:23

Wednesday, 24.12.2008

My rushy diary,

I decided to go against the movies and series, and tell Chris about my infection. He pointed a gun in my face. He said that I better find the cure, and if I'll show any signs of symptons and aggression, he'll give me one way trip to nerd heaven. Looks like he took it better than I expected. What I didn't tell him, was that I got a strange rush emotional rush inside me when I saw the pipe of the gun. Same kind of rage you get when you play a game for 6 hours without saving, then the game jams. And then, I swear everything was in bullet time. I gotta see if I can trigger it again. So cool, and so freaking dangerous. I wished him merry Christmas after that and he gave me a little smile. What a holiday. I wonder if I'll see any zombies with Christmas hats on them.

Umbrella Diaries 54Tiistai 23.12.2008 20:11

Tuesday, 23.12.2008

My infected diary,

Found a reason for this sudden athletic ability as I suspected. I'm infected, not sure where or when I got this wound. Thought that it'd weaken the subject as the cells start to die, but instead it enhances the carrier. I don't know what to do, if I tell Chris, he might kill me, but that also means there won't be a chance to make a cure. I'm so close to the final steps. I just need a place to run my test and confirm my research. Now I know why they don't tell in movies about these things. It's the fear. The need for self-defense that's primal, that goes beyond logic and thinking. If I'd be a hot chick, I bet he'd spare me.

Umbrella Diaries 53Maanantai 22.12.2008 17:19

Monday, 22.12.2008

My free running diary,

You know in the movies or games where people run along the walls and jump from roof to roof, climbing obstacles with such an ease? I did that today! It was so awesome feeling to kick their ass like a ninja! But something else also happened what I'd expect to happen, something that never happens in those movies and games. You step on or grab a loose brick or a fragile piece of wood. I landed on my ass, and I bet the zombies would laugh their ass off like lepers if they'd have some degree of intelligence in their head. So, I just decided to POP THEM IN THE FACE!!! Maybe it is true that movies and games make you more aggressive. Well, violence solved my problems, I'm still alive!

Umbrella Diaries 52Maanantai 22.12.2008 17:18

Sunday, 21.12.2008

My athlete diary,

We got through the rubble today, I thought the rocks would be much heavier, but thanks to my push ups and training when I barricaded myself in the bedroom, I can move these big boulders with ease. Strength plus one, yeee. What a nerd. And we encountered some bodies during our escape, and I managed to beat them up with just a metal pipe, saving some ammo. I rock! Should've been more interested in army and guns. Should've grown myself as versatile as my roleplaying character.

Umbrella Diaries 51Lauantai 20.12.2008 14:03

Saturday, 20.12.2008

My achy diary,

I woke up in a terrible ache in my head today and Chris told I hit my head while we were chased by that monstrous thing. All I can remember that we ran and ran, met a gang of dead subway travelers, the bazooka hit the ceiling and then I felt something hitting my head. Looks like I've been out from the action for several days. But the nightmare continues, as we're stuck between rubbles like in the dream. What a strange dream I had, something about a big metallic suit and Bruce Lee... Darn, it was just a dream, I was about to be so tough.

Umbrella Diaries 50Perjantai 19.12.2008 14:57

???????, ??.??.????

My solid diary,

I was running away from these things in a subway tunnel, when the whole thing collapsed and I was stuck in the solid darkness alone with ooze and muck. Chris managed to dive away from the rubbles into the ooze and muck, but I was trapped with these blood hungry solid monsters in ooze and muck. Couldn't escape anywhere because the concrete junk was so solid. Had to fight for my solid survival and did all strange and solid kung fu moves I never imagined I could ever perform in the ooze and muck. I guess the solid vitamin pills did their job. Now all I got left is to build myself a solid robot suit in which I escape this solid and dreadful city of ooze and muck, I mean, if Tony could do it, why can't I? Keep your solid thumbs up.

Umbrella Diaries 49Torstai 18.12.2008 04:32


Umbrella Diaries 48Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 13:26
