okay, kids. i am seriously considering beating something up right now, and i'm not kidding. i stabbed a grape. i felt bad for it afterwards, but then i pretended it was the wacko USA president and just stabbed it again. it's dead now.
george w. bush says USA refuses to join in the Kiyoto deal because 'it will fuck up their economy'. (no, he didn't say fuck up, he's the sodding president. he said something with lots of difficult words to make it sound good and make people believe he's actually doing something good when he's actually just fucking shit up.) IT WILL FUCK UP THEIR ECONOMY. i cant even believe he'd say that. (okay, it's G.W Bush, so actually? i kinda can believe it.)
okay, let me tell you what will fuck up your economy, mr bush. your economy will be fucked up when a) the amount of disastrous hurricanes and storms doubles, and triples, and creates New Orleans all over again, but worse, and more often; b) the Golf current changes, and all the deep-sea currents heat up and stop delivering oxygen to the sea and the carbonic acid rises from the deeps and heats up the planet, including you and your bloody economy; c) you've ruined every single country that has any oil whatsoever, just so that everyone can fill up their three bloody cars and definitely fuck up the atmosphere and the whole sodding planet. how will that affect your economy, bush, huh? guess who's gonna give a shit about your economy when they're sitting homeless and starving - as they are - and everything is going to hell? no-one, dude, not a single one. and guess who'll regret not writing under the ONE DEAL that is TRYING to fix all the shit that people do? THAT'LL BE YOU, JACKASS.
uh. hey there, rant, nice to see you. i just. i am filled with so much passionate hate against him right now - and always - i don't even know, okay. i really want to punch a wall.
how they ever let that guy rule the USA, let alone for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS, i will never understand.