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(kuva ja otsikko ovat irrallisia asioita eivätkä ole sidoksissa toisiinsa millään tavoin. Teki vaan mieli laittaa kuva Nikasta.)

Miten olla ihminen?Tiistai 19.01.2010 11:35

Olen kuin sorsa, joka yhtäkkiä yrittää elää kuin ihminen.
Se ei suju.

Kauhun hetketSunnuntai 17.01.2010 20:54

Söin ruokalusikallisen kanelia. Se oli todella kamalaa! Tuntui siltä kuin suussani olisi ollut 20 takiaista. Se oli niin kitkerää että oksetti ja silmät ja nokka vuosi. Ja kun koitin puhua, suusta tuli vaan kanelitomua...

Ja Shokura oli tosi hauska xDDDD Koyama pettää Shigeä Gosekin kanssa!!
Yabu on söpö.
Nika on söpömpi.
Kitamitsu on söpöin!
Inoolla oli soololaini!

Huomenna on pitkä päivä... Otan evääksi leipää, mehua, jukurttia, pilttiä ja muffinin. Pitäisi jaksaa kuuteen...

Aaamunaurut vol2Sunnuntai 17.01.2010 10:48

Miyata: Well then, we'll talk about what Kitayama-kun, Yokoo-kun, and Fujigaya-kun are to us! Those three are older than all of us, right?
Nikaido: But they don't really seem like "older brothers"~.
Senga: Like they're at our same level...
Nikaido: They were just born earlier than us, that's all.
Tamamori: And they're not even that much older.
Miyata: They really don't make us feel like they're older than us much at all.
Tamamori: They're flat, but in a good way.
Miyata: Not older brothers and not our elders, but our nakama. That sort of thing.
Nikaido: Micchan is someone you can rely on.
Tamamori: Yeah. He's the most responsible!
Miyata: And he's the shortest!
Nikaido: ... Miyata. We're not saying those sort of things now.
Senga: But, well, he's late the most.
Tamamori & Nikaido & Miyata: Yeah~ (agree).
Senga: Mittsu is, well, he's like an older brother, but an unreliable older brother.
Miyata: But I like that part of him~. Like, the fact that he's not perfect makes him more human, and that's good, or something like that.
Tamamori: It makes him easier to get close to.
Nikaido: That's because he does what he has to.
Tamamori: But he's way too bad at waking up!
Miyata: I really hate having to wake up Kitayama-kun. But frankly, I think I'm the one who ends up waking him up the most... I want to be let off from having to be glared at with those scary eyes and being punched or hit with pillows!
Nikaido: It's not just you so have some peace of mind. We all think that (laughs).
Senga: Even though Mittsu has that sort of brutal side of him, he's way awesome at work.
Nikaido: Whenever Kisumai does something he takes the initiative and leads us.
Tamamori: He's really good at talks.
Miyata: And he knows lots of things~♪
Nikaido: Like what?
Miyata: Like about food, or about places in the city?
Tamamori: Even though we're talking about things to do with work just now...
Miyata: I just wanted to let people know the true face of Kitayama-kun that I know!
Senga: But only when I think of something to praise him about he ends up late or sleeping. But like, he's always sleeping?
Nikaido: Haha. Micchan is bad at waking up, but he doesn't toss or turn in his sleep. Doesn't talk in his sleep, either. But when Miyata sleeps in the dressing room or something it's really weird. He'll suddenly stand up or something while he's still sleeping. And because he's sleeping, his eyes will still be closed.
Tamamori: Miyata stood up! (laughs) But I mean, I was really surprised. Well, we leave him alone when it happens, though.
Miyata: I don't know what happens when I sleep~.
Nikaido: Okay then, what about Watta? He has a completely different personality than Micchan, right?
Senga: He's too skinny.
Tamamori: You're going to start with that? (laughs)
Miyata: He's never late. Never.
Senga: He's a clean freak. With all his strength.
Tamamori: What do you mean "with all his strength"?
Senga: I mean he makes everything totally clean, even places that aren't his.
Tamamori: That's hard to understand~.
Senga: Also, his sneeze is the same as the way my grandma sneezes.
Miyata: Ahahaha. I don't really get it, but I sort of do.
Senga: The end of the sneeze gets really high pitched (laughs).
Senga & Tamamori & Nikaido & Miyata: Achoo! (everybody imitates it)
Tamamori: There's way too many things you can tsukkomi with him.
Nikaido: But then when you tsukkomi him he hits you really hard.
Senga: While cracking up, too!
Miyata: But he really is helpful to everybody.
Nikaido: He always has all sorts of things with him, so he's saved me a lot.
Senga: He's a person who shines both on and off stage. Thank you for always lending me your hair wax!
Nikaido: He's a walking conbini. And that's definitely not meant in a bad way!
Miyata: If he weren't here, we'd all have lots of problem-meows!
Senga: (ignores Miyata's gag) Sometimes I forget how thankful I am to Yokoo-kun, but we all rely on him a lot. Right, Tama?
Tamamori: (was zoning out) ... Yokoo-kun eats a ton! He eats so much even though he's so skinny!
Miyata: Tama, did your reception stop working? Right now we're praising Yokoo-kun (laughs).
Tamamori: He really loves darker carbonated drinks!
Senga: He's always burping and stuff, so it definitely has to be because of that~.
Miyata: Well then, next is Fujigaya-kun.
Nikaido: Taipi is funny.
Miyata: He talks a lot.
Tamamori & Senga: He's the mood maker!
Senga: Like, he seems like he'd be in an amusement park or in an anime aimed towards kids.
Miyata: Aah, like a minor character that just talks and talks really quickly! I totally get that!!
Senga: Well, I hadn't said that much.
Nikaido: But he seriously talks a lot.
Miyata: Yeah, except for when he's sleeping he's always talking with somebody.
Nikaido: It's not like annoying talking, but talking that gets everybody else excited too. Apparently he's been like that since he was little.
Senga: And it's not like he's purposefully talking to try and get everybody excited or anything, either. He doesn't realize he's doing it.
Miyata: He's a natural born fast-talking minor character!!
Tamamori: We already said that that's not what we're saying (laughs).
Miyata: Out of the three of them, who do you think was the most amazing one during '09?
Senga: Yokoo-kun in our concerts. His guitar playing really sort of hits you deep, doesn't it?
Nikaido: I'd say it's Micchan. When we were on "Msute", even though he was about to fall over he totally fought past it. His willpower is amazing!
Senga: Yeah.
Tamamori: Normal people really wouldn't be able to make that. And it was in a live broadcast.
Miyata: I didn't actually notice it while we were performing, but later on when I watched the recording I was really surprised~.
Nikaido: Micchan really is amazing.
Miyata: And in our concerts he really pulled us all together. So wouldn't our MVP for '09 have to be Kitayama-kun?
Senga & Tamamori & Nikaido: That's good!
Miyata: Next, who do you expect great things from for '10?
Senga & Tamamori & Nikaido: Yokoo-san (laugh).
Senga: I nominate him every year. Thinkin like he'll probably keep growing even more this year, too. I secretly think that someday he'll become our star.
Tamamori: To be more specific, I'm expecting him to improve with his harmonizing.
Nikaido: I'd say it'd be his dancing.
Miyata: And his guitar technique.
Senga: Then his technique as Kisumai's catcher, too. In our talks, his dancing, his singing... just for anything. I'm really looking forward to how many 'good throws' he'll toss back to us. He has the most potential to grow out of all of us!
Miyata: I want him to show us that strong throwing arm!
Tamamori: By the way, out of those three is there someone who just keeps spoiling us?
Nikaido: For me it'd be Taisuke. Whenever I need to talk to someone about work I talk to him. He's easy to talk to.
Tamamori: Kitayama or Fujigaya.
Senga: There isn't one. I don't ask anybody for advice at work. I always think I'll get over it myself somehow, so... Well, I do try to get them to spoil me for rea~lly small things, though.
Tamamori: What do you mean, really small things?
Senga: Like having them treat me to meals.
Miyata: That's totally having them spoil you a lot (laughs).
Senga: This is for all of them, but especially... Micchan, I think? But, recently they haven't been treating me as much. I think that's because they've started seeing us as getting up to their same level now. Because a while ago they were treating us more like kouhai.
Miyata: It would be Kitayama-kun for me, too. He thinks the most about our jobs. Not just himself, but for everybody in the group. So even though I really shouldn't try and get spoiled by him I just end up doing it~.
Tamamori: If there's something I don't understand I ask Kitayama-kun first. He just tells me accurately right then.
Miyata: So oppositely, is there someone we can't try and get spoiled by?
Senga: Now that I've thought about it, in the end I try to get spoiled by all of them. They treat me to dinner, and I always borrow stuff (laughs).
Tamamori: There isn't one. I always try to get spoiled, so~.
Nikaido: Me too. I borrow things from Watta.
Miyata: I don't like lending or borrowing things...
Tamamori: Eh, is that what it means to be spoiled?
Miyata: No, not really... Okay then, for '10 what should Kisumai aim for?
Nikaido: I want us to be known my even more different types of people. Though we may have gotten more people to know about us with our nationwide tour, we're still not there yet.
Tamamori: We need to be on TV and in magazines and in plays more!
Nikaido: I'm sort of interested in doing solo work. Though, well, talking is still hard...
Senga: I want to power up our strength both as Kisumai and individually. Not so that we get called cool more, but so we get more respect. Our personalities, our dancing, our singing, everything. If we're going to do something I don't want to do it half way. Huh? Miyata, what are you doing?
Miyata: (is putting oil absorbing paper on his face) I'm taking the oil off my face.
Senga & Tamamori & Nikaido: Ha?
Senga: There's like a ton. The paper is see-through already.
Miyata: Exactly (serious). So, for '10 I'll reduce the oil on my face by 10%! If I do that I'll get more popular.
Senga & Tamamori & Nikaido: ......
Senga: Forgetting Miyata's thing, I think the impression of us on roller skates is pretty big. So I want us to get stronger with that.
Tamamori: I don't really think that there's any groups with as many people with really unique personalities as us, either. It'd be good if we could show that.
Miyata: Even though we're separate, we're still one. And even though we're all together as one, we're still separate.
Senga: I think our bonds are getting stronger in ways we don't even know. Through all of our experiences.
Miyata: You say good things, Senga~.
Nikaido: And we'll leave the closing words to Miyata!
Miyata: Eeh~, for '10 we'll keep trying to become a better group.
Senga: That's all? And saying "a good group"... that's too vague~! (laughs)

AaamunaurutSunnuntai 17.01.2010 10:37

After finishing their first nationwide tour without any problems, these seven continue towards their next goal. Now with the bonds between them deeper than before... we'll have them try a talk battle of Kitayama & Yokoo & Fujigaya vs. Miyata & Tamamori & Nikaido & Senga!

Yokoo: Apparently this month us three are supposed to talk about the younger four. It says the first topic is "What do those four mean to us three.'
Fujigaya: They're totally like little brothers to us, but recently I think they've started pulling themselves together more. I mean, when the group was first formed they hardly ever would come talk to us.
Kitayama: I wonder if they were scared of us?
Fujigaya: Well they must've been nervous joining the group when we'd already been together, and we're all older than them. So isn't it more of a thing where even if they wanted to say something they couldn't?
Yokoo: But now us seven are good friends and good rivals.
Kitayama: Just like they've said, I think they've grown a lot compared to earlier on. But they still come to us saying "Please do this for me~ (troubled)" a lot. I start wanting to tell them that we can't keep spoiling them forever.
Fujigaya: I agree. Like, it depends on the situation, but sometimes it seems like they're thinking "just leave it to the older guys."
Kitayama: Well, on the same sort of thing, in the later half of '09 I think Miyata really became more independent.
Fujigaya: Though he has the rare pattern of becoming more mysterious as he gets more independent (laughs).
When we had the Hokkaido shows Miyata brought an anime figurine with him, right?!
Yokoo: When he took it out of his bag like it was his most prized possession during his solo corner all of the other members tsukkomi'd him at the same time.
Fujigaya: Wasn't it a figurine of a girl in a school uniform with a long sword?

Kitayama: That sword comes out from her cape.
Fujigaya: ... Kitayama knows quite a bit, too, surprisingly.
Kitayama: Because I like anime, too.
Yokoo: But you watch it partially to know what to talk about with other people, right? But Miyata watches it just because he likes anime. So I think you can't group Kitayama and Miyata together as the same type of people.
Fujigaya: I wonder who Watta is trying to support with that...
Kitayama: Well, one time when I recommended a robot anime to him he recommended a really tsundere anime to me back, after that I definitely thought I had lost (laughs).
Fujigaya: There aren't really any people who hate Miyata. Though there are some who think he's gross (laughs).
Kitayama: He's good at showing how gross he is and then suddenly starting to dance really coolly.
Yokoo: He looks around and judges what position he should take, yeah? I also feel like even though he doesn't look like he's watching that Tama has been doing that a bit more, too...
Kitayama: He's gotten guts~.
Yokoo: Yeah. He's pulled himself together a lot more since being in "Gokusen."
Fujigaya: But doesn't he sort of let go of that when he's with the group? Like in a photo shoot we'll all be looking really cool but afterward when we see the picture he'll look weird and zoned out.
Kitayama: Doesn't he just think that that's his position in the group?
Fujigaya: Just like Miyata is always smiling... Well, either way, there's no doubt that Tama's not an ordinary person.
Kitayama: His atmosphere is good. It's not the sort of thing you can just make when you feel like it.
Yokoo: It's like you can calm down and really relax just by having Tama relaxed like he is next to you.
Kitayama: But he's never like that when he's with me. He always starts trying to act smart and say things like "What the heck are we gonna to, Mittan!" (laughs).
Fujigaya: I think that the fact that he changes like that just makes him seem more like a kid.
Yokoo: But the childish one has to be Senga.
Fujigaya: Senga is really, you know.
Yokoo: What do you mean?
Fujigaya: He has high ideals... no, not that. Uwah, what the heck am I trying to say. Wait a bit, I'll say it when I think of it (worries).
Kitayama: In my opinion the most childish one is Nika.
Fujigaya: Ah, I think so, too.
Yokoo: Nika is really good at getting us to spoil him. Like at the studio, once when he came to me asking "I'm going to order lunch with Tama-chan, so do you want to order with us too?" and I went ahead and told them to order for me, but when it was time to pay he just said "Watta, you're older so pay for me♪"!
Kitayama: And did you pay?
Yokoo: Yeah... Well, I thought it'd be okay.
Fujigaya: ... he has a lot of pride!
Yokoo: Eh, I do!?
Fujigaya: No, no, Senga does. What I couldn't think of earlier!
Kitayama: Ahaha. You were thinking that hold time, right?
Fujigaya: Aah, I finally got it. It may be because he wants to keep his own personal style, but Senga always tries too hard to be cool.
Kitayama: It's good to stay firm with your decisions and everything, but he's not flexible at all. If you tell him some other way would be better he'll say "Oh, really..." and not go with it in the end.
Yokoo: Senga is really stubborn.
Fujigaya: He's really thickheaded. A long time ago he looked and acted really complacent, but since we kept telling him he could say what he wanted to say his pride and his chin kept growing~ (laughs).
Kitayama: A while ago while I was on my way to rehearsal walking past the sunglasses shop and there was this guy walking like he was trying to act all tough, and when I looked closer it was actually Senga. I sort of got annoyed, so I tried to surprise him and hit him with my bag from behind saying "Don't try and act so cool! (laughs)", and he got really surprised and scared so I laughed~.
Fujigaya: He has an attitude towards his friends and society in general that's cool in a weird way.
Yokoo: Hee. So he's not hyper like he is with us.
Kitayama: But not too long ago I met with someone who said they were from Senga's school, and when I asked if they remembered him they said "Aah, the guy who looks like a gorilla?"
Yokoo & Fujigaya: Ahahaha!! (cracking up)
Fujigaya: No matter how cool he looks people's impression of him is a gorilla... Cheer up, Kento!
Yokoo: Let's look for something good about Senga, too?
Fujigaya: He really cares about his mom.
Kitayama: When he's talking to us he always says she's annoying, but she comes up in our conversations a lot, doesn't she?
Yokoo: If she really was annoying she wouldn't come up so much. So they're actually really close.
Kitayama: ... Ah, we were in the middle of talking about Nika before.
Fujigaya: Oh yeah, we were (laughs). Uum, Nika really likes taking challenges. And that's good, but he has really bad judgment.
Yokoo: Even though everybody has things they're good and bad at, he has it worked into his head that there's nothing he can't do. When he started trying to do an actual backflip on skates I was really worried.
Kitayama: Eh, seriously!? I haven't heard about that yet.
Yokoo: He asked our action choreographer about it, and he said that it's too dangerous so he can't do it. Even then he kept saying "No, I can do it?"
Fujigaya: Normally if someone thinks something's dangerous they'll just quit there, but Nika's the type of person who wants to actually try it first...
Yokoo: We all tried really hard and made him stop trying. I even got all pale and started thinking Nika'd end up going to heaven...! (bitter laugh)
Kitayama: That's dangerous~. Well, that mischievous part of him may be some sort of charm point of his. When I see him and Senga together I think they're good rivals who keep motivating each other. Comparatively, Miyata and Tamamori aren't really like rivals at all~.
Yokoo: That's completely different.
Fujigaya: Tama is with Gokusen, and Miyata is good with carefully selecting figurines... (laughs). The next question is "Who do you expect great things from for '10?".
Yokoo: The first half of '09 Tama was really trying hard, and Miyata really brought it during the last half. Next might be Nika~. The way he acts all cool and loose makes him seem like he doesn't really care sometimes, so if he can start controlling that I think he would get more popular.
Kitayama: Senga, too. If he could get rid of his boring obsessions and get the ability to accept other people's opinions I think he'll be able to do more things.
Yokoo: Senga should also pay more attention to how he talks to people! "Be polite to even your friends." I want him to realize that one person's words can be taken as the words of our whole group and give people a certain impression of us.

Fujigaya: I want Tama and Miyata to stop getting spoiled and become more serious about helping support the group themselves. ... But even if I say that, those four really still feel more like little brothers to me. I just sort of want to accept the good and bad of all of them and take care of them.
Yokoo: In real life I'm the 3rd son and only have older brothers, so when I'm with those four I think that's what it must feel like to have little brothers~.
Fujigaya: But! The time to let our little brothers become independent has come. I think the time for us to pull them along has already ended, and I'm sure they've also stopped thinking they want us to take care of them. I want them to be energetic enough that they can persuade us, and to find something they like enough that they think they want to do it no matter what.
Kitayama: So, what about Yokoo-san who has been doodling all over older pictures of the members from duet through this whooole talk?
Yokoo: Eh... (shaking a bit)
Fujigaya: And it's totally gone past the level of just being doodles to becoming a work of art (laughs).
Yokoo: (pulls himself together) Well, it's not all about them, but all seven of us need to make all of the strength we've gained in '09 into our support and keep trying to build up our abilities.
Kitayama: I think Kis-My-Ft2 should become a group different than any other and blaze a whole new path of our own. Even if it's something like "Even though they're Johnny's they really put themselves out there." I want to make that our goal and have all seven of us keep working towards it. Because in this rough entertainment world you can't get along by just doing what people who came before you have done!
Fujigaya: ... There are people who have been eavesdropping on our conversation for the past while~~!
(The younger 4 are surprised and react loudly)
Yokoo: But the fact that they were listening means we don't have to worry about actually telling them what we want to say, so isn't it okay?
Kitayama: Mm, yeah~.
Nikaido: Jeez, you older guys are just talking about a bunch of boring things~. Talk about fun things, too~. So, what's the next topic?
Fujigaya: In all seriousness, don't just barge into our discussion like that! (laughs)

HAHAHHAHAHHAhahSunnuntai 17.01.2010 00:52

Selasin kuvia koneella ja Pipo ja Pieni teki samaa Pienen koneella ja samaan aikaan osu näin samiskuvat HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH xDDD Tosi hauskaa!!

jksgdyfeyfhknvnjhfPerjantai 15.01.2010 23:49

kuvaa titon tunteita

(tipahti tuolilta ja pahoinpiteli toiset)

Wolverinekin on ihana!!!!1

Moo ii yoTiistai 12.01.2010 21:38

Olen niin väsynyt tähän.

Onneksi sain Wolverinen (mutta vasta kun maksoin itseni kipeeksi).

Haluan vaan juoda.

KurushiiMaanantai 11.01.2010 17:02

Hashitteite mo tada kurushiku kanjiru dake.

Pahin painajaiseniLauantai 09.01.2010 15:45

Kamiki Ryunosuke