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In Flames - The Chosen PessimistTiistai 08.04.2008 23:56

Tell me which side I'm on
Approaching constant failure
(Who is friend or foe?)

Between love and hate
Which path to follow?
How can I keep balance in this race?
Come faith, I'm dying ...slowly

In many ways I'm the burden that devides us from the light
In many ways you're the halo that keeps my spirit alive

Play the good or evil part
With me, you evoke the dark
Erase the free will and watch me heal

Amused by the trials and tribulations
If I survive I fly from here
But as the chosen pessimist

I carve my name in stone

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.04.2008 23:41

Oli muuten tänään pää kipee ja heikotti ja vitutti mut sit tajusin et se johtu siitä etten ollu koko päivänä kuunnellu YHTÄÄN Dirua. Johan löytyi rohto<3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.04.2008 23:35


Itoshisa wa fuhai nitsukiLauantai 05.04.2008 17:01

The dance holds together this little girl As she waits for the morning
The best friend She has no one to wave to anymore

The good old days are so dear
The ashes are like flower petals that rise up to the sky

Say good bye as we torch the fire to the victims stacked up
The ashes are like flower petals that rise up to the sky

Lets put on a dress and dance
I gave her my endless love But she cries aloud… so I
Now take off the dress and go to sleep
The endless love The little girl with happiness on her sleeping face is gone

The decomposed dress and the leg of the little girl
I carry

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.04.2008 02:08

Mitä vittua noi oikein rupee kiljumaan kesken biisin saanen kysyä Ö____Ö???

ÄKSDEETorstai 03.04.2008 02:07

Sonji sanoo:
Ruki asteli matin toimistoon. "Matti, mä tekstailin sulle mut et vastannu... Onks kaikki okei?" ruki kehräsi ja kietoi kätensä matin ympäri.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 02:51

Ainii mun piti jo tunti sit mennä nukkuu mut sit juutuin :'''D

Näin tuubissa Dozing Greenin PVssä -____-Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 02:47

"This is a controversial statement but comparing "Filth in the Beauty" by Gazette with this song (since the release date was fairly close) Gazette is working its way up to the top. Its about time Dir en grey went back to its roots. "

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 01.04.2008 20:21

En muuten pääse mantsan koetta läpi mut ei se mitään ku on kevät : DDDDD<3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 01.04.2008 20:05

Ainii kiva ku koeviikko on ohi ja voi sluibaa<33 Ja nyt on kevät eli se meinaa et kohta on kesä ;____;<33