


i know your hearth is ice i dont expose me twice


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orgaanisetMaanantai 02.12.2024 15:31

kuka valmistaisi ensimmäisen kannabis oluen, siiderin tai viinin?
sieni uute juomaa
yrttiseos pastilleja
siis kaikkea mitä löytyy luonnosta

Lamppu jengiTorstai 21.11.2024 18:59

missä on outoa porukkaaa taskulamppujen kanssa etsimässä elämän mysteerejä ja vikoja..tervetuloa joukkoon...jos tapaatte toisia samankaltaisia niin vaihtakaa informatiota. olkaa outoa väkeä..kukaan ei sitten tunne tämän viestin lähettäjää.

rahaKeskiviikko 20.11.2024 09:12

miks kaikki pettää oman luonteensa rahan takia?

hateTiistai 19.11.2024 18:36

how many people hate they each other becourse money and power. i can walk alone but i dont want.there is something whats wrong if you hate all but it change if you understand what you quit doing wrong..less hate is better but loneliness can also help but not eternal. i wish lucifer return and fix things. i dont judge lucifer i wish we quit fighting.

i create new computerTiistai 19.11.2024 18:09

but i dont want to do it alone.i need sons of humans. we have to be are not perfect im not eather. if i have money i give to you. i wish me create commodore computer back. it was good programming. i hope we create both man and female also alien mind. can we create virtual money like 2 bank accounts work and own salary. capitalism and sosialism. we need humor also. i know im stupid.

hddTiistai 19.11.2024 18:00

bios chip works better than ssd drive it can be overclocked..but if you touch my chip i will burn it. how many things i give give me nothing.

support investorsTiistai 19.11.2024 16:22

no patents needed. and we can support the inventors if it is a good product. monarch share patents to people.

Organic chemistryTiistai 19.11.2024 14:27

i know plants have oil kind stuff
i seperate these with benzine or acetone or any solvent
warming can change these structures

my messageMaanantai 18.11.2024 18:34

there will be a draw for everyone, believe me
there will be equal value
game over
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