


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

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Dream of a NightmareKeskiviikko 30.01.2008 17:55

I had a dream last night
And it would not end
You were a pain in the ass
So I killed your friend
But, and this I constantly tell myself
It was self-defence.

Maybe not the most excruciating death
But a death, nevertheless
It seems that the rage that is held in vain
Is the rage that one can't suppress
Through the folds of my mind
I received a black note
Not the one that goes 1/4
But the one that Devil wrote
It said: "belong to me and this nightmare will end
All you have to do is simply kill a friend"

But who's friend? The note would not say
And as I threw it on the floor it burned away
Later, at the Palace filled with a rich bouquet
You brought a friend who's doom was to be wed that day

Grinning, I spoke of certain matters
That are best left unrepeated
The more she came onto me
The more my humanity depleted
Her man was no Don Juan
And it was as though she would like for her fiancé
To find himself cheated upon.

I told her to come upstairs with me
There was something I'd like for her to see
Like a tormented, wailing banshee
- And on this every soul of a nightmare agrees
(At least to a certain degree)
I seduced this Jubilee.

The night was as dark as the depths of Hell
She told me that this was for no one to hear
And pleaded me not to tell
Of course, I agreed, because I already had a dear
And had no intentions whatsoever to adhere
Or to keep her alive, nor to bow for a tear
And lo, I grabbed the chandelier.

I woke up with sweat on my aching forehead
And a panic rose - was she really dead?
I dialed the number like a rushing dancer
And was terrified when there was no answer.

I pulled on my coat, ran out of my house
Jump-started my car as the tention rose
To her appartment I arrived at 4 a.m.
And only to find myself condemned
I saw her ghost in the window above, staring back
The door would not open, so I had to attack
It gave in with a crack
And to the bedroom I ran
Only to find my dear, beloved Suzanne
On the floor, cold and dead.

Although just a friend of a friend
My tears bled through
And all hope of ascending
Was lost to me, I could not comprehend
It was just a dream, right?

Now I know that there is no such a thing
As "just a dream", because dreams are true
And like an aggressive tattoo it grew on me
The fear and the hate and the lust for a replay
I had. To kill. Again.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.01.2008 21:56

Goin', goin', gone.

Teoksesta on muuten relatively valmiina yhdeksän sivua. Siis A4, Times New Roman 12. Pisin tähän mennessä kirjoittamani tämänkielinen teksti. Jännittävää. Tekstihän siis on n. puolivalmis ainakin juonellisesti.
Eikä kyseessä ole minkäänlainen fantasiakertomus hammaspeikoista, keijuista, maahisista tai kääpiöistä. Siinä ei ole tippaakaan scifiä. Luulisin. Se ei ole kertomus normaalista elämästä.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.01.2008 21:50

15 minutes to go
And the countdown is coming down
Descending on my head like a disfigured, screaming crown
I am my own creation

St. DevilTiistai 29.01.2008 15:22

Still, it's hard not to think and believe
That the grief of this young woman's lust
Is just an attempt to mask the real cause and the real reason.
There is no one to lust after me
Outside the ring that involves us two.
So fear not
I never said I wouldn't.
The point was and still to date is
Just to make a point
No matter what it takes to make that point,
Since it's a point of an important cause.
To rebel against it would be to take faltering steps
Towards the anguish and gleaming misery
That involves a young heart breaking.
And no one likes that.

I wonder who this she-predator is
And why she lurks in the dark?
While I have been speaking to people of all types
I haven't yet heard a single bark.

No matter, I'm sure, this is a temporary tour.
I'm glad you've found a way to pass the time
Since it's still a two weeks' time
For me to hide.

...and although I know that while three weeks glide
You could, and maybe will/have screwed at least 21 times.
With 21 different people, in 21 different locations.
But I'm simply avoiding such complications.

Rest assured, the judgement day
Is moving fast and on it's way
If things don't work by then, oh, well,
Then damn us both to pain and Hell.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.01.2008 14:36

Onko kirjallisuuden maistereita?
One needed. Right now.
Assignment: to read.
Must know how to: read finnish, review and point out mistakes.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.01.2008 12:52

I don't think they were talking about me
Because I haven't been talking to them.

10Maanantai 28.01.2008 21:32

Miltä lumi maistui lapsena
Miltä taivas tuntui
Kuinka sade oli tylsää ja harmaata

Enkelit tai keijut tai jumalat
Ne katselivat sinua tienpenkalta
Ja virnuilivat omahyväisinä

Sinunkin lapsuutesi oli pelkkää propagandaa
Paperilla peitettyjä lasinsiruja
Tähtisumua ja juoksuhiekkaa
Silmiä, suomuja ja hampaita.

Dialated MirrorMaanantai 28.01.2008 21:30

While stalking, keep in mind
The moon is visible to the blind

Rest no night of dazzling suns
With purity sip the stars that run
When streaming across the crossroads
The stars are prey to anyone

When nourished, seethe your lust
It takes a fool to claim the rust
Play no fool or gouge your eyes
This face is just a mask of mine.

<3Maanantai 28.01.2008 20:50

ernokerho sanoo:
aluksi pillua sitten saa suoli hillua

F sanoo: