


You just hate me 'cos I'm black

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 08.03.2009 16:31

jos menis sotimahan taas pariksi viikoksi

GooMKeskiviikko 26.11.2008 13:31

Solis kuulemma lähtö goomille edessä helmikuussa

@ MoroccoMaanantai 10.11.2008 17:38

Perkelehen lamminta, valilla jopa satanan kuuma :P

Bloodbath - EatenMaanantai 27.10.2008 23:26

I've had one desire since I was born
To see my body ripped and torn
To see my flesh devoured before my eyes
Only for you, I volunteer as a human sacrifice

Carve me up, slice me apart
Suck my guts and lick my heart
Chop me up, I like to be hurt
Drink my marrow and blood for dessert

My one desire, my only wish is to be
The longer I live the more I'm dying to feel the pain
I would do anything to be
My one desire, my only wish is to be

I finally found you, my personal slaughter
As an appetizer, I let you taste my daughter
Call me sick but this is what I need
My only purpose here is for you to feed

Carve me up, slice me apart
Suck my guts and lick my heart
Chop me up, I like to be hurt
Drink my marrow and blood for dessert

My one desire, my only wish is to be
The longer I live the more I'm dying to feel the pain
I would do anything to be
My one desire, my only wish is to be

Desecrate me
Tear me limb from limb
Eviscerate me
Chew me to death

My one desire, my only wish is to be
The longer I live the more I'm dying to feel the pain
I would do anything to be
My one desire, my only wish is to be


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 18.10.2008 22:15

raa'anpuoloonen työviikko takana ja ny LAUANTAIPÖHÖNÄ!!!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.10.2008 18:11

mikäs päivä tänään olikaa... saatana KESKIVIIKKO!! ja ei muutaku lava kaupasta ja kaljaa koneeseen :D ... ai taas
Women are stupid and I donÂ’t respect them,
ThatÂ’s right, I just have sex with them.

Show me your genitals, your genitalsÂ…
Show me your genitalsÂ…
Show me your genitals, your genitalsÂ…
Show me your genitalsÂ…

YouÂ’re talkinÂ’ to me about stuffÂ…why?
IÂ’d rather see your titties.
Now youÂ’re talking about other stuffÂ…why?
IÂ’d much rather see your titties.

I canÂ’t have sex with your personality,
and I canÂ’t put my penis in your college degree,
and I canÂ’t shove my fist in your childhood dreams,
so why you sharing all this information with me?

ItÂ’s not sexist Â’cause IÂ’m saying it in a song,
ThatÂ’s right bitch, now take off your thongÂ…

And show me your genitals, your genitalsÂ…
Show me your genitalsÂ…
Your genitalia!
Show me your genitals, your genitalsÂ…
Show me your genitalsÂ…
Your genitalia!

Knock knock, whoÂ’s there? ItÂ’s meÂ…
Wondering why youÂ’re not naked.
Know knock, whoÂ’s there? Me againÂ…
Still wondering why youÂ’re not naked.

I wanna see your bum, I donÂ’t care what you say,
No I donÂ’t have feelings cause feelings are gay.
Something something in the month of May,
Bitches love my penis cause itÂ’s really big.

GirlsÂ’ brains are much stupider than menÂ’s are,
so they should always listen to us cause weÂ’re smart.
Women are only good for three things,
cooking, cleaningÂ…and vaginas.

Show me your genitals, your genitalsÂ…
Show me your genitalsÂ…
Your genitalia!
Show me your genitals, your genitalsÂ…
Show me your genitalsÂ…
Your genitalia!

I can give good sex to youÂ…
cause IÂ’m really good at sex.
I can give good sex to youÂ…
cause IÂ’m really good at sex.

Ahh yeah, thatÂ’s right, shake yourÂ…bums.

IÂ’m out of hereÂ…I gotta go have sexÂ…
with a lot of girls.