


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Deep symmetry, shallow differences.Lauantai 23.01.2010 04:40

I'm caught in the symmetry of your mind
But I'm not happier than you

Did I really see you or was it a dream?
Dreaming that it was seamless, not a trace of wrong
Wrong words that we have spoken
Little did we know
No biggotry, no tears shed

Oh if only you'd try to be polite
Thinking you were right
Only to find that you're unkind
But ironically you will always be belle of the ball at least to me

I'm caught in the symmetry of your mind
But I'm not happier than you

But my words are frail, not audible
They do not even convince me
Perhaps they are untrue
Truly with you the worst is always true
And I gave you all the benefits of all the doubts

I had never hoped to be as benign as me
Funny how you always get through
But ironically you will always be belle of the ball
At least to me

richerTorstai 21.01.2010 13:21

There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my brain
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Pulsing through my veins
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

She calls my name,
Pulls my train
No one else could heal my pain

Chasing down my lane.

tätä siis tänäänTiistai 19.01.2010 19:33

"two? two what?"

: :D :D

Insatiable, inflatable you.Tiistai 19.01.2010 14:11

When you're in my arms, I feel I could just fly away
With the right kind of gas, I might even try it one day

You have all the holes right girls have got
Plus one for the air

Birth-control is not an issue
I clean it all off with a...

Vähäse huiluääniä tulossa.Maanantai 18.01.2010 10:40

Jotaki hyötyä siitäki jos mennee aikasin nukkumaan ja joutuu pyörimään sängyssä pari tuntia hereillä. JOS kitara on lähellä. 8)

8)Sunnuntai 17.01.2010 16:22

"God creates dinosaurs.
God destroys dinosaurs.
God creates man.
Man destroys God.
Man creates dinosaurs."

"Dinosaurs eat man...woman inherits the earth."
-Jurassic Park

-Sunnuntai 17.01.2010 15:45

Sunnuntai. Ei ketään ulkona, ei ketään sisällä. Nice.

There is no separativeness.Lauantai 16.01.2010 17:13

The basic problem is to understand
That there are no such things as things
- That is to say separate things

And that is only a way of talking
What you mean by a thing
A thing is a noun
A noun isn't a part of nature

It's a part of speech
There are no nouns in the physical world

There are no nouns in the physical world
There are no separate things in the physical world either

Everything is the same even if it's different
But our everyday mind forgets this
We think everything is separate

I'm over here
You're over there
Which is true
But it's not the whole truth
Because we are connected.

Oululaisella Esomilla on oma genretermi musiikilleen: space indie. Avaruus jaksaa innoittaa nuorisoa vuosikymmenestä toiseen, ja jokainen polvi keksii sille oman sisältönsä. Luullakseni tähän tunnelmaan Esomin johdattelevat runsaasti käytetyt kitaraefektit ja yhtyeen musiikin kunnianhimoinen poukkoilu. Kokonaisuus tarvitsisi vain kunnon soundit ja tyylillisen linjan täsmennystä. Visio kiteytyy huomattavasti paremmin demon toisessa kappaleessa, joka kasvaa varsin eeppisiin mittoihin. Tuomaksen laulu on vielä aika hentoa, mutta toisaalta laulaja ei yritä liikaa vaan pysyttelee luontevasti rajoissaan. Melko paljon tehtävää ESOMilla vielä edessään on ilmaisunsa kiteyttämisessä, mutta jotain hyvin mielenkiintoista Oulussa on tekeillä.


!Torstai 14.01.2010 15:14

Eivv, nyt on tullu Penn & Teller: Bullshit!tteja konneelle. Pääsee taas kattomaan. Nii että heippa. :--D