


Her whisper is the Lucifer.

time flies....Lauantai 12.03.2011 21:04

only thing that has changed is my hairstyle...
not sure is it good of bad...

had nothing to do today...

and that earthquake in Japan makes me sad...
good thing is that i got a e-mail from Yosuke...
he and his family are okay..

uusi puhelin!!!!Perjantai 31.12.2010 15:41

Haha venaan bussia kaupungilla ja rassaan uutta puhelinta! Samsung galaxy s!!!!

SOB365T !!!Lauantai 16.10.2010 12:56

Happy 1st anniversary my boys !!!!

hmmmKeskiviikko 01.09.2010 01:05

kraaah jos joutuu jonku kalliin tietokoneohjelman ostaa....

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 28.08.2010 00:40

this makes me smile.Keskiviikko 25.08.2010 02:22

Life's Highs...

* Laughing hysterically
* Dancing your heart out
* Star gazing
* Shopping
* Going to the beach
* Listening to the rain
* Ice-cream on a hot day
* Feeling wanted
* Getting that warm, fuzzy feeling when you think about the one you love
* Receiving cute text messages
* Personal jokes
* Compliments
* Late night phone calls
* Christmas
* Hugs
* Kisses
* Knowing someone misses you
* Knowing someone is thinking of you
* Good dreams
* Lying on the grass starring into the sky
* Playing in the snow
* Jumping into a warm bed on a cold night
* Seeing your guys/girls name on your mobile when it rings
* Your first kiss
* Talking for hours about absolutely nothing
* Looking back on the laughs
* Receiving presents
* Giving presents
* Birthdays
* Being full of energy
* Seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend
* Watching someone do something stupid, and them thinking no one saw
* Nice smelling perfume/cologne/deodorant
* Good hair days
* Turning on the radio to hear that your favourite song is being played
* Running into an old friend
* Strolling along the pier at night
* Finding £5 on the ground
* Being home alone
* Reading a good magazine
* Sun baking
* Sleeping in
* Watching the sun come up
* Seeing a shooting star
* Waking up to find the person you love in your arms
* Weekends
* Holidays
* Jumping on a trampoline
* Sitting infront on the fire on a cold evening
* Smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
* Singing into your hairbrush in your room
* Bubble baths
* Turning up your sterio as loud as it will go
* Being so happy it makes you cry
* Summer
* Finally completing somthing you started a long time ago
* Achieving a long time goal
* Warm nights
* Falling in loveÂ…

S.E.S ja Nylon BeatLauantai 21.08.2010 14:07

Korealainen versio Nylon Beatin kappaleesta Rakastuin mä luuseriin.

(eksyin yks päivä kuuntelemaan S.E.Sin kappaleita ja löysin tän...hetken kuuntelin että miten voi olla noin tutun kuulonen, sit luin kommenteista et sehän onkin naikkareitten kiple)

and what is this...Lauantai 21.08.2010 00:45

is it really what i think it is....?? (found it from tumblr)

it´s my favourite!!!


Day 10: Your favorite albumMaanantai 12.07.2010 17:30

sanoisinko että SORRY,SORRY tosin...
on tuo uusi Bonamanakin ihan loisto levy..
mut ehkä sit kuitenkin toi eka :P
en kyllä osaa sanoa tuota ylempää....
se olis sitä paitsi ollu eilisen juttu, mut olin kipeenä et en muistanu.

mut Day 9:

it must be No other
their new song!!!! AAA~ i just LOVE it!
when they perform this song i can´t help but laught and smile!!!
it´s so sweet and funny!!