
wootMaanantai 10.04.2006 14:21

Can you name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people. After that, name 6 person who have to this too, and tell them that you have challenged them!

This is a lot funnier if you actually list the names first!! No cheating!!! And do NOT put them in any order.

1. Ida
2. Eple
3. Ama
4. Henu
5. Moku
6. Anni
7. Emma
8. Petra
9. Mika
10. Poffi
11. Sabbe
12. Molly
13. Pontus
14. Rasse
15. Max
16. Kim
17. Fanny
18. Challe
19. Ninni
20. Tuuli
21. Teija

Now answer the questions according to the names listed above.


How did you meet 10?
School... We had arts together, and then we started to have lots of other classes together.

What would you do if you had never met 6?
My life would suck deeply. And I think I wouldn´t have made it with out her.

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Yes, a couple of times.

Would 13 and 21 make a good couple?
I don´t think so, they are so different.

Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
I hope not, cause they are sisters.

Describe 8:
Shy, nice, pretty, funny, silent... But overall good and nice.

What is 5's favorite music?
No idea, something funny or poppy... mwha

Would you ever date 21?
No, I´m sorry. I don´t think we would be that "happy" together.

Is 5 single?
No, or with her you never know.. hahaa

What does number 17 think of you?
That I´m crazy. I dont know but I hope she likes me..

What's 20's last name?
Hmm, I really dont know, she hasn´t told me.

Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 6?
Well, I already am. We are married, and we looooove each other.

Where does 3 live?
Evitskog... hahahahahaa

What do you think about 18?..
I like him.. He is funny and nice (and hot)... hihii

What is the best thing about 14?
He is funny and sweet.

Have you ever thought about hooking up with number 8
No, she is my brothers girlfriend. So I dont think so.

What would you like to tell 16 right now?
That he is a cool and awesome person, and he is like a little brother to me, kind of.

How did you meet 9?
He has been my neighbour all my life. And he is a familyfriend.

Is 2 more like a brother/sister to you, or would you want to go out with him/her?
She is like a sister to me.. And a really great friend..

What is the best thing about 12?
That I have known her for many years. Soon 18 years.

Are you going to know 1 forever?
I hope so. If not, I´ll lose one of the greatest persons I have ever known. (This question makes me paranoid)...

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