
RelationshipsMaanantai 10.04.2006 15:11

Relationship Survey


Your name: Rafaela

Your bf/gf's name:

How long have you been together:

Happy with him/her: The person I like makes me very very happy

How much do you like her/him: And I love that person =)

Would you fight for him/her: Anytime anywhere

Would you take a bullet for her/him: Always

How well do you know him/her: Very good, I think

How hot on a scale of 1-10: 10++++++++++

Favorite physical feature about her/him: eyes, lips, belly, ass, face, nose, hands (everything)

Favorite personality feature about him/her: A dork (hahaa, no... almost everything)

Describe her/him in your own words: Almost too perfect. Great, awesome.. Wow


Had sex: Yes (but not with the person I just talked about)

Cheated on a bf/gf: Hmm

Been cheated on: Yes

Said "I love you": Yes

Meant it when you said "I love you": YES

Been in love: Yes

Had your heart broken: Yes

Broke someone's heart: No

Fallen for your best friend: Sort of

Been rejected: Yes

Rejected anyone: Yes

Used anyone: No

Been used: Yes

Seriously thought about marriage: Thought about it, well yeah.. Kind of


Longest relationship: A couple of years

Shortest: 3 days

Describe your last ex: Nice, kind, cute and pretty ok person

Why didn't it work out: Cause we were blind

Do you miss any of your ex's: Kind of, but only a little

Would you go back out with any of them: Only with one of them, but not right now..


Person you saw: Emi and Ida

Person you hugged: Emi and Ida

Person you kissed: The person I was talking about earlier (hahaa)

Person you talked to: Emma

Person who called you: Dad

Person you called: Nicka

Person you liked: *shhhhh*

Person you missed: *shhhh*

Thing you said: I think so, just call her. Okay bye


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