


ehkä mä oon terroristijeesus

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^o-ôTiistai 03.04.2007 21:59

Saan ehk rillit T__T

x_xMaanantai 02.04.2007 17:41

Tutkielmat ei oo kivoi </3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.03.2007 01:11

ja se olis täydellistä ilman joitain stupideja </3

np. MUCC - UtagoeLauantai 24.03.2007 01:05

Elämä on ihanaa!! <3
Se vaan ponnahti siihen ruutuun!! ;;;o;;; Pelasin Dirge of Cerberuksen pari päivää sitten läpi ja oon vieläkin shokkitilassa. MIKÄÄN PELI ( muu kuin matopeli ) EI VOI OLLA OHI 15 TUNNISSA!!! Siinä oli alkupala! Missä loput? I want more! >o< Nero oli kyllä aika laav ja ne demot <3__<3

Hyvää joulua indeed 8DKeskiviikko 27.12.2006 00:25

Lesolesolesoleso xP

- Dirge of Cerberus ( PS2 )
- kangas
- Muovivaatteita 8D
- suklaata
- 70e
- jotain älykkyyspelijuttuja
- Kingdom Hearts 2 ( PS2 )
- Soul Calibur 3 ( PS2 )
- Battle Royale ( DVD )
- villasukkia
- päivänvarjo
- kiinayökkäri
- Piirustuskamppeita
- Sims 2 ( PC )
- Sims2 yöelämää-lisäosa ( PC )

En pääse pleikkarin äärestä millään! <333333333

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 07.12.2006 19:55

[ ] You are smaller than the others of your age.
[/] You like pink or purple.
[/] You wear skirts.
[x] You love stuffed toys.
[ ] You have more than 100 stuffed animals.
[ ] Your pillow sheet has flowers on it.
[/] You act younger than you are.
[x] You love fairy tales.
[ ] People said that you are cute

Total: 3 puol

[ ] You are waiting for a hero.
[ ] You believe in unicorns.
[ ] You believe in fairies.
[ ] You wanna be an angel.
[ ] You believed longer than the other children in Santa Claus.
[ ] You still believe in Santa Claus.
[ ] You have a princess bed.
[ ] Your bed has a canopy.
[ ] You always dressed as princess to carnival/Halloween.
[x] You liked to put make up on as a child.

Total: 1

[ ] You love Hello Kitty/Sanrio stuff.
[ ] You played with dolls.
[ ] You owned a doll house.
[ ] People said that you look younger than you really are.
[ ] You owned or own rabbits, guinea pigs or chinchillas.
[/] You love animals.
[/] You are romantic.
[x] You love moon shine.
[x] When you get a sudden kiss, you blush.
[x] You blush when someone says he likes you.

Total: 4

[ ] You love frills and ribbons on your clothes.
[ ] You put stuff or real flowers in your hair.
[/] You nearly always smile.
[x] You try to make people happy.
[/] You respect your parents.
[/] You try to see the good in people and the world.
[x] You have been called naive.
[ /] You have a unicorn poster. ( Joo mut se on jossain kaapin pohjalla :'D )
[x] You like TV shows for children. <3
[x] You love Disney Movies. <3

Total: 6

[ ] You like books for children.
[x] You like movies with happy end.
[/] You are kind and behave good.
[ ] You are nearly never bitchy.
[/] You like cute shoes.
[/] You respect elders.
[x] You try to be good.
[x] You cry when someone dies.
[ ] You get depressed by the evening news.
[ ] You can´t watch scary movies. ( Ne on <3 )

Total: 4

[x] You cry too when someone cries next to you.
[/] You like books with pictures in it.
[x] You love beautiful things.
[ ] You have butterfly jewelry.
[ ] You draw flowers and butterflies in your school notebooks.
[ ] You love movies from the 50/60´s.
[x] You have been to Disney Land or World.
[x] You like amusement parks.
[ ] You have deer eyes.
[ ] When you ask your boyfriend or dad for something he always gives to you, cause you are everything for him.

Total: 4 puol

[/] Adults like you.
[x] You love swings.
[ ] You are your grandparents' apple of the eye.
[/] You like to play skipping rope.
[/] You like little children.
[x] You enjoy to play with little children.
[ ] You still have your sticker collection.
[ ] You still have your glitter picture collection.
[ ] You have animal earrings.
[ ] You love sweets.

Total: 3 puol

[x] You love decorating the christmas tree.
[x] You are still curious what you will get as presents.
[ ] You wished for a ring from your boyfriend.
[ ] You love Swarowski stuff.
[ ] You love everything that glitters and sparkles.
[ ] You´re dreaming of a house with garden.
[ ] You wanna have a white wedding dress.
[ ] You love weddings.
[ ] You always jump in the arms of your family/ friends when you meet them.
[/] You hold hands with your best friend

Total: 2 puol

yht: 28 puol/79

Yhyy en oo kavaii T__T viil

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.11.2006 20:17

Uudet hiukset lallalaa <3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.09.2006 18:47

Opettaja kysyy: "Millainen on teidän mielestänne psykopaatti?"
Minä vastaan: "Hottis!"

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.08.2006 20:21

Vasta viikko koulussa ja toivoo jo lomaa. Hyvin menee :'D