


Ted The Polar Bear

hanna idol.. ilodiodiksi 2006!Lauantai 17.12.2005 02:39

joo. en voi ymmärtää niitä jotka sanoo ettei raha tuo onnea. kyllä minä ainakin olisin niin pirun onnellinen jos minulla "sitä" olis, ja KAIKKI olis toisin.

no mut Reckoning Week it is, let's hear Wildfire.

Oh why are we so sad?
Are we feeling hurt by their evil eyes and all those empty words?
We are thirsty for payback?
Burn honey, burn, let the fire eat away
I never liked the look of this town
Burn it down now
I'll run, they all know what I've done
I fetch my gear and take my leave from this mountain

I never had a chance to prove I wasn't guilty,
I always seemed to get blamed for
Every little crime, I didn't even have a name for...

Still running, still defeated in my mind
I never even tried to defend my own pride
It was a match made in Hell,
Now the whole mountain burns
And every man gets what no man deserves.

laulan lopuksi hieman jani wickholmia:

tajusin tänään että rakastan mua,
ehkä huomen löydän jotain joka ei vituta mua.

haaPerjantai 16.12.2005 17:53

In Dublin's fair city,
where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheel'd her wheel barrow
Thro' streets broad and narrow

Crying "Cockles and Mussels alive, alive O!"
Alive, alive O! Alive, alive O
Crying Cockles and Mussels Alive, alive O!

tällaset "ovet" miekin haluisin oppia tuntemaan:
"ne tuntevat mielihyvää avautuessaan teille ja tyydytystä sulkeutuessaan jäljessänne, sillä ne tietävät hoitaneensa tehtävänsä hyvin" :P

(teksti irrotettu asiayhteydestä)
ahaa, vielä hiljasempi päivä ku eilen. no mut ihan hyvillä mielin ollaan koska yks jouluna tapahtuva juttu varmistu, je.

Ai niin joo, Reckoning Week.. no, White Pearl, Black Oceans...

I was born and raised by the sea, Shy yet proud,
Learned to stay away from the crowd
In my home, my lighthouse...
100 and 1 steps down, round and round
New Years Eve, one night in the town
can change one life into eternity...

All I could see, her eyes,
we got caught in the moment, all of the night
Taken beyond all lines,
in silence leaving 'em all behind

She had found the sails, for the following night
The town, for her, was getting way too small
She promised to be mine
Forever, ...for that one night...

jonkun jouluhömppäleffan kimppuun..
ihan hiljanen päivä tänään. ihan tylsä päivä tänään. ihan tyhmä päivä tänään. ihan turha päivä tänään. ihan vaisu päivä tänään. ihan laimee päivä tänään.

Reckoning Week:iä jatketaan ja lauletaan yhdessä The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Real Puppet.

So it shall be... if this is what it takes
"Oh, greed's truly blinder than me..."
"Heart of gold is what you wish for?"
"So, this little boy... wants to be... a puppet, for real..."

So I have the golden heart
Now only needing the voice of the master
Never feel hunger, NEVER GROW OLDER
My dream was to be a star in a real puppet show

It's so hard to remember my life
The times before the show
Can I ever cut off the strings?
"Take a bow, now dance and sing..."

Would you turn me to a child again?

ehkä on vaan parempi mennä pois.

my savior? anyone? - part 2Keskiviikko 14.12.2005 03:38

päivä meni, uus tulee. olin tänään (illalla) hyvällä tuulella (jepjep, aaltoja!!) vaikka maailma kovasti yrittikin laittaa vastaan.

vuorossa My Selene, Reckoning Week:istä.

Nocturnal poetry, dressed in the white and silver you'd smile at me
Every night I wait for my sweet Selene

But still...
Solitude's upon my skin
A Life that's bound by the chains of reality
Would you let me be your Endymion?

I would
Bathe in your moonlight and slumber in peace
Enchanted by your kiss in forever sleep

But until we unite
I live for the night
Wait for time
Two souls entwine

In the break of new dawn
My hope is forlorn
Shadows they will fade
But I'm always in the shade
Without you...
And I...
The loneliest child alive
Always waiting, searching for my rhyme
I'm still alone in the dead of night.

JA KYLLÄ! edelleen kaikki sanomani on TOTTA.
päivä alko mököillen, mutta sekin täytyi lopettaa, kun enhän toki haluu äkäillä ystäväiseni seurassa. loppupäivä meni generaattoroidessa tuhmuuksia.

mihin purkaa kaikki paska,
mistä hakea lohtu.

Reckoning Week vuorolainen on rakas Don't Say A Word.

I am your poison candygram
The love that's ment to fade away
Vade retro, alter ego, move aside, I'm choking on this life
I think I tolerate your hate, as long as you're afraid
All I wanted was to be with you and suffer every day...

Under the moon I hold a wake for a promise torn
Mortally wounded, feelings sheltered me
Once again my shadow will enter your life
Time to walk with me the last mile...

I read a book about a man, a love, a woman, how they died
How I was waved aside, listen how the headless doves cry
I truly see a madman in the mirror when I'm weak
I spent a year in love before I realized it's me

Open your blue eyes, tell me that you love me, whore
Make me believe it, oh I know you're lying
Broke the vow I thought you made, my angel, why...
Could I let you wait out the night?

agnstitan, agnstitan, teiniagnstitan.

i ain't gonna see you taken away..Maanantai 12.12.2005 02:50

no ei joo mitään erikoista. lottokin meni vituilleen. kynttilä kuseksi levyjen päälle.
Reckoning Week jatkukoon Blinded No More:lla.

Your pretty face seduced me,
Blinded me from how you used me
I walked the long way home,
only to get hurt by you again
The longest glance, oh,
A lone reflection splitting in two

You found all seven ways to keep me near,
Near within your reach
You sure knew how to harness love,
But never made me more than want you
I'm not sorry, you will never get more out of me
'Cause I am blinded no more

You sucked out my will to live
You gave me the crown, and killed...

High road would have none to regret
Never left, I took the low road instead

Love is a little DEATH between two little lives,
Nothing more
Now I have myself to live for...

ja nyt shithead menee kattomaan jonkun paskan leffan ja sitten
"nukkumaan itkeäkseen itsensä unelmiin"

YES!! Hate Crew kasvaa kasvamistaan!Sunnuntai 11.12.2005 02:33

jaahas, nyt on sellaset tunnelmat että täytyypä aloittaa Reckoning Week. means that joka päivä, viikon ajan, luemme yhdessä pätkän yhdestä Reckoning Night-levyn biiseistä, joka kuvastaa sen hetkisiä tuntoja sytämmessä.

Misplaced aloittakoon.

Sometimes I feel so out of time and place, trapped in a maze
As if I was lost in someone else's life...
The values I should keep in high regard don't mean a thing to me

Do you ever feel a need to go back in time? A dream of mine...
To travel far away and one day steal back my life
In the end all I can do is to learn I live in a dreamland

This time was not made for me, I have nowhere to land, no place to rest,
Like a bird, without a nest, I'm gliding
Under the clouds, forevermore

How much suffocated anxiety can be held within?
I was found guilty to a crime against myself.
No need to hear the words again,
I live and I'd die for my dreamland

This time was not made for me, I have nowhere to land, no place to rest,
Like a bird, without a nest, I'm gliding
Under the clouds, forevermore

I'll never have a chance, I can't understand
I'm misplaced man
How could this backward land
Learn to understand my dance
what it's like, when every single smile hurts...

I have never felt like a home here
Always missing something
People aren't connecting
Am I misplaced soul?

Suburban MeLauantai 10.12.2005 15:00

Lost in the city wondering why
no one will open the door
It's more to the truth than meets the eye
something they all felt before
And they will give anything
just to stand tall once again
and they won't surrender

Living in a world of promises
Living in a world of dreams and hopes
Living in a world of promises

::In Flames-World of Promises::

ja smagardejaPerjantai 09.12.2005 14:54

löysin eilen joulumieleni
se oli tarjouksessa, nyt vain viisysiysi
luottokorttiyhtiö mua taas muistaisi
ja hellyyttävän joululaskun mulle rustaisi
istun kuusen ääreen ihaillen jouluvaloja
ja vaellan katuja etsien tyhjiä pulloja
aina jouluna jokainen ihminen on toiselle kuin veli
tänä vuonna seimipaikan tarjoaa ylikonstaapeli
voisko pukki lainaa joulumaan dollareita
laskut pitäs maksaa ja on tossa noita muitakin papereita

rahaa, joululahjaksi rahaa
tahdon rahaa

nyt kynttilät joulutunnelman meillä valaisee
koska sähköyhtiö valot katkaisee
tonttu-ukot ulkona sisään kurkkivat
ja nettipankin salasanan multa urkkivat
talokaan ei teknisesti ole omani
vaan pankin, merry christmas sulle hani

rahaa, joululahjaksi rahaa
mä tahdon rahaa, rahaa, rahaa

mä tahdon rahaa, rahaa, rahaa
joululahjaksi rahaa
ja sikana rahaa
haluan rahaa, mä tartten rahaa
anna mulle rahaa
anna mulle rahaa
anna mulle rahaa
joululahjaksi rahaa
anna mulle rahaa
anna mulle rahaa
anna mulle rahaa
joululahjaksi: rahaa

::Peltsi & Juuso Feat. Juhalahti - Paras Joululahja::