


ehkä mä oon terroristijeesus

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.05.2008 17:19

jee tänään kätilöt@nosturi :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.05.2008 01:10

iik aamulla työhaastattelu Ö_Ö

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.05.2008 00:31

NÄÄ ON IHANIA X_________________________________X<333333

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.05.2008 00:10


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 04.05.2008 03:12

White sausage only inspires you to bad and evil lyrics.
Die: Do german musicians get inspired by sausages?

How do you think german Death Metal bands get their inspiration. Nothing makes you more evil like bavarian white sausage.
Die (laughing): We stay with german beer and sushi.

What tastes better: german beer or german girls?
We don't have experiences with german girls.

German boys?
(loud laughter + extreme head shaking)

Lie Buried with a VengeanceLauantai 03.05.2008 19:24

I rail at the sordid you
Something's missing from my mind
Crawling around in my meaningless self
Something's missing from my heart
This is the real world
So all my emotiones are locked inside
So attack So attack
Delete everything
Crime without reason does exist
I am the soul of revenge

Something's missing from my ears
Does love awaken from an ugly cry?
Something's missing from my voice
This is the real world
Wipe blood with blood and hail to justice
So attack So attack
Delete everything
Crime without reason does exist
I am the soul of revenge

Mind Over All
Just throw everything away

Has my head gone mad?
You monkeys decorate me with no value
Has my heart gone mad?
This is the real world
It's all just rats, hyenas and pigs
So attack So attack
Delete everything
Crime without reason does exist
I am the soul of revenge

Mind Over All
Just throw everything away

Taste the destiny
Are you the most superior leader of all?
Fuck, you're a motherfucker

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 03.05.2008 15:57

NIINJA WEAL OR WOESSA ON WAKE JA NAMAMEKASHIKI X_________________X<3 ...ja mushi ;___;

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 03.05.2008 15:43

ainiin ja moi, tulin takas :D

JOEFJGIRTKGKYOEQLauantai 03.05.2008 15:42

In the studio with... DIR EN GREY

Kings of J-Rock take the impulsive approach for new album

Primed to launch a fresh assault on the rest of the world, Japanese metallic whackjobs Dir En Grey are in the midst of recording their seventh full-length album. The follow-up to 2007Â’s widely acclaimed The Marrow of a Bone, the bandÂ’s new opus is being recorded in Japan and produced by Yoshiki Hayashi, a founder member of X-Japan, one of the countryÂ’s biggest rock bands. Hammer spoke to Dir En Grey guitarist Kaoru about whether the new album was going to be the one to break the band both in the UK and the United States.

“Absolutely!” says Kaoru. “But we are trying to create Japanese sounds that are not British or American. We thought about getting an international engineer or producer, but we decided not to. We thought that recording in Japan might be more suitable for our work this time. We’ve never worked with Yoshiki before, but he’s like one of our forefathers. We call him ‘Abarenbo Shogun’ which means he’s a rowdy general.”

As with their previous albums, the as-yet-untitled new one is likely to feature a dizzying array of disparate styles alongside Dir En GreyÂ’s trademark metal chops. As Kaoru explains, the band favour spontaneity over planning.

“I guess we well recognise the right direction for the songs as we progress,” he states. “Whatever happens, the album will be stuffed with guilt and reincarnation, as well as the past, present and future of Dir En Grey.”

Already huge in Japan, Dir En Grey look certain to build on their international reputation during 2008, as anyone who witnessed the scenes of hysteria when the band hit London last year will testify. As Kaoru explains, UK fans should prepare themselves for their imminent return.

“We will spend half of this year making an album and the rest touring,” he says. “There’s no specific plan right now, but we will be in the UK in the near future. Our shows in London last year were really amazing."


Näin DA:ssaTiistai 29.04.2008 05:23

~woodentoken Feb 18, 2007, 9:32:21 PM
Oh my GOD.
I saw them in Detroit for the Inward Scream tour.
I was about 15 feet away...
but oh my...

*is a Kyo fan-girl*

We weren't aloud to have cell phones, cam's or..anything. xD They even took my compact (make-up..compact).
Kyo cut his mouth at the one I went at...I started to cheer cas..well..anything Kyo does I cheer for xD.
When the band was quiet and so was the crowd, I yelled out, "I LOVE YOU, KYO" in Japanese, of course, and the spot light was on me and my friend ... then..Kyo looked at me and smirked.

~Elisi-Lynette Feb 14, 2007, 4:28:23 PM
My friend wanted Kyo to bleed on her and my friend and were like: O_o and decided that if that happened, we'd both take a step away from her. But we weren't close enough for that. But like what you said before, I felt the exact same thing, holding my breath.

...hyi vittu