


shut up and drive

UUh jeaHKeskiviikko 04.03.2009 15:36

nyt on pojat rökitetty tekkenissä (ville enimmäkseen) ja timolle pistetty hevoset,siis hevoset jotka rikkovat kävelytyskoneen ja mun hermot :D liikkuu liian nopeesti tai hitaasti :DD

Nyt on pää iha sekasi,mitä oon tehny ja mitä tekemättä :D nooh kaikki aikanaan,illalla sitte käymää kylällä mikon kanssa hakemaan ville ja sitten ne saa taas turpiisa :D

Mitääh,kaikkiha musta tyksii :D

p.s 15.3. Piippolassa Annika Kivelä/Boris Dahlia,kaikki ainekset suureen katastrofiin :D <3

Irina-HiljaisuusTiistai 03.03.2009 22:15

Siis ku täällä on nääääääääin hiljasta :O ihmeellistä ku ei oo keitää ku minä,taina ja timo (vaikkakin timo pitää huolen ettei täällä liian hiljasta ole) :D

Nooh huomenna sitte on kuulemma enemmänki sitä sakkia.. :D nooh,taidampa mennä harjottelemaan tekkeniä ni annan huomenna pojille turpiin :D

:DTiistai 03.03.2009 18:09

Voi ei,soi päässä..

"en muista välitä,en
mä päätin etukäteen
sä oot tänää se ainoo jolla mä,mä meen
Ja sä tiedät sen
sä oot tänää se ainoo jolla mä,mä meen"

eeeeeiiiiii :D

Ja omat bileet jatkuu..Tiistai 03.03.2009 18:03

Ku hepat on n. hoidettu kaikki,ja pojat lähti :D musa soi ja annika on iha väsyny :D

Katottii eile Jali ja suklaa tehdas,mitä KUKAAN ei ollu nähny..hei yleissivistystä..ja oli hyvä leffa,mikko ainaki melkeen nukahti jossai välissä :D perkule,onneks mä sivistän ihmisiä :D

<3Tiistai 03.03.2009 14:23

vammattaa,ja päätä särkee --> hartiat kipeenä :S ja kylki on kipee :D ei urheilia tervettä päivää nää..

Negative-in my heaven <3 ja Nelly Furtado-Say it right (joka jäi kesken,prkleen pojat!!)

annika meinasi ajaa ojaan :DMaanantai 02.03.2009 23:00

Ja mikko kokeilee mun topkani tunnuksia tänne :D reps

hihMaanantai 02.03.2009 10:59

kengityksen teoriaa by timo :D astetta viisaampi,jällee :P

Kröhöm..Sunnuntai 01.03.2009 16:20

Memman kaa puhelimessa 1:41:11 :O hupsis,mite me nii kaua puhuttii :D

p.s ja mistäköhä me puhuttii ;)
Hold up
Hold on
Don't be scared,
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile, (may your smile)
Shine on, (shine on)
Don't be scared, (don't be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm,

'Cause all of the stars,
Have faded away
Just try not to worry,
You'll see them someday,
Take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out

Get up, (get up)
Come on, (come on)
Why you scared? (I'm not scared)
You'll never change what's been and gone

'Cause all of the stars,
Have faded away
Just try not to worry,
You'll see them some day,
Take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out

'Cause all of the stars,
Have faded away
Just try not to worry,
You'll see them someday.
Just take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out

We're all of the stars,
We're fading away.
Just try not to worry,
You'll see us someday.
Just take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out... [4x]

oasis <3Perjantai 27.02.2009 22:28

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky

Wake up the dawn and ask her why
A dreamer dreams she never dies
Wipe that tear away now from your eye
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you when we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky

Cos people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we live and die
The world's still spinning round
We don't know why
Why, why, why, why

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky

Cos people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we live and die
The world's still spinning round
We don't know why
Why, why, why, why

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
We were getting high
We were getting high
We were getting high
We were getting high