
Aah!! Mahtavat parkourjamit oli!!! Tämmöst ku ois kerran kuus <3 Yamakasin tyypit oli hauskoja ja meininki oli muutenki niin ainutlaatuista!!! Hyvät muistot jäi ;)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 04.09.2008 19:57

Voi vittu

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 23:56


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 18:35

[ ] Jaksan bilettää yön läpi
[ ] Olen villi
[ ] Syön usein pikaruokaa
[/] Olen kiireinen
[ ] Kannatan Knicksiä
[ ] Katson Frendejä
= ½

[/] Osaan ranskaa
[ ] Rakastan romantiikkaa
[ ] ...muotia
[ ] ...kalliita merkkivaatteita
[ ] ...kauneutta
[ ] Notre Damen kellonsoittaja on yksi lempielokuvistani
= ½

[ ] Haluaisin olla prinsessa/kuninkaallinen
[/] ...ja asua suuressa linnassa/kartanossa
[ ] Rakastan brittienglantia
[X] Matkustan usein bussilla/metrolla/ratikalla
[ ] Kannatan Chelseaa
[/] Olen kiireinen

[ ] Kannatan Inter Milania tai AC Milania
[x] Tykkään liikkua raitiovaunulla
[ ] Teen/olen tehnyt mallintöitä
[/] Pizza on lempiruokani
[ ] Puhun italiaa
[x] Pidän DaVincin taiteesta
= 2½

[/] Rakastan antiikkia
[/] Pizza on lempiruokani
[ ] Puhun italiaa
[ ] Omistan skootterin
[/] Olen nähnyt elokuvan Gladiator
[ ] ...ja pidin siitä
= 1½

[/] Rakastan hiekkarantoja
[ ] ...ja palmuja
[ ] ...ja elokuvia
[ ] Olen aina halunnut filmitähdeksi/tähdeksi
[ ] Hollywood kiehtoo minua
[ ] Olen varsinainen enkeli
= ½

[ ] Rakastan merta
[ ] En pidä niinkään huvipuistoista
[/] ...tai kovasta liikenteestä
[/] Joessa on kiva uida
[/] Syön usein kalaa
[/] ...ja se on mielestäni hyvää.
= 2

Milano :)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.09.2008 21:45 joku häiritsevin video ikinä!! :D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.09.2008 20:53 tommosen tein, mut mustavalkosena :)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.09.2008 18:57

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 31.08.2008 14:22

Lisää kehä 2 ja kehä3 seikkailuja aleksin faijal pe-la :)
King Missile - Detachable Penis :D

I woke up this morning
with a bad hangover
and my penis was missing again.
This happens all the time:
it's detachable.
This comes in handy a lot of the time:
I can leave it home
when I think it's going to get me in trouble,
or I can rent it out
when I don't need it.
But now and then I go to a party,
get drunk,
and the next morning I can't for the life of me
remember what I did with it.

First I looked around my apartment
and I couldn't find it
so I called up the place where the party was.
They hadn't seen it either.
I asked them to check the medicine cabinet
(because for some reason I leave it there sometimes)
but not this time.
So I told them if it pops up to let me know.
I called some other people from the party
but they were no help either.

I was starting to get desperate.
I really don't like being without my penis for too long.
It makes me feel like less of a man,
and I really hate having to sit down every time I take a leak.

After a few hours of searching the house
and calling everyone I could think of,
I was starting to get very depressed.
So I went to the Kiev and ate breakfast.
Then as I walked down Second Avenue
towards St. Mark's place where all those
people sell used books and other junk on the street,
I saw my penis lying on a blanket
next to a broken toaster oven.
Some guy was selling it.
He wanted 22 bucks,
but I talked him down to 17.
I took it home, washed it off, and put it back on.

I was happy again.
People sometimes tell me I should get it permanently attached, but,
I don't know. Even though it's sometimes a pain in the ass,
I like having a detachable penis

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.08.2008 19:00

Ääh tekis mieli mennä jonneki :) mut kaikki pääsee vast neljältä :( Mitä vittuu kello on jo neljä!!! moido!!!