


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Katatonia - A PremonitionSunnuntai 25.03.2007 21:36

Stand aside now, no one will survive,
Can't tell you how I know.
In some time, I will change
My name and lay low.

In the light you can see me
Walk down by the way.
The one who did this to us,
Well he got away.

Keep it quiet here, I will not tolerate your noise.
This is where I listen for the forgiving voice.

It haunts my dreams.
It haunts my dreams.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.03.2007 17:06

Eilen snuukkerissa soi Stam1nan kaksi biisiä (Sananen Lihasta ja Lapsus) melkein peräkkäin! :EEEEEEE gotta loveh.

OivallusPerjantai 23.03.2007 02:23

Mr. DJ / Ms. BJ

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 21.03.2007 02:40

Koska passi jäi treenikselle joten en pääse baariin kuten suunnitelma oli

mutta kiitos onnitteluista kuitenkin, niitä tuli yllättävän paljon.




200km/h moottoritiellä korvaa vitusti........................................................ ; DDDDDD muuten maintsisin nimesi mutta kielsit :O

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 20.03.2007 15:12

I think I'll go on a walkabout
And find out what it's all about - and that ain't hard
Just me and my own two feet
In the heat I've got myself to meet
A detective of perspective I
I need to try and get a bigger eye - open wide
bloodwood flowers in my gaze
walkabout in a sunny daze - do me now
On a walkabout
You could do it in the city
You could do it in a zone
You could do it in a desert
You could do the unknown
On a walkbout
High desert skies are what I spy
So fly - you've got to wonder why
The stingrays must be fat this year
Moving slow in my lowest gear
The digirido original man with a dream
I believe the Aborigine
On a walkabout
You could do it with a shuffle
You could do it with a stroll
You could do it with a stride
You could do the unknown
A walk could cure most all my blues
bare feet or in my two shoes - 1, 2,
I think I'll go on a walkabout
Find out what it's all about - can't hurt to try
Use your legs to rock it wide
Take a ride to the other side

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 20.03.2007 02:00


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 19.03.2007 02:00

Viimeinen päiväni alaikäisenä alkoi juuri.

"Täytynee nauttia".

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.03.2007 21:10

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather,

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.03.2007 13:32

Kiitos kaikille kävijöille, anteeksi kun joutui lopettamaan niin aikaisin : DD

-Murrettiin ovi
-Hissi tuhrittiin 100%
-Poliisit rupes kiertelemään taloa ympäri

ei nuo palavaa imuria voita mutta ihan hyvin muuten