


This is not a beak, my lovely child. It is a claw! For I am the finger!

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

En kyllästy tähänMaanantai 30.04.2012 04:36

Laki on ankara.

Constable Flint says: You, Appelhof, are hereby sentenced to 2 hours and 55 minutes of high security arrest for killing an officer of the Watch, wearing the official badge of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch despite not being employed by aforementioned organisation, resisting arrest, six instances of molesting a male officer of the watch, the murder of a troll bodyguard, five instances of molesting a female officer of the watch and four instances of assaulting an officer of the Watch and disturbing him or her in the execution of his or her duty.

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