


if you go you go

quick my handz are spinning aroundPerjantai 06.04.2007 02:40

mun mekko oli hihan kodalt vähän tiukka tai se oli kasautunut kyynärjuttuun sit ihmettelin et miks käsi vähän ai

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 05.04.2007 18:45

ooon julial ja kuuntelen jotain jees musaa ulveria tää on aika aika koneellista ja mahtavaa
stalkkasin sitä yhtä
ja haluun et olis maanantai tai mielummin tiistai
ja et oisin pitkähiuksinen, lyhyet hiuxet sux
no kuka SÄ oot

What color of shirt are you wearing?

Purple=a little TOO happy
Black= emo
Gray= gorgeous
Pink= preppy
Multicolored= sweaty
Other= Hott
Nothing= horny
bikini=quick to bed

What kind of pants are you wearing?

Cordoroy= emo
ttiigghhtt jeans=scene kid
Ripped Jeans=slut
Cammo=cage fighter
Sweats/basketball shorts/pants= athlete
OTHER =female
cacies=anime character

What is your natural hair color?

auburn= that everyone loves to make out with
blonde= with beautiful eyes
black= with a sexy smile
dark brown =with a broken heart
red = that likes to have fun
brunette = with a nice ass
dirty blonde= with a cute boyfriend or girlfriend
brown= with a hot body
bald=with herpes...type 2...and bad
OTHER = who loves to be different

plainclothes man Torstai 08.03.2007 22:27

you're everybody's second home
always trying to get me alone
an easy way to lose it all
always there when all else fails
over by the west side rails

but i don't really need that now
i never really did anyhow
i only really needed alcohol
something that'll treat me okay
and wouldn't say the things you'd say

please turn out the light
i get a sick confusion headache trying to figure out who's right

dreaming on the silver strand
waking up to plainclothes man
you little bastard, little boy in blue
someone's gonna get to you
and fuck up everything you do

he's so unhappy inside
he's serious with everyone
and he thinks he'll win you with his angry kiss
acting like he has no needs
wanting you to watch him bleed

made for each other bet you pay me any mind
just goes to show my continual decline
they say that i'll recover my love of her once in a while
but i don't know
i don't think so

there's something that i'll tell you now
now that no one else is around
the sort of lesson that i learned from you
not quite the way you planned
but i know you'll understand

someone takes a photograph
a picture while their sweetheart laughs
a perfect moment in a flash of light
counting back from 3 to 1
that's exactly what you've done

and i'm so unsurprised
i remember, i remember why i dream in black & white

goes to show my continual decline
they say that i'll recover my love of her once in a while
but i don't know
i don't think so
i don't think so

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 23.02.2007 16:11

And I remembered back in the eighties, when I thought the supermodels were bad role models. Who knew I could ever miss them this much?

VUOSI 2006 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Perjantai 29.12.2006 18:21

parhaat nettisivut vuonna 2006

Parhaat mallit vuonna 2006
1.Sasha Pivovarova
2.Irina Lazareanu
3.Agyness Deyn
4.Querelle Jansen
5.Freja beha Erichsen
ja shaun haugh ja vincent lacroq!

Parhaat lehdet vuonna 2006
2.Self Service
3.Italian Vogue
5.Kaikki muut

Best desinger : Nicholas Ghesquire, Oliver Theyskenes, Karl Lagerfeld

ehh tarviix muit.........................

kiitos tää antoi mulle tosi paljonMaanantai 11.12.2006 00:47

<querelle> mä muistan yhen pojan
<asdk> mikko
<querelle> sen nimi oli mikko!!!!!
<asdk> etsi marialle the sounds poika
<querelle> se on tosi lyhyt
<asdk> nonni
<querelle> ja se ei oo the sounds
<querelle> se on sellanen lol i am hip hop
<querelle> olin sen ja suvin kans kattomas jotai match pointtii????!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!???????
<querelle> koska me löydettiin se sen leffateatterin edestä ja se on samas koulussa
<querelle> ja sen nimi on mikko ja se on joku 170 ja se on just ihana

<querelle> en pääse yli tästä
<querelle> enkä siitä match pointista
<querelle> joskus vuokraan sen ja itken mikon perään
<querelle> sen nimi oli mikko!!!!
<querelle> se oli ihana!!!!!!

going back home all aloneSunnuntai 29.10.2006 00:43

cassie on aika jees

I must be emo Maanantai 01.05.2006 22:58

”My parents don’t get me ya know. They think I’m gay just because they saw me kiss a guy…well, a couple guys …but still, I mean it’s the 2000’s, can’t two…or 4 dudes make out with each other without being gay. I mean, chicks dig that kinda thing anyways. I don’t know diary, sometimes I think you are the only one that gets me…you’re my best friend. I feel like tacos.”

Eikö inspaa?Maanantai 06.03.2006 20:02


..luulis et vähemmästäkin?