Kiitos kaikille yötuparissa olleille aivan mahtavasta illasta ja yöstä! Oli ihan super kivaa...
Harmi vaan etten voinu pitää sanaani siinä asiassa, etten menis ekana nukkumaan... vitsin pellet ku jaksoitte valvoo niin pitkään... :D
Mutta vielä kerran paljon kiitoksia kaikille ja toivottavasti mä saan täällä meillä paikat kuntoon et voidaan pitää lähiaikoina samanlainen... + Disney putki... :D <3<3
Good Mornin',
Good Mornin',
We've Talked the whole night through
Good Mornin',
Good Mornin' to you
Good Mornin', Good Mornin'
It's great to stay Up late
Good Mornin', good mornin' to you!
When the band began to play
The starts were shinin' bright.
Now the milkman's on his way.
It's too late to say goodnight.
So, good mornin', good mornin'!
Sunbeams will soon smile through,
Good Mornin', good mornin' to you!
And You, And You, And You!
Good morning,
Good morning,
We've gabbed the whole night through.
Good Mornin', good mornin' to you!
Nothin' could be grander the to be in
In the morning,
In the morning,
It's great to stay up late!
Good mornin',
Good mornin' to you.
It might be just zippy
If you was in Mississipi!
When we left the movie show
The future wasn't bright
But tame is gone
The show goes on
And I don't wanna say good night
So say, Good Mornin'!
Rainbow is shining through
Good Mornin'!
Good Mornin'!
Bon Jour!
Bon Jour!
Buenos dias!
Buenos dias!
Buon Giorno!
Buon Giorno!
Guten Morgen!
Guten Morgen!
Good Morning To you!
Waka! Waka! Waka!
Lá! Lá! Lá! Lá!
Ole! Toro! Bravo!
Singing in the Rain- Good morning